• Anonymous
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I came across a few of your fish oc while just generally browsing art and was like damn, ok, cute, but the QotSA bathing suit piece showed up and I obliterated the follow button. I almost never leave asks but I had to say I love your art!

HAHA right on man, thank you 🦐👍

  • Anonymous
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Ur fish oc gave me something to look forward to with my bf

He's trans and wants top surgery, but he likes how I love his tits, but they're going away soon. I thought I would miss them

Until I saw your fish oc and was like "bro that looks like my bf without tits... WAIT HES HOT OMFG IM PUMPED FOR MY BF TO GET TOP SURGERY"

Anyway ur ocs are super cool and ur style is amazing 😎

LOL??? i mean damn i’m glad to hear this renewed confidence between you two! fish hips heal all

and thankya :J

Btw seeing your trams characters/art is really nice. In general as I've found more artists depicting trans bodies ota been more and more confidence in myself

aye that’s good to hear!! i’m always glad to hear my ocs resonate with others when it comes to exploring identity

  • Anonymous
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What are rens pronouns? I wanna show them to a transmasc friend of mine and be like "it u" but I don't want him to look into it and find they're just a whole ass woman

ya kinda answered yourself, they/them :y

tho if you wanted to show em transmasc OCs, i have other ones that would probably apply more directly

by @WhimsicalForge on twitterALT