Hello. This is going to be a pretty serious note, so sorry to anyone just now finding our Carrd.First off, we want to genuinely apologize to anyone we've inconvenienced by being away from Discord (and our other socials, the few we have) for so long. It wasn't our intention to hurt anyone, nor to even step away this long.Not to excuse our actions at all, but this isn't the first time we've done this - running off and hiding from everyone. It's something we struggle with doing when we're at our lowest. It doesn't happen often per se, but it's still really difficult to deal with ourselves.But that's exactly why we ran off - we're at our lowest, and our current living situations and who we live with aren't exactly helping. We're scared of telling anyone and asking for help due to how we've been treated in the past and now (given who we live with), and it's really hard.This is really being summarized down to not sound dramatic, not give away personal details, or to not sound attention seeking, so sorry if you were expecting to hear juicy details about our life. We're struggling badly, that's all you respectively need to know.We're attempting to get another therapist and get back on medication soon, as well as getting an actual regular doctor. We're also trying to improve our living conditions so hopefully that helps. If things go well we'll be back on Discord within the next few months, next month even if we're lucky. Recovering is a damn battle, but we'll get through we promise. We'll try to keep you all updated through this Carrd, though.Again, we're so so sorry for anyone we've inconvenienced. We keep track of the DMs and mentions we get when we can. We feel extremely guilty and miss you all. We can't wait to talk to you all again when we can. And we'll make up for everything. We're so damn sorry.(We love you, HDC. <3 Thank you for holding our hand through this even if we can't say so much. We think about you CONSTANTLY and miss you so so so much. You'll be getting so much gd lovebombing when we come around we swear.)

❝ Bats in the belfry! ❞

A literal eldritch
21yrs // August 1st
It/its + more (ask)
Allo & ambiam
Art, drawing, & animation
Characters, OCs, & designs
Horror, true crime, schizoposts/hellposts, ARGs/unfiction, & gore
Taxidermy & bone collecting
Video games, speedruns, & glitch hunts
Pokémon, shiny hunting, dexing, & Pokétwo
Writing, worldbuilding, character building, & roleplays
Many YT CCs
Comics (mostly DC mostly Batman)
Anime, manga
FC // 10/09/17
HDC // 09/04/23
( / ^ o ^)/

Pings: Yes
DMs: Yes (unless said otherwise via status, roles, etc.)
Friend Requests: Ask unless we've chatted before
PDA/Touch/Flirting: Ask (unless you're our partner, then yes)
Tonetags: Preferred, but not necessary
Censors: Not needed unless its for bright images
Timezone: EST
Commissions: Open
Art Trades & Requests: Closed
(DM on Discord for art prices & examples)

❝ Rotten on the vine! ❞

Polyfrag DID sys
Trauma-heavy // in recovery
All info under REGARDS is collectively correct; any unlisted info is okay to ask about
This page is more-so a WIP as we figure out what needs to be put here


× He/him + it/its + she/her
× 20 - 50yrs
× Only interested in bats (/hj)
× "Bday": 04/01
× Ask before using the name "Joker"
× Source/memory talk: Yes


× He/him
× 26 - 38yrs
× Bi
× "Bday": 10/24
× Ask before using the name "John"
× Source/memory talk: Ask


× It/its + xe/xim + leech/leeches + more (ask)
× Ageless
× Omni
× "Bday": 06/06
× Source/memory talk: Yes

We only use "we/us" etc. + PK in system spaces & places we're most comfortable -- but [feel free to treat us either as one or as a sys, whatever you're comfortable with]
Autistic & schizoaffective, amongst other disorders -- please be cautious
Our sleep schedule is extremely random, we could be online or asleep at literally any time, awake all the time or asleep all the time - it changes often, bare with us
Our memory is the worst, please remind us (on Discord) if we've missed anything! And sorry if we repeat ourselves often.

Easily triggered, against dark humor, etc.
Trans/dysphoria discoursers
Endos & endo supporters
Anti-mogai, anti-neos/xenos, anti-genderhoarders, anti-pet regressors, anti-age regressors, etc.
Anti-anything we are, tbh
Ship shamers, gatekeepers, etc.
Discord: regards
Toyhouse: Linked! (check 4th page)
Roblox: cheesethrower
HABIT's Tumblr: sxvxntrials (semi-active)