Common Tomoyokis may have the following traits:


★ One Pair Of Container Ears
- Common Tomoyokis may alternatively have one container ear and also have multiple NON-container ears as long as they are visually different and distinct.
★ Up To Two Pairs Of Container Horns (Four Horns Total)
- Container horns must mimic naturally occurring animal horns OR appear organic. They cannot mimic plants, objects, or other non-animalistic or non-organic-like horns.
★ Up To Two Pairs Of Antennas (Four Antennas Total)★ Up To Three Pairs Of Small Fin Containers (Six Fins Total)
- Must be positioned on side of the head, near human ear location
★ One Container Tail
- Common Tomoyokis may alternatively have one container tail and also have multiple NON-container tails as long as they are visually different and distinct.
- Common Tomoyokis may also have container tails that are split towards the end of the tail as long as it is clearly one tail and not separate tails.


★ Glass Containers★ Soft OR Hard Plastic Containers★ One Container Material Type
- Common Tomoyokis can only have one container type, and it can only be one of the above.


★ Non-hazardous Liquids, Gels, Or Non-Newtonian Fluid★ Containers filled above 80%★ Small Decorations Or Charms
- Small decorations are relative to container size and sizing may differ from Tomoyoki to Tomoyoki.
- Small decorations must fit within the palm of your hand and some decorations may require a chain to appear as a charm and not a higher rarity filling.
- Cannot be edible OR Fall into other trait rarities (e.g. Solids, Organic, Living...)

★ Common Tomoyokis must have the same filling throughout all containers
- Fillings all must contain the same color throughout to count as one filling, patterns or difference in shape or "mixture" of filling are okay as long as it is visually (and IS) the same filling.


★ Removable Accessories On Top of Containers
- Tomoyokis may have ear piercings that have a distinguishable hole for the piercing to go through, or alternatively, have stickers that are defined as such placed onto the container.

★ Container Caps
- Cannot open.
★ Closed Container Shape
- The container is open throughout inside but is closed from the outside.


Uncommon Tomoyokis may have the following traits:
(Uncommon Tomoyokis may also utilize any common traits.)


★ Any Amount Of Body Containers
- Does not include ANY face containers.
- Containers that are on the ears or tail but are NOT fully container are considered body containers.

★ Large Head Container
~- Large head containers are anything that are animal-like or natural-like, for example, a shark fin on the back of the head.
- Containers that mimic accessories or appear similar to accessories would not fall under this trait.
- Large head containers must directly attach to the head in some way.
★ Up To Three Pairs Of Wing Containers (Six Wings Maximum)
-Uncommon Tomoyokis alternatively may have one to six container wings alongside any number of NON-container wings as long as they are visually different and distinct.
- Wing containers are anything that would be wing-shaped on the body, including the head or other limbs besides the back.
★ Vestigial Limb Containers
- Multiple primary hands or arm containers do not fall under this trait.
- Vestigial limbs CAN mimic hands but must appear visually distinct from primary arms/hands.
- Vestigial limbs are defined as having no real function or purpose.
★ More Than Two Pairs Of Container Horns★ More Than One Container Tail (Nine Tails Maximum)★ Encasing Container
- Must cover NON-container parts ONLY.
- Must be see through to some degree and able to see the NON-Container part inside.


★ Hinged Containers
- Hinged container may move, but filling cannot be accessed.
- Hinges can be placed both on container parts and container to non-container parts.
★ Precious Mineral Containers
- Includes things such as gems, rocks, or minerals.
★ Organic Containers
- Includes things such as bones, cartilage, flesh, etc…
★ Food Containers
- Includes things such as sugar glass, jello, etc…
★ Holographic Containers★ Permanent Markings or Carvings
- Cannot make containers appear closed off.
★ Cracked Containers
- No leakage.


★ Solid Filling
- The solid(s) is the entire filling in a container(s).
★ Solids In Filling
- Solids that exist alongside a common fluid.
★ Food In Filling
- Does not account for liquid, gel, or non-Newtonian foods or versions of food.
★ Organic Filling
- This includes non-living things, such as organs, dead plants, preserved animals, etc…
- Does not account for liquid, gel, or non-Newtonian fluids or versions of organics.
★ Living Filling
- This includes things that are currently alive, such as plants, animals, etc…
★ Rotten Filling
- Must appear visually rotten, flies or texture would suffice.
★ Two Separate Fillings


★ Uncommon Crossbreed
- A Tomoyoki that is crossbreed with another open, closed, etc... species


Rare Tomoyokis may have the following traits:
(Rare Tomoyokis may also utilize any uncommon and common traits.)


★ Face Containers
- Any location that is on, or apart of, the face, including eyes, tongue, teeth, nose, etc...
★ Accessory Shape Containers
- Accessory containers are defined as anything that does not occur naturally in terms of placement, animal-related, does not fit within any other trait category, or is defined obviously as an accessories (e.g. hair pin).
- Accessory containers can only be placed on areas that can connect directly with the body. (E.g. accessories on long hair that cannot be connected to head or body directly and appears detached).
- Accessory containers cannot be placed on top of clothing or on non-body locations.


★ Leaking Containers
- Does not always need to be accompanied by broken or cracked containers
★ Broken Containers
- Accompanied by leakage.
★ Permeable Containers
- Filling must always be permeating container at all times but amount can vary.
★ Partially Non-Transparent Containers
- A container must retain 50% transparency. (50% Non-Transparent / 50% Transparent)
- Each individual container are based on their transparency levels.
★ Repaired Containers
- Must have a visually distinct repair mark.
- Cannot appear like cracked containers, must be thick enough to be registered as repaired.
★ Multiple Material Containers
- Only refers to one individual container.
- Materials must be visually distinct from other materials on the container
★ Closed Off Containers
- Anything that segments or closes off parts of a container from another container.
★ Semi-Furry Containers
- NON-Container fur on top of Containers.
★ Semi-Feathered Containers
- NON-Container feathers on top of Containers.
★ Open Containers


★ Hazardous Filling
- Defined as a filling that can cause severe harm or death from minimal exposure or ingestion, as well as having no everyday use.
- This includes biohazardous fillings, such as blood.
★ Glowing Filling★ Gasses in Filling★ Parasites in Filling★ Bacteria in Filling★ Three Separate Fillings★ Less Than 80% Full Containers★ State Changing Filling
- Can only change from solid, liquid, to gas.
- Cannot change type or what the filling is comprised of, just it's matter state.
★ Color Changing Filling
- One overall filling allows for two color change alts.
- More than one overall filling allows for one color change alt.
- More than one overall filling but only ONE filling changes allows for two color change alts.
- Color may cycle through color variations randomly or at specific times.
- Containers cannot color change.