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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


centrist guy in 1970 seeing university anti-vietnam war protests in the news


The difference, of course, being that university students in the 1970s stood a good chance of being drafted, and therefore had a direct material interest in opposing the Vietnam war, because the war’s continuation could very well get them killed.

These students, by contrast, are taking a conflict that fundamentally isn’t about them and doesn’t involve them (with the exception of Palestinian-Americans and others with familial relationships in the conflict area), and using it as an excuse to play-act their revolutionary fantasies in a setting they know they’re safe to do so in, secure in the knowledge that push won’t come to shove in the form of something like a draft.

It’s also worth pointing out that the Vietnam protests could legitimately be described as anti-war. Judging by the tenor of these particular protests (and rhetorically analyzing the content of chants, posters, signs, etc.), this round of protest could, at best, be described as a mixed bag: in a “some of them are anti-war, for sure, but a non-insignificant number of them are really just fine with war, they’re only upset their side isn’t winning” way.


Here at Kent State the survivors of the 1970 shooting are going out of their way to support the student protesters. Keep their name out of your mouth.

If anything is "privileged," it's acting superior to an anti-war protest from the sidelines.


Drafting was not the only reason people protested. In the vietnam war, like now, universities were outsourced by the US to develop weapons. Agent Orange was developed in part by several major US universities. Students are protesting the use of their educational funds for military occupation. This makes complete and total sense, there is absolutely no justification for a University to supply resources for the destruction of lives and homes- doubly so when Israel has been bombing Gaza's schools while occupied.


fellas is it privileged to care about genocide even if you aren't directly impacted by it????


my guys, 35% of my school's engineering funding comes from the department of defense. our work and our tuition is used to kill people so i think we have a damn good reason to protest? and also, we clearly aren't safe given that the police have been shooting at students? the war is at home as much as it is abroad. Also, I kinda doubt y'all would've cared about Vietnam war protestors back then, much less the Vietnamese victims. Don't go acting like you won't be all sad and supportive of the students protesting the Israeli occupation when the damage has been done.


you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!

unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!

tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.

bonus rules:

  • you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
  • take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
  • apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
  • have fun and be yourself!
shellder and lunatone alright interesting

“this doesn’t affect me so I don’t care about it and I’m sick of hearing about it” bestie people caring about others’ suffering that doesn’t otherwise impact them and trying to spread the word or do something about it even on a small scale is a gateway to positive change.

idk im mad about a 'discussion' i had recently i wish i could get it through this person's head just bringing it up is going to be shut down immediately i get being sick of hearing about all the terrible things going on and “politics” but you know what i'm sick of innocent people dying and the apathetic-ass “if it doesn't affect my life it doesn't matter and i don't care about it” sentiment so many people throughout history have fought for others rights and protested against injustices that didn't affect them personally idk maybe this person will grow out of this mindset i know theyve got a lot going on and maybe adding foreign politics is just too much to add to the plate but i dont feel like i can talk to them the same way as before right now might delete later



hesbythecampfire is operated by the Revenge Porn Helpline which is part of SWGfL, a charity that believes that everyone should benefit from technology, free from harm. Founded in 2000, SWGfL works with a number of partners and stakeholders around the world to protect everyone online

Sounds legit


Now that Israel had destroyed practically all housing units in Gaza, it is now striking literal tents where displaced Palestinians had sought refuge.

At least 15 people were killed and dozens injured today in an Israeli attack on refugee tents in Al Mawasi, an area designated as a safe zone by Israel.



Although this post is originally from March, just wanted to remind everyone that Israel is still targeting tents. The last attack was yesterday (April 30) when Israel struck tents in Rafah with literal firebombs.