if you are on this list, that means you are not allowed to receive characters/adopts (even second hand) or commission art from me. if you owned one of my designs before you were blacklisted, that is fine. thank you.some reasons for being blacklisted will be shown for others to be aware. i cant share all due to personal reasons

  • shizusuits/BasilPPNG (TH): sexist + victim blamer + owner of CP artwork

  • bandkit.70304/bandkit (TH): past friend, did a lot of fucked stuff. stalker, manipulator and more. also remove my birthday from ur name dude

  • jay/Ferretsimp (TH): rude, immature, big rule breaker. trolls for the fun of it.

  • bandu/oops_69 (TH): scammer and ghoster, uses mental health as an excuse

  • /PlasticSporkz_/EXPUNGED_DAT_/XPUNGED (TH): bandu’s past partner, enabled his actions, gate keeps mental disabilities they aren’t diagnosed with, falsely accused someone of grape and SA, and has said some very out of pocket homicidal stuff

  • zapiex/zayinator/zapiex (TH): is friends with xpunged, took a custom they made for someone half way through making it, which made the person upset bc it was their ideas zapiex just took bc they wanted to. many rude comments, broke many rules in my server, and much more.

  • sodaplush & friends: will not elaborate. looking to put everything behind us. i have not been mature in this, but neither have you. we are both doing the wrong stuff and approaching it poorly. I want to forget it all and have it never brought up again. this is not me asking to be friends, I’d prefer we don’t talk. we learn and forget

  • splintered_psych: has made up reasons for why I was in a psych ward, and used it as a weapon to strike me while I was down which is disgusting. you are no better than my mods you claim are bad people. claims I’m ableist for having trouble reading some long paragraphs? and overall has been a very bad person to me, which is very sad to see as she has been very nice to me in the past. very unfortunate