
Alt display

Dispals (Scrapped)

(Display Pals)
One of the earliest planned projects that was later scrapped.
They were originally planned to act as a base with multiple options and are basically the predecessor idea of Kittvs.

Unlike Kittvs, they were planned to be more chonky, mainly walking on 2 legs


Offsets are unrelated designs that are not part of any big design project like Kittv or CubitS1.
Companion designs of various shapes, that don't follow any specific rule sets and are done on the side.
Unlike the main projects, Offsets are not funded and will in most cases not receive work in form of 3D modelling and further manufactoring.

Offsets may include scrapped designs, that were never approved in the process, waiting to be adapted by one who is willing to.

Their name Offset is basically based on the fact, that they are not set on specific project and are not categorized.

First batch of sketched out Offset-designs.

Unnamed Turret

Currently nicknamed Tür or Puppy, these turrets aim to assist you in turning your insecurities into securities!
They are puppy like companions equipped with built-in guns and weaponry to keep your personal space safe from threats, such as robbery, assault and threatening glances on the street.

Their production is currently not set and in planning phase.
As of now, they are one of the most complex out of all mass models

Future Plans

Series of drone like companions are planned, that may resemble beetles and ladybugs in regards of wings and protection.