All Pronouns - Minor - INTP

Hello! My name is Tetra, and I'm a beginner artist and programmer from Canada! I mostly do digital art, but I can do some traditional work.I love to sleep and daydreaming is my favorite thing. My favorite drink is a macchiato or iced tea. I like writing short stories and poems sometimes, too.



Terms of Service
By commissioning me, you are agreeing to the terms of service below.
General Terms-
Personal usage only - not intended for commercial use.
No NSFW or problematic work. I reserve the right to deny service.
Prices are subject to change.
Art Terms-
Please include references if possible.
I reserve the right to post artworks online
Do not alter the artwork or claim it as your own.
Sketches will be sent over for approval.
Payment -
Prices may vary depending on complexity of character or scene.
I only accept payments in CAD. Please send it to my paypal.
Other payment methods can be discussed.


Base prices-
Sketch (Starting prices): 5-10$
(Includes basic colors and shading, starting prices:)
Bust: 15$
Halfbody: 20$
Fullbody: 25$
Simple (Single color/gradient or a photo, please provide photo): +0
Complex: +5$
Character interacting with environment: +8$
Digital Illustration: + at least 5$
Digital Painting: + at least 8$
Other stuff-
Character Reference (Includes at least one fullbody shot. Starting prices): 30$
Additional characters (Please discuss with me. Starting Prices): 5-20$

**Final Notes:
Art may take some time to be finished! Generally 1-2 weeks, I'll let you know if there's any problems on my end.
Prices may vary, depending on the complexity of the characters and the scene.
Prices will be discussed before I start.

More examples


*Prices may vary