The Channeler: Chapter 1



She woke with a jolt, clutching the white silken sheets so tightly that her claws tore through the fabric. Gripped, suddenly, by the feeling that she was clawing for life, the young dragon bolted out of bed and tumbled into the wooden wheelchair next to it.

Clinging to the frame, she summoned up what magic she could muster and shoved herself over to the wide window across the room. Unsteady claws clutched at the lock, and finally she slammed it open, collapsing on the sill to gasp in sweet, pure summer night air.

She lay there with her head on the windowsill for a moment, her chest heaving, but panic still welled up and choked the air from her throat. Something was changing inside her. Insides shifting, energy awakening, and – at the same time – beginning to slip away.

With every breath she took, the clock was ticking down. Sands in the hourglass falling. And when they ran out…

They called it the Change, in those books she’d spent so many long days poring over. Every dragon went through it. As their innate magical energy grows and grows, it becomes too strong to be contained within their body and they begin to emit their aura. For most young dragons, it was a time of celebration.

For her, it was a death sentence.

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TIS AU where Ever finds out how to bring Lily to the Dragon Realms

TIS AU where Auren lives and he and Ever can actually pursue a relationship

TIS AU where Ever has magic powers and also has to hide a superhero secret identity alongside being human

TIS AU where Tarrok actually gets Ever's hood off and she has to explain what a human is to the council

TIS AU where Ever goes back to Earth but all the Misfits find their way to follow her to the human world too

TIS AU where Ever goes to wake up Spyro early and completely alters the canon game events

TIS AU where I can read the story without going completely insane

TIS AU where-


Me trying not to come up with 1000 TIS AUs to write :D The first and second ones I’ve definitely thought about before!

I’m touched people are still thinking about this story lol <3










Its been NINE YEARS and i still dont think anyone knows exactly why teen titans was cancelled

Same reason Young Justice and Green Lantern The Animated Series were canceled: Girls liked it. Bruce Timm finally up an’ said it out loud in an interview a while back when he was asked why in the hell GL:TAS had been canceled when it was doing so well on every front; DC’s animation department has institutionally decided that feee-males don’t/can’t/shouldn’t like superheroes, so even if a show is drawing in great viewership numbers and has great toy sales, once they find out that it’s popular with women and girls, they pull the plug on it. Cartoon Network loved Teen Titans— two million viewers for new episodes will do that— and wanted a Season Six, and the production staff was already in the planning stages for it; they were going to have a big arc about Terra and why she was Living Normal, and do a lot more with the extended Titans team members.

This is so fucked up.

To elaborate on this point a bit, the reason this happens is that modern television merchandising aims for total market segregation.

In a nutshell, it’s much more efficient to sell things to people if you can divide them up into tightly defined subcategories that have no interests in common; that way, you never risk accidentally competing with yourself.

This is why children’s toys (and toy sales channels) are actually much more strongly gendered these days than they were forty, thirty, even twenty years ago: one of the basic market segregation splits they’ve decided to use is “boys versus girls”.

Ever wonder why you see Avengers t-shirts that leave Black Widow out of the group shot, or Guardians of the Galaxy action figure lines with no Gamora? That’s market segregation in action.

The upshot is that shows with crossover appeal can actually be cancelled for being too popular with girls; they’re viewed as “stealing” the female market from the specifically girl-targeted media that rightfully “owns” it.

This is the sort of thing folks are talking about when they say gender roles are socially constructed, by the way. The gender split in media merchandising? It’s not just artificial, it’s deliberately imposed as a top-down marketing strategy. When folks try to justify it by saying “this is the ways it’s always been” or “this is just what the market wants”, they’re lying through their teeth - this is, in fact, the merchandisers dictating to the market what it wants in order to sell stuff more efficiently.

(Interestingly, the reverse isn’t always true: if a specifically girl-targeted show unexpectedly becomes popular with boys, sometimes rather than being cancelled, its merchandising will shift to court the male collector’s market. TV execs are so sexist, even their sexism is sexist.)

It gets worse.

Paul Dini, a writer/producer said this on a podcast:
“ That’s the thing, you know I hate being Mr. Sour Grapes here, but I’ll just lay it on the line: that’s the thing that got us cancelled on Tower Prep, honest-to-God was, it’s like, ‘we need boys, but we need girls right there, right one step behind the boys’—this is the network talking—’one step behind the boys, not as smart as the boys, not as interesting as boys, but right there.’”

Cartoon network and Warner brothers deliberately made the conscious decision to dumb down their female characters because they want to push female viewers away. In fact, Tower Prep was cancelled because it had too many female viewers because the writers made too many well written female characters.

So shitty representation of girls isn’t something that just happens. It’s the result of deliberate planning just so the execs can make more money.

And it’s not just cartoon network. I mean, why do you think Nick fucked over Korra so badly? Remember them telling Bryke they didn’t want a female Avatar? Why do you think there are no Korra figurines or action figures?


“shitty representation of girls isn’t something that just happens. It’s the result of deliberate planning”

And then these same corporations will try to play the “boys gatekeep girls out of hobbies but not us please give us your female money”

@wickedjaime Is this the post you were talking about a few months ago? It just crossed my dash.

Can confirm.
YJ getting cancelled “because girls liked it” isn’t a conspiracy theory.
It’s been the word through the grapevine in the industry for YEARS.

DC didn’t want to market it to girls when that wasn’t the intended audience so they just cancelled it instead.

I’m pretty sure the Tron legacy cartoon had this “problem” as well which was why it was put in a 2am slot and then cancelled for lack of views.

Cartoon Network/Warner Bros does this shit ALL THE TIME

(via the-chubby-dragones)

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