
said this on blsky but *me, slowly and softly banging my fists on the floor* I forget I can draw my kitties kissing. I forget that I can DRAW my kitties KISSING!!!!!!!!

watch the next time i post studies it’s just 10 pages it


more sketch studies of these two. it’s mostly getting anstey’s proportions right and warping cerulean’s sad face like putty


Studied some animal films just to practice Dusk, me precious rat

Anonymous messaged:

Does Anstey know that he’s, y’know, gorgeous n handsome n stuff ? Or is he more so the obliviously dashing type?

I mean, either way hehehehe lucky Cerulean🥹🤌🏼

Haha he knows he’s well groomed at least. But Cerulean for sure knows he’s nabbed the cream of the crop of “moody but handsome men”

And he gonna PROTECC his grab!!!


assorted bich and hughie doodles i torture @sycopomp with (first pic a nataliedecorsair homage)

and taking a leap of faith and posting mild risky shit below… (,,>﹏<,,)

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what if blorbos but i hit them with the capitalism beam

How embarrassing! Unfortunately, I got way too tired and busy for journaling stuff so just gonna archive the pages here

me stuff ft. sohrab, don’t @ me

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they would be very unimpressed

🐚✨ The Silver Savants is a nice lil’ group. Though there are different dynamics to them:

  • Raghunatha is an ex-member, left on his own. He has no malice towards the other members but would rather dislike having to converse with them again
  • Pich is the leader of the group, only due to having been promoted to a higher status than the rest of them (General)
  • Everyone is very much friends with each other… except for Pich. The rest of the crew think of him as a friend, but he does not return the same feelings and they do not realize that
  • Pich thinks everyone is a coworker and wouldn’t bat an eye if members dropped off
  • Pich and Raghunatha have the strongest relationship, though the most complex. They dislike each other, but Raghunatha dislikes Pich the most. However they respect each other to a degree, Pich even more so. Pich also likes to annoy him to near flirtations and it complicates things even more emotionally. But unfortunately- on an intellectual level they understand each other the most
  • Pich and Yada are the most likely to “get shit done” and often go hand in hand
  • Beyzanur and Hue are girl besties and are very wholesome in sharing findings
  • Beyzanur and Janpolad used to have a rivalry but they are very nice to each other now, maybe even like like but that’s a bit of a touchy subject
  • None of the current members of the Savants question Pich’s authority and they do trust his leadership
  • In canon, they keep the kingdom’s history intact. In Human AU they make the institution they represent famous and also pursue their own research freely. They come together to represent accordingly.
  • Topics about Raghunatha are hush hush/taboo and it’s kinda awkward if they all bump into him lol