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Site created : 14.04.22 • Last updated: 08.12.23

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{{WELCOME.}}; SKULLZ (#131758)

Basic info
Names: Owen/Cain/Arlo
My very cool pronouns
Fandoms or just stuff i like??
MHA/Dan Vs/Haikyuu

-I often swear a lot or have vulgar talk and like giving my opinion on many topics angrily, I may draw gore/nudity sometimes but they will ALWAYS have a trigger warning and/or sensitive on
-I VERY frequently post/talk about KiriBaku, IzuOcha and MomoJirou as they are part of my special interest on MHA and I am Bakugou, Kirishima and Deku irl/srs I would appreciate No Bakugou’s or Deku’s interacted with me at all as it makes me extremely uncomfortable and makes me feel like I’m not real Kirishima’s are free to interact whenever they want tho!!!
-I am a ND, Gay, Trans, disabled guy with a bunch of health and mental issues so I may sometimes casually vent or talk about my troubles and life if that makes you uncomfortable I suggest leaving!!!
Other important stuff you better read this😈😈😈
-I am a system of 5 (4 others and me the host) we may clarify in some posts that it was someone else who drew it, we will not be posting drawings of ourselves (for now) except for me (Owen) and Cain!!
- I won’t be using a lot of very specific terms or anything hard to understand and talking about it a lot as Im still looking into DID in a more in depth way!!
-I won’t really be using sign offs unless needed we will state who’s who by just name!!


-Against Neopronouns and Xenogenders
-A Pedophile/MAP/Zoophile/ZooSadist/ProShipper or support these
-Believe “Blackwashing” exists and Whitewash POC characters
-A Fujoshi/Fundashi/Himedanshi
-Sexualize Minors (Fictional and Real)
-Ship real people
-A TransMed/TransScum/RadFem
-A Christian who forces religion onto others speak openly about the love for Christianity(this makes me personally uncomfortable)
-A Fan of DSMP/Dream
-Ridicule Mentally ill and Disabled Folk
-Say Mental illnesses and Disabilities aren’t real
-Claim people are faking disabilities/Mental illnesses without proof
-Hate on OtherKin/Fictionkin/Any type of kin folk
-Hate on Systems/Plurals (I do not have a say on specific types of systems but even if they’re “faking” they still deserve help/care)
-Support Pedophilic/Abusive/Incestuous/NonCon ships
-Are/Were an Abuser/Manipulator or support these
-Watch gore and think you’re cool for it (what the fuck)
-Steal/Repost/Trace/Claim art without permission/without credit
-A EndHawks(abused x abuser) and Bakudeku shipper (if you’re a mutual and ship these you’re on extremely thin ice and I recommend you don’t talk to me about these ever)