Fantasy books about bugs.

 Note: This website is under construction!

There are many rough edges, placeholders, and missing images, plus a few pieces of wonky HTML. Unfortunately some things will remain empty until Deathborn's release. Sorry about that!

Kingdom Arthropoda is an animal fantasy book series about insects and other arthropods fighting to survive in a huge, perilous world.

All walks of arthropod life will be featured, from the iconic hymenopteran trio of ants, wasps, and bees, to moths, beetles, centipedes, spiders, and maybe even lobsters or shrimp. This series will blend true facts of arthropod life with the fantastical to create an animal fantasy you're sure to enjoy whether you like creepy crawlies or not!

Latest Release

(Under Construction!)


The first Kingdom Arthropoda book, Deathborn, is currently being worked on! It is on its second draft. (Click here or go to the News tab to read more.)