Spamton enthusiast

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I have developed a new flavor of autism so pretty much all my recent work has been life smp focused (including several unfinished things)

These were both made like a week ago I think? I’m currently in the process of making a lineup of designs for Grian throughout the seasons but these are my current ones for 3rd and limited life. He’s based on a cactus wren and a crow respectively tho the wren might be inaccurate cause pictures were hard to find

Pinned Post my scribbles if you follow me for anything else I’m sorry this is all I’ve been thinking about for weeks Grian Grian fanart I imagine his bird species changes between seasons and series life smp 3rd life limited life what are the common tags for this series I don’t know

I'm sooooo fucking over the anti polyam attitudes especially from other queer people. good god get fucking over yourselves. literally we never get any new kind of intra community hatred it's always just different versions of "okay but THIS group that straight people hate & who don't have equal legal rights is actually full of annoying rich white wannabes so it's alright to mock them"



^^ fuck all these folks specifically. "being queer has nothing to do with being poly" except for being discriminated against for deviating from social norms around sexuality <3


I'm not sorry but I just can't get behind headcanons where they make Pearl or Gem older than Grian and fWhip in sibling AUs. Because half the time it circles back to shoving female CCs or female characters to the "nurturing/motherly" role.

Edit: If not that, it's shoving women into "the one with the braincells™", which is still a problem on it's own. I get that that was semi Gem's role in empires s1 (mostly in the WRA), but at least put a tiny bit of nuance idk. It's still frustrating when people end up doing this to female characters.