Below will be my TOS
please read through if you are interested in buying art or characters from me :)


By commissioning me you agree to follow all of the below rules, if you do not agree with any of the following please do not commission me.
all of my prices are in USD

1. I have every right to decline your commission order2. You MUST pay upfront no matter the circumstance.3. You may use your finished art with credit, You do NOT need to credit me in your bio for profile pictures.
-^do not remove my signature
4.I do not do refunds unless a problem happens on my behalf, or an emergency occurs on your part.5. wait time can be between one day to two months, be patient.please do not ask to order if you don't have the money


Before commissioning a design/buying a design made by must you agree to these terms.

1.You may alter the design in anyway, species, colour, name, pronouns, gender, etc.
(do not completely change the design beyond recognition. The only exception to this is if you were inspired by the original concept and want to drastically change things- in this case contact me first.) me for the original design, do not claim that you've made it. if you're unsure of how to credit please ask not resell for more than what you've bought it for UNLESS you have given said character more art. ( Yes, this includes art YOU have made, and art trades if discussed with both parties.)4. Payment plans are welcome, with a time limit of 7 days unless discussed otherwise.

© sixsinarts2020. All rights reserved.