Quick update

Beginning its development in 2017, it’s been… quite a while now. The biggest change in the project has been the somewhat abrupt change of engine: aside from the walls I kept hitting with how Tyranobuilder works, its developers first letting their website redirect to malware sites for months until sinking into the NFT hell and going - from what I understood - bankrupt and selling the engine to a new company, I have made the difficult decision to move & finish the project in Renpy instead.

In terms of the actual material for the game, I want to say it’s 80-90% complete. Majority of the material is already inserted, with the exception of some of the last few days of the in-world timeline, a few NPC sprites and general CGs.

Despite how long it’s been taking and how “old and outdated” that game now feels to me 5+ years later, I’m going to finish it no matter what. It may suffer from old sprites with varying qualities and some plot beats and writing I don’t necessarily entirely agree with, but at this point I just want to finish it. I hope people will understand when I’ll make 2019 as its “true” completion year as that’s the point where I was done with the actual script and its edits and beta reading. More than making a perfect game, I just want to have a finished game.

I finished putting all the text into the game engine :^) 

I know this doesn’t sound like much but it actually is a lot and I’m getting closer and closer to the finish line!!

“Brush test from a few months back that got totally out of hand
“Brush test from a few months back that got totally out of hand


Brush test from a few months back that got totally out of hand 



Once more a tiny update to show I’m not dead! Most of my progress right now is just not visible since I’m working on non-visual things atm and I don’t want to spoil people with all NPC sprites I have haha. Anyway I have inserted text to weeks 1-6 now and I only have 7-8 left and I have already started 7! We’re living exciting times!!!! 

Been busy with uni + uni burnout lmao but still working albeit slower, here’s hoping I can pick up pace once I’m a bit more rested!

Life continues to throw unpleasant surprised at me but I’m close to having inserted all the text into the game!! :3c and since most of the material is also done I’m definitely closer to the finishing line than the starting line 


Once more a tiny update to show I’m not dead! Most of my progress right now is just not visible since I’m working on non-visual things atm and I don’t want to spoil people with all NPC sprites I have haha. Anyway I have inserted text to weeks 1-6 now and I only have 7-8 left and I have already started 7! We’re living exciting times!!!! 

Been busy with uni + uni burnout lmao but still working albeit slower, here’s hoping I can pick up pace once I’m a bit more rested!


Hey, back up your game files. :)

“forest of fairies (oc)
“forest of fairies (oc)


forest of fairies (oc)
