
i think part of the reason lost media videos are so fun is that it more ethically scratches the same itch as true crime. a bunch of people online being amateur sleuths and going down rabbit holes is a lot easier to enjoy when theyre looking for a cereal commercial from 1991 instead of liike bothering the families of murder victims





people on my "making AUs for OCs" post keep going like "oh you mean like a STORY? like a BOOK? OP that's just a STORY!!" like no you don't get it. you don't get how much my friends and i play with our ocs like dolls. we're talking swap AUs. homestuck classpecting. MLP AUs. evil AU. "so just making stories" you're like a little baby to me. leave my sight


having collaborative ocs with friends will have you saying shit like "what if scimble was bumpus wouldnt that be funny" and then like two weeks later its one of the most important pieces of lore you have


TIL that there's an '80s movie where they portrayed Smilodon by sticking actual fake teeth onto actual live lions.


So I learnt about this as part of a paleontology lecture talking about how it became accepted that saber teeth don't hinder the animals ability to eat

Citation - those people who stuck some on real lions which were able to eat without problems once they got used to them


i dont know who needs to hear this but as a general PSA for those who pay people online for goods and services: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE BUYING. While it might seem funny to write a clever note along with your transaction, any sort of hint that you're buying something nsfw or even mildly suggestive poses a huge risk that the person you're paying is getting their method of payment shut down permanently. transaction services are stricter than ever. "thanks for the boobs" is a pipe bomb that only needs one pair of eyes to be noticed. loose lips sink ships


hey i know you guys are all the funniest and smartest people in the world but you arent actually required to give any reasons for payment right. you can just say nothing. you know that right
