
This is the official masterlist for Shikaro. Each masterlist entry is given a theme and color to make it easier to search for your Shikaro. To find your Shikaro, you can use the search option on the site, or use CTRL + F on this page.

Owner: MWINS

Color: Black

Owner: Shenlan

Color: Grey

Owner: MWINS

Color: Brown

Owner: zirlia

Color: Blue

Owner: Eqho

Color: Black

S0014 - Angelic Messenger 

Owner: Eqho 

Color: Brown

S0015 - MYO Ticket 

Owner: Kuroyami-san 

Color: N/A

S0016 - Ibex 

Owner: Lawnmower 

Color: Brown

S0017 - Pumpkin dream 

Owner: pumpkinsquidprincess 

Color: Orange

S0018 - MYO Ticket 

Owner: NoFyx 

Color: N/A

S0019 - The Forest Seeker 

Owner: Shenlan 

Color: Gray 

S0020 - MYO Ticket 

Owner: Stumpspirit 

Color: N/A

S0021 - MYO Ticket 

Owner: iiRavenRook 

Color: N/A