☁️ Glowworms ☁️

(Artwork by DAHLEEA)

"Glowworms are these little critters that can be found across our territory. If you collect them you can exchange them for stuff! Juniperseed and I love those little fellas...but I fear she may snack on them...anyhow! The more you offer, the greater the item you can trade them for!"

You can see how many Glowworms you have in this document!

◇ Our Art Turn In channel of our Discord server is where you can turn in art, literature and more in exchange for Glowworms!

◇ Updates are typically posted every Wednesday by Eternal and Saturday by Yue!

◇ Glowworms will be given to you in a Ticket thread set up by a staff member. If you do not have a counting thread but hsve turned in a piece, please let us know ASAP!

◇ Please do not use the work, rob, etc, commands from UnbelievsBoat to earn currency! If you do, it'll be taken from you by a staff member.

◇ If you are turning in a piece made on a base, plesse credit whoever made it! You can earn different amounts if it is a base done by someone else and bases done by yourselves.

◇ Keep in mind that if it is Eternal's turn to count Glowworms that he may ask you whether or not your character is shaded if he cannot see it! Putting a note in your turn-in post as to whether it is s flat or shaded image isn't necessary but is much appreciated 🙏.

◇ If you are turning in a piece made by multiple users, please put who did which bits! For example, if Person A did the lineart and colour of a piece and Person B did the shading and background, that's what you'd add!

◇ A word count for the author of the literature piece or all of the participants of a roleplay must be included (as well as the number of Daily Life posts if applicable) in your document and Turn-In post!

◇ If you're not sure if something youre working on can count for Glowworms, what it would count as, etc, please dont hesitate to ask!


Done by Others

+3 Glowworms

A piece that has been done on a base/lineart by someone else.

Done by You

+6 Glowworms

A piece that has been done on a base/lineart that is your personal base.

Uncoloured Sketches


+1 Glowworms

An uncoloured sketch of a character from the neck up.


+2 Glowworms

An uncoloured sketch of a character from the shoulders up.


+3 GW

An uncoloured sketch of a character from the back or the waist up.


+4 GW

An uncoloured sketch of a full character.

coloured Sketches


+5 GW

A coloured sketch of a character from the neck up.


+6 GW

A coloured sketch of a character from the shoulders up.


+7 GW

A coloured sketch of a character from the back or the waist up.


+8 GW

A coloured sketch of a full character.

Clean Coloured


+9 GW

A lined and coloured drawing of a character from the neck up.


+10 GW

A lined and coloured drawing of a character from the shoulders up.


+11 GW

A lined and coloured drawing of a character from the back or the waist up.


+12 GW

A lined and coloured drawing of a full character.



+2 GW

The character is minimally shaded (head, legs, etc), overlays, etc


+5 GW

The whole character is shaded.

Complex Shading

+10 GW

A rendered character that includes in-depth shading, lighting, etc.



+2 GW

This includes backgrounds with solid colours/gradients/patterns or is an image from Google or another search engine.


+10 GW

Minimal scene elements (e.g. grass, flowers, etc. without other scene elements).


+20 GW

A foreground, midground & background with full scene elements (e.g. landscapes).


Character Bonus

+2 GW

Drawing a player character that is not yours.

NPC Bonus

+5 GW

Drawing any of our non-playable characters.

Meme Template Completion

+10 GW

Completing any of our official meme templates.

Activity Check Submission

+15 GW

Self-explanatory: just complete the activity check if there is one ongoing!

Weekly Prompt Completion

+20 GW

Draw or write about your character(s) in relation to the current Weekly Prompt!

Drawn Application Completion

+20 GW

Adding your character's application art to the new drawn application template.



+2 GW per frame of animation

Frame by frame animations, GIFs, MAPs, PMVs, etc.


+1 Daily Life Post

+1 GW

You will earn 1 Glowworm for every Daily Life post you submit! These will need to be logged in a Google Doc, Word document, etc, and require a 'daily count' to be included in your document.

+10 Words

+2 GW

You will earn 2 Glowworms for every 10 words from any kind of literature, whether it be Daily Life logs (AKA, a document containing all of your daily posts with a word count & a daily count), literature pieces, roleplay logs, etc!
