All the type of list

(i gived up doing a grey list, just black list all togeda)

This are the people i want away of my profile.-Nyaiimyuu/Binary_Brushies:blocked me for no reason"-boaty _ woaty/lost4nexbula:blocked me for no reason""Entire story: I made some art for them for a adopt, the next day I saw that they both blocked me for no reason, I changed the art I made to memes since I don't want my art in profiles that blocked me .-.-Stario/starioswirl/roman (*)*Entire story: Bro got really mad at me XD
Well, let's start, acussed me from copying kd desings, one time i copyed his sys bio and when he asked i sayd that is was a PLACE HOLDER AND THAT I WAS GOING TO CHANGE i apologised for this but it didnt acepted my apologies, so fuck him :)
Ps: he said that i never did, i gues i deleted his coment befor he saw it lmaoo
-Waffledrop kd06:stario brain-wash lmao, idiot-Blinx/blinxcat:i feel very uncomfy when interacting with him + anti-KD-GonTheLizard:blocked me for NO REASON!? cuz as far as i know i follow the desing TOS-puppybite:Hurted 2 of my friends-gachacutieraquelol-Associated with Stario-Bubbl3Popp-Associated with Stario-Arrow/TRUDAT/5659/puppyirl/c00lpeepsneversleep/Lankybox-Associated with Stario(?, i dont really mind it, i just dont feel comfortable </3)-Mimicminti/Sylliminti-Personal-PurpleMustPerish-Blocked n Blacklisted me 4 no reason

White List

Verry awesome ppl <3333