Community Staff and Helpers

The Community Staff and Helpers are separated into two groups: Staff Members and Community Helpers.

Staff Members are people with some kind of authority in the group and can do things like enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community, this group is made up of: The Owner, Co-Owner(s), and Moderators. 

Community Helpers are people who help the community with different things but have no authority and can not do things like enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community, this group is made up of: Artists, Guest Artists, and Species Helpers.

Below you can find a list of the positions, what each position can do, and if applications are open or closed.

Staff Members


The Owner of the Species and Community -- The person in charge | First-in-Command
Applications? Closed - Never Available
OC: Cordelia | Art by: Bluekittyhorse


Email - HubAmino/TCCAmino - CS - TH - Discord: Bluekittyhorse#4586

Species: All


The people who mainly help with the Species and Community | Second-in-Command
Applications?: Closed - Not Available

No Co-Owners


The people who help moderate the Species and Community | Third-in-Command
Applications?: Closed

No Moderators Yet

Community Helpers


The people who help keep the Community active by making Adopts - Hold no authority to enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community
Applications?: Open

No Artists Yet

Guest Artists

The people who help keep the Community active by making Adopts, only temporary but may become Artists later on - Hold no authority to enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community
Applications?: Open

No Artists Yet

Species/World Helpers

The people who help make updates to the Species and/or World and create new concepts and ideas - Hold no authority to enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community without an Owner/Co-Owner's direct permission
Applications?: Open

No Species Helpers Yet

Event Team Members

The people who help keep the Community active by creating and hosting events - Hold no authority to enforce rules outside of events and make changes to the Species/Community
Applications?: Open
OC: xxx | Art by: xxx

Irine Iromote

HubAmino - Discord: Maria [Irene Iriomote]#0489

Species: Austrat Sveargiths, Bixlues