Hi! Im bad at consistently posting but i DO draw things sometimes :)

Social media/art related accounts I have and use:

this account

flight rising blog - @sandcastle-clan

art fight (Sandcastle)

toyhouse (Sandcastle)

cohost (Sandcastle, haven’t posted anything there yet)

anyone posting my art on other sites probably isn’t me.

Tag directory below cut (long-ish list)

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aww so cutes


happy birthday 2 meee ^-^

I’m 21 today! I feel like I’ve done a lot of growing this past year, both as a person and as an artist. I’m so happy to be myself and I’m also so happy for all the wonderful friends I’ve had along the way!

Thank you all for being part of my little corner of the internet πŸ’–



[art fight attack] - Espion7971’s character Ire! :)
