☁️ General Rules ☁️

◇ You must fully read and understand all of the information on this website; our site explains all of our rules, mechanics, etc, and is very important for you to have done so! If you can't find a certain piece of information, make sure to click on the arrows on each tab to view their respective sub-tabs before asking us in our QNA channel.

◇ You must be at least 13 years of age to join! This roleplay contains sensitive and serious OOC and IC topics that may not be suitable for you; please proceed at your own discretion. If you join the group and are found to be younger than 13, you will be kicked from the group and reported for breaking Discord's TOS.

◇ Firefly Creek runs on Eastern Standard Time, AKA, EST! Please be mindful of everyone's time zones; this will affect our availability for moderation, communication, etc.

◇ You must have a Discord account to join Firefly Creek; this is where all the main activity, action, role-playing, etc, for Firefly Creek happens and you will not be able to properly participate in our roleplay! A DeviantArt or Toyhouse account, however, is not necessary but is definitely encouraged so we can submit your character to our DeviantArt group and our Toyhouse world!

◇ Respect everyone so they can respect you in return; Firefly Creek is supposed to be a fun, friendly environment and we take the comfort of everyone, whether it be our fellow staff members, members or visitors, very seriously, meaning that we will not tolerate any kind of discrimination, inappropriate behaviour, spreading drama, etc, within our group.

◇ Swearing is a-okay, both OOC and IC, as long as it is not extreme or divulges into slurs! You may use both IRL swears or Warrior Cats ones, it’s up to you!

◇ Artwork that is not your own (bases/lineart, commissions, etc) may be used for things like application art, hypokittens, etc, as long as the appropriate credit is given to the original artist!

◇ Theft, tracing, copying, heavily referencing, etc. of someone else's work, whether it be artwork, characters or writing, is strictly prohibited and we will do our best to investigate anyone who may be culpable of doing so.

◇ Please try to remain active within the OOC channels and with your characters! We understand that not everyone can be online 24/7, however, we would greatly appreciate being notified if you intend to go on hiatus for a considerable amount of time or if you plan to leave the group! This is so we have the proper chance to discuss what is going to happen to your character/s with you beforehand! Otherwise, the fate of your characters will be left to the hands of the staff team and may not be what you envisioned for them.

◇ If you wish to return to the group, you will unfortunately not be able to re-use any of your previous character/s or Glowworms, as your characters will have left or been killed off and your Glowworms will have been reset to 0. It is, however, possible for your characters to remain in the group if it is plotted before you and/or your character/s departs!

◇ If you do not want to, are unable to, etc, plot your character/s to stay and they have already taken their leave, they will be unable to be brought back under any circumstances.

◇ Any and all plots require discussion in a ticket with both the staff team and any of your fellow members who are involved, if applicable, so we can make sure it’s something that could actually happen and so we are kept in the loop of yours and your fellow members aforementioned plotting! A plot can range from a character becoming sick, getting a severe injury, encountering a predator or future character/s, bringing in a character coming in as pregnant or alongside kittens, leaving & returning after a certain amount of time, being killed off, taking the life of another character and much more.

◇ If you have ongoing drama with a member or members, please try to sort things out between yourselves before coming to us! We do not allow the discussion of drama, name-dropping, witch-hunting, etc, in any of our channels.

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◇ Don't target a character just because you do not like their roleplayer; if you want to avoid interacting with a particular member, you do not have to, just please try to be respectful about it!

◇ Please refrain from mini-modding! Mini-modding is when a regular member does something that only the staff team should be doing, such as;

□ Enforcing our rules.

□ Answering questions in our QNA channel before we have a chance to do so ourselves; you may be unknowingly giving false information.

□ Tagging members for announcements, reminders, counting & approving submissions and/or purchases, events, etc.

□ Counting or approving your own submissions and/or purchases.

□ Etc!

◇ We would appreciate that you do not copy and paste or take blatant inspiration from our formatting, mechanics, etc, unless it has been discussed and agreed upon between us and the other roleplay group's staff team beforehand!

◇ While we are more than open to discussing a new rule or a change in our system for something you want to do or want for your character/s, please do not intentionally try to find loopholes in our rules, mechanics, etc!

◇ Keep tone tagging in mind; a lot of our members use it in our OOC channels! You can read more information about what tone tagging is, what each tag means, how to use them, etc, here!

◇ While this is not a hard rule, please keep in mind that not everyone is comfortable with being tagged directly, tagged via replies and/or DMed and may appreciate being asked beforehand!

◇ Spam should be kept to our Media & Spam channel so to not overwhelm members and so that OOC conversations are not buried! This includes text, images/GIFS, emojis/emojis/stickers, etc. Spam-pinging, however, is strictly prohibited.

◇ Advertisement posts must be kept to our Self Promotion channel; you can post every 12 hours, meaning that there should only be 2 posts in the channel per day! We allow the advertisement of commissions, art & design trades, adoptables, etc, however, we do not allow the advertisement of other roleplay groups. If someone is interested in the group after you've discussed it or shared your work from it and wants to know more about it, please keep it to DMs, however, we ask that you also do not send unsolicited DMs to advertise!

◇ If you ever feel uncomfortable, if there is someone you believe is a genuine threat to our community, etc, please, let a member of the staff team know ASAP! We are more than happy to help you and will always take the feelings of our members into consideration first and foremost, however, please try to avoid rushing us or asking passive-aggressive/interrogative/etc questions; we all have our own lives and responsibilities outside of Firefly Creek and do not always have time for the group.

◇ If you have any questions, queries or worries about anything related to Firefly Creek, you are more than welcome to ask away in our QNA channel or contact us via a Ticket!
