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Bowen | 26 | They/Them
@babbyrat's main blog | @princecrouton's person
Peaceful Sleep

📌 Rat/Bo/Bowen ● They/Them ● 25 ● White ● Autistic

Im just here to talk about my ocs (rb funny things and scream in the tags)
All ocs are tagged by name | #ocs.txt lore/rambling tag

📍 Warning:
I’m dyslexic and do not proof read things. no beta we die like men



just got kicked out of Starbucks for - you guessed it - inventing a special kind of glue that lets me climb up anything.


sory i bought polymer clay earings from uour wifes etsy store and cast one of her thumprints and used it to access your family safe and i stole your comically large bagof money with dolar signs painted on it


Asimov invented the three laws of robotics and spent most of his robot books pulling them apart and exploring why they wouldn’t work but why they couldn’t really be improved, either.

Most robot revolution stories assume the danger is when robots stop obeying us and start thinking for themselves.

Asimov’s stories suggest that the real danger is robots doing exactly what we tell them to.

I think that’s both more realistic and actually scarier.

“This rapid slide from attempted machismo to sweet tender feelings is what happened to the show, too.


This rapid slide from attempted machismo to sweet tender feelings is what happened to the show, too.



I keep quoting “my acocunt” for several months and I just realized it’s from my own screenshot and not a popular post


i’m proposing a new diagnostic critera for autism spectrum testing



put those big brown eyes away dude now is NOT the time


when you’re sick you’re either a prince moder or a dog moder. prince moding is when you demand many little treats, drinks etc. i personally prefer to drag myself off to a secluded corner to either die or recover, aka dog moding



still one of the funniest dms ive ever seen one of my friends recieve

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