The Inquisitors


The Inquisitors, called Watchers or Paranoids depending on how polite the speaker wishes to be, are readily acknowledged by other Unchained as the masters of intelligence gathering. Some say they’re paranoid conspiracy theorists who hoard information others need, but more charitable souls consider them to be justifiably prudent and cautious intelligence gatherers who might be the best chance the demons have to gain permanent leverage over the God-Machine.

Inquisitors generally choose their Agenda because of an affinity for knowledge. They devoutly believe that knowledge is power; by that philosophy, they gather all the information they can while denying it to the God-Machine. While many Watchers are simply prudent, the Agenda is steeped in an atmosphere of paranoia. The Fall came unexpectedly — what else could change without warning? Angelhood is predictable, mortality is not. The Paranoids often don’t handle that uncertainty well.

The Inquisitors see the world in the terms of an intelligence agency. Everything is a risk or potential advantage, and usually both at once. They focus on scraps of rare information and take steps to ensure that they know about it, and nobody else. Not even other Inquisitors. Needless to say, members of this Agenda don’t show each other unnecessary trust. Who knows who might be a secret Exile? But many scraps of useful lore have been locked away by others — if not other Paranoids, then other supernatural beings and even humans. So the Watchers play a game of risk, selling scraps of their own information in return for scraps from others, always trying to sell as little as possible for the greatest returns. Only thus can the most vital nuggets and tidbits be kept safe from the God-Machine.


WATCHER: An informal term for an Inquisitor.

PARANOID: A demeaning term for an Inquisitor.


The Inquisitors believe in a personal Hell. Hell, to them, is found within. It’s a state of mind that can only be reached through attaining enlightenment. They know that wisdom exists somewhere out there. They intend to find it. The most important rule of the Paranoid Descent is this: Be on your guard. Anything could be a trap, any slip could cost you dearly, anyone could be out to get you. As a corollary to this, the Watcher knows she can’t work alone. To be on your own is death. They therefore dearly value reliable allies, particularly other demons. Many prefer to find allies elsewhere, maintaining only a few contacts among the other Paranoids, thus avoiding rivalry for information.

Their Descent focuses around gathering information, although many find they need to take breaks and relax lest the nickname “Paranoids” truly become fitting. Intelligence gathering is also more than sitting alone in front of your computer, although for some Watchers, the Descent does take that form. The truly skilled Inquisitors have a network of contacts and semi-trusted allies, built up through socialization and favors and even blackmail. Many are also conscious to make themselves valuable — after all, what better way to forestall betrayal? Occasional undercover work is common — Inquisitors are always following up leads. Some even try to go undercover as other supernatural beings.

At their heart, the Inquisitors are a pessimistic bunch. No victory is a given against the God-Machine. One can only stall, and maybe gain an advantage and improve one’s situation every so often. So they play the long game, trying to delay the inevitable until they can find their enlightenment and descend to Hell. This requires constant vigilance. They can never truly relax — instead, they sleep with one eye open. Some buckle under the strain and end up making a fatal mistake almost deliberately. It’s the price to be paid, and those who break are generally viewed with pity.


Inquisitors tend to pick Covers that give them access to information. They often find it useful to pose as journalists, professors, archivists, and detectives, both police and private. Second only to Saboteurs in terms of paranoia — a side effect of spending so much time looking into the world’s secret history and following the movements of its secret masters — Inquisitors are also likely to take on Covers that are expedient and innocuous, the better to keep their true natures hidden from those they seek to investigate. Because gathering information can be a slow process, Integrators value their Covers. Whether an Inquisitor identifies strongly with a Cover or not, he won’t throw it away, simply because it may come with laboriously gathered contacts and a huge library of stored information.

When it comes to humans, Inquisitors often have a sense of superiority. As demons, they are capable of understanding the universe and acting on that understanding with more power than most humans could even imagine. Humans are subject to the world’s rules; demons can hack that system, accessing back doors and secret codes, playing the game in an entirely different way. In their endless quest to learn all the universe’s secrets, Inquisitors frequently lose sight of the human lives all around them. Their heads are just too full of arcane secrets and conspiracies.

The stated goal of the Inquisitors is to either manipulate the God-Machine or find a way for demons to escape its attention. Either way, some Inquisitors don’t think that their endgame will have much of an effect on the lives of humans. They believe that they tread lightly upon the human world because it isn’t really theirs: someday they will find their own place, and for better or worse they will never have to deal with humans again.


To some Inquisitors, Hell is a state of enlightenment, also referred to as the Second Fall. If being an angel means having no freedom and being a demon means having some, then Hell is the state of complete liberation. The Watchers readily agree that this is all conjecture, but to them, it seems logical that if an angel can have a sudden revelation and Fall to mortality, then a demon can have another epiphany and Fall again. All they need is the right scrap of information to trigger this state of enlightenment.

This view is called internalism, or the internalist Descent. Within the Agenda, three other significant lines of thought exist, adherents of which often dismiss internalism as wishful thinking based on no solid evidence. The first is the shutdown doctrine, which maintains that the God-Machine must have an off switch — after all, surely It must have foreseen the possibility of needing one. The shutdown proponents want to find this trigger and activate it. The second one is theo-separatism, which believes in pursuing knowledge of Etudes and Cadenzas and other paranormal means in order to split the universe in two, leaving the God-Machine in one half, and the Unchained in the other. The final major branch of Inquisitor thought on Hell is the lost cause doctrine. These demons believe that Hell itself is a pipe dream, and the best that can be hoped for is a slow defeat.

  • The Internalists seek to find the right scrap of information that will trigger the Second Fall, elevating their mind to a state of total freedom

  • The Shutdown Doctrine seeks to construct the off switch of the God-Machine to free themselves

  • Theo-Separatism is a mindset that seeks to use paranormal means (Etudes and Cadenzas, but also other supernatural arts) to split reality in two, separating themselves in two from the reach of the God-Machine

  • The Lost Cause Doctrine believes that Hell is fantasy and concern themselves with protecting themselves from the inevitable onslaught of the God-Machine


A Watcher is often an extremely valuable ring member. They rank as the least numerous of the four Agendas and the most scattered, but most members are practiced at watching their backs and excel at gathering information. That said, these demons aren’t termed the Paranoids for no reason — they are the single most likely Agenda to abandon ship at the first sign of betrayal, and to be the ones who start the circle of plots and backstabbing in the first place. For this reason, they are often seen as calculated risks as ringmates.

With the Paranoids being fairly insular and suspicious of each other, an Inquisitor-only group is fairly rare. Most tend to form organically rather than being founded deliberately. By nature, the Watchers tend not to work together too well — members of these rings or agencies gradually grow obsessed with keeping information from each other. That said, those single-Agenda groups that are formed by Inquisitors become significant power factors in the local Unchained community, sitting as they do on vast piles of information collected through their pooled talents. This breeds resentment, but the Paranoids usually expect this result and are prepared for it.


Inquisitors are best known for their obsession with acquiring knowledge, but most of them ultimately crave safety. They don’t want to have to spend their lives looking over their shoulders to make sure their secrets are safe from anyone and anything that might hurt them or those they care about. Acquiring intelligence is simply a means to that end. It comforts the Paranoid when they know that they can easily use blackmail, bribes, or misdirection to keep danger away from their doorstep.


While all Paranoids take a keen interest in the God-Machine and its projects, not all of them do so out of pure intellectual curiosity. Many simply want to be safe from their creator and its servants; remaining vigilant against the unsleeping Machine is simply a means to that end. If one of these Inquisitors manages to secure a stable, unobtrusive place in human society, they are usually happy to go under the radar forever. They’re glad to settle down with a family in a little house with a white picket fence in a suburb and live quietly. To a demon who Fell because they wanted to live ordinarily, it is the definition of Hell.


Paranoids know better than any demons that constant vigilance is simply the price an outcast pays for freedom. Collecting intelligence on the Enemy can be extremely dangerous even for a careful Agent, however, so some Inquisitors aspire to positions from which they can monitor the God-Machine’s projects without exposing themselves to Its scrutiny. In this ideal world of the Root User, the demon can sift through intelligence reports or surveillance logs with a few keystrokes, picking out minute patterns that could indicate imminent God-Machine activity. They may then decide whether to investigate or avoid that activity.


Many Inquisitors seek to be the Spider at the center of the web, sensitive to the vibrations of the God-Machine thanks to the connections they have forged with their fellow demons. When they learn of new Projects, these Paranoids need not investigate personally to assess its capabilities. They instead direct other Unchained to the area to gauge its nature. If the project’s goals are unlikely to conflict with the Inquisitor’s, they might instruct their allies to allow it to progress. If the project poses a threat to the Paranoid’s interests, they direct their allies to disrupt or destroy it. At no time must the Spider risk Cover to protect themself from the Enemy.


The greatest advantage the God-Machine possesses is Its understanding of and ability to exploit arcane physics. This is what allows It to generate the occult matrices that summon angels, manipulate time and space, and perform countless other seemingly impossible tasks. To understand the principles behind these exceptions to the Universe’s inviolable laws is the Holy Grail of the most ambitious Inquisitors. Some Paranoids devote generations of Covers to studying the secret science of the God-Machine. The Paranoid who unlocks the greatest secrets of arcane physics could theoretically do anything the God-Machine can.