ask me !!!
they/vi/one ,,+' stinky weezer fan ,,+' oh my!
Posted 1 week ago with 1 note
,,+’ intro post! ’+,,

hey, i thought it’d be time that i finally made an intro post again !? because i am swaggy

,,+’ name: riss
,,+’ pronouns: they/them, vi/vim, one/one’s more information on my terms and pronouns here
,,+’ age: 15

,,+’ crazy music enjoyer
,,+’ poet!! read my poetry here
,,+’ neurodivergent (depression, social anxiety, most likely adhd and/or autism)
,,+’ i appreciate any tone indicators used when interacting with me

a gif that reads "welcome to my blog, it is terrible" in glittering lettersALT


,,+’ hobbies: band & marching band, drawing, dnd, camping, hiking, listening to music, writing, making stupid stuff on fl studio, singing, playing guitar and clarinet, playing video games, sitting and rotting in my room

,,+’ interests: psychology, the Moon, witchcraft, theater, coding, astronomy

,,+’ favorite music artists: weezer, shauna dean cokeland, alexis munroe, violent vira, the backseat lovers, banshee, jazmin bean, elita, aphi tenza

a userbox with pinkerton album cover on the left, words reading "this user loves weezer"ALT


anyways, thanks for viewing! have a great day and be nice to people

oh and feel free to put a number in my ask box

a picture that reads "put a number in my ask box" as the title. below is a list of 30 questions. list is as follows:  1.  meaning behind your url 2. biggest weakness 3. biggest strength 4. piercings you have 5. favorite band 6. last dream you had 7. phobia 8. favorite movie 9. color of your hair 10. favorite model 11. favorite flower 12. cats or dogs 13. favorite holiday 14. the last thing you ate 15. your lucky number 16. your name 17. piercings you want 18. idea of a perfect date 19. five things you hate 20. five things you love 21. a random fact 22. favorite item of jewelry 23. favorite body feature 24. tattoos you want 25. favorite blogs 26. what i love about myself 27. what i hate about myself 28. favorite book 29. sweet or salted popcorn 30. someone you missALT
Posted 8 hours ago with 3 notes


A friend who’s in my pants

Tagged: #TRUE,
Posted 8 hours ago with 9 notes


How cool is that? So I went to your room

and read your diaryyyyyy

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