My OCs!

In another universe, there’s a peculiar planet called Eden. It’s a wonderful place to be…on the surface level that is, but Eden’s history is complicated and shrouded in mystery.

I’m just gonna do short descriptions of my children and reveal them bit by bit later.


16/She/Cancer/Pan/Special Needs/Shy/Bubbly

The winged young woman who struggles with life and getting her shit together. She relies on her creativity to get out of sticky situations…most of the time. Pega wants to be many things (A superhero for one), but needs to get her priorities straightened out.

Lady Greenfyre 

Unknown/She/Leo/Bi/Short Fuse/Outgoing/Leader

The short protective older sister of PegaKitty who provides her with a quiet cabin while she delves into magic and mysteries. Her past is shrouded in mystery, and quite frankly, she wants to keep it that way. With her large book, she studies potions, spells, portals, and the strange glass-like pebbles that keep popping up randomly…When she isn’t doing that, she’s caring for her sister and any guests that stop by the cabin.



PegaKitty’s teacher that visits her a few days a week to give her the education she needs. Chronically ill, he has very few spoons each day so he’s very careful with how he spends his energy. He adores losing himself in books, and will talk about what he’s currently reading for hours on end to whoever talks to him. His dreams for the future are unknown.



Nicholas’ part-time caretaker that aids him during the day. Artemis is quiet and modest, dubbing himself the “Honest Gentleman”, but he has a secret hobby late at night that results in laughing so hard he cries. He cares dearly for others and wants to push everyone to do their best. Artemis has plenty of wisdom to boot, too!



A strange lad bearing strong resemblance to PegaKitty, as if he were her from a whole other reality. Since he shares many similarities with the Greek God of Thunder Zeus, he has adopted that as a nickname and doesn’t mind being called either. Though Clarence still has a thunderous temper, he is capable of experiencing the other emotions… to the extreme, unfortunately. He is also an adrenaline junkie, and thanks to his shapeshifting ability he can heal relatively quickly when injured.

Prince Ganthor


An alien runaway prince from a far away planet, he soared the cosmos until plummeting in the backyard of Greenfyre’s Cabin. Thanks to PegaKitty’s healing powers, he recovered significantly and learned her tongue… to an extent. Displaying his unusual abilities of manipulating metal and crafting metal from his own blood, Ganthor proves that anyone can develop bravery. Although Ganthor is gorgeous and graceful (quoth Pega), he’s still a fish out of water and has a long way to go before reclaiming his place on the throne.

And now for the EMPIRE ARC OCs!!!


Physically 28/She/Cancer/Pan/Special Needs/Bubby/Creative

Ruler and creator of the Prism Empire, she’s still the young and bright cat everybody used to know. Her powers are stronger than ever, and can even transform with the power of everybody living in her empire in troublesome times. Still clumsy, still emotional, and still cracking under pressure…but she still manages to keep her cool when needed. Gorgeous and tall, standing at a solid 10 feet, she often bumps into and knocks over objects. Despite her faults, she radiates a gentle light to those around her.

Prince Ganthor


The husband of the Empurress, he’s often joked as being her arm candy. But beneath his elegance and pompous attitude, lies someone deeply insecure. He has his own strengths and big dreams, but he’s often in the way of his own goals by biting off more than he can chew. Easily agitated, he’s not afraid to take his jewelry off and throw down. Because of this, he has few friends…



Ganthor’s chunky and funky panda friend, as well as the royal hunter of the Prism Empire. They’re really shy at first, but might beat you in a drinking contest. She tries to make friends with everybody, but often comes across as a blunt individual. Not afraid to binge shop at the dollar store for stuff they don’t need, but very afraid of making doctor’s appointments. Not afraid to shoot an arrow right into the eye of a deer, but very afraid of maintaining the right amount of eye contact.



An android rescued from an abandoned storage facility. Given new life, he’s very grateful to the light goddess. Very lively and sarcastic, he brings a lot of laughs, especially if there’s an ongoing gag. Not caring much for tradition, he prefers to dance to the beat of his own drum. Although he’s very easy to befriend, he despises darkness. He comes with a cupholder, too!

If you scrolled this far…scroll a little further…

The Void


All that is known of her, is that she is the maker of the universe and the planet Eden, where she once lived. But something happened. And despite many restarts and trying to force herself back into the world of the living, she can’t remember more than that. As her history and impact on her creations are slowly vanishing, she is slowly decaying in the absolute nothingness of the void. But her heart was restored a decade ago by PegaKitty (now Empurress) and all of her friends, thus also restoring one of Eden'a’s gardens from being a nightmare realm. This begs multiple questions; is there some force determined to get rid of her entirely? Is it possible to restore Eden'a back to life? More importantly, is it possible to restore her without breaking the universe she was banished from?