Love knowing from the notes that this is exactly as weird and funny in both languages to the point that it's currently a meme over there

[Start ID. A Tweet by 小兴安岭 (@xiaoxinganling3) that reads:

看我发现了什么!是臭狗!呜呜呜呜呜呜臭狗我的臭狗 (阴暗地爬行)(尖叫) (扭曲) (阴暗地爬行)(尖叫) (扭曲) (阴暗地爬行)(尖叫) (爬行) (扭动)(分裂) (阴暗地蠕动) (翻滚)(激烈地爬动) (扭曲) (痉挛) (嘶吼) (蠕动) (阴森地低吼)(爬行)(分裂)(走上岸)(扭动)(痉挛)(蠕动)(扭曲地行走)(不分对象攻击)

The Tweet is accompanied by a translation by Google from Chinese to English that reads:

Look what I found! It's a stinky dog! Ooo [with over thirty o's] my smelly dog (crawling darkly) (screaming) (twisted) (crawling darkly) (screaming) (twisting) (crawling darkly) (screaming) (crawling) (twisting) (splitting) (creeping darkly) (tumbling ) (crawling violently) (twisting) (convulsing) (roaring) (creeping) (growling sinisterly) (crawling) (splitting) (walking ashore) (twisting) (convulsing) (creeping) (walking twisted) (attack regardless of target)

End ID.]

The science behind THC + alcohol as a combination is literally soo interesting because it basically causes the crimson red duckling in your body to confront the serpent in the bronze vessel of your heart. Basically you feel good because the duckling is able to eat the harmonious seeds stored within the vessel and transfer these positive energies into your body. You can have bad highs when this happens if the duckling awakens the serpent and it bites the duckling. The interesting part is when you ingest alcohol after THC because it floods the vessel and causes the serpent to fall into a deep sleep. The duckling never gets attacked by the serpent when this happens because it is unconscious and the duckling is actually able to get fat from the harmonious seed, which causes an enjoyable sensation.