These are to clarify some things about what you can do with my things or if you are just interacting. Please read carefully. Violating any of these will send you to my Black List and blocked.

Have in mind i'm over 18 , yet i think i'm pretty chill and respect minors but if you're uncomfortable with me for being an adult feel free to block me/ don't interact with me. I completely understand.

⋆˙⟡ DNI if zxxphile, nxzy, lgtbq+phobic, etc... you know, the basic criteria.⋆˙⟡ You can use drawings i made for you as pfp on Instagram, it's ok but always @ me (NOT PUT @//_ . _ Zetha _ . _ @ me correctly please[@_ . _ Zetha _ . _])⋆˙⟡You can upload my drawings on Toyhouse but credit me (@ __ 0 __Z)You can't reupload my drawings in any other place.⋆˙⟡ DON'T TAKE INSPIRATION ON ANY OF MY THINGS PLEASE! This includes:
✮Designs (like, coping the whole design).
✮Art style.
✮The wisterian specie.
(I had one bad experience in the past, hope you understand that.)
⋆˙⟡ Color picking is ok, nobody owns the colors, but credit me for the color palette (or at least say “i took inspo on Zetha's character/design/palette”).

For adopts

⋆˙⟡ You can redesign the oc slightly, but tell me first (don't change the whole character please)
⋆˙⟡ Do not resell them for money if you didn't added a money/da points commission (art trades/ gift's/ raffle prizes don't adds money to the worth)
⋆˙⟡ ALWAYS TELL ME IF YOU GIVE AWAY ANY OF MY DESIGNS (and tell me who will be the new owner, i need to keep track of them).
⋆˙⟡(For Instagram peps) You can ask to send the oc via email or Toyhouse, but be aware that I will ask you to send me the art that you offered from them too.

⋆˙⟡ Co-owns ⋆˙⟡

⋆˙⟡ I only coown ocs with friends/ people I'm used to talk with regularly, and when I do so I don't accept co owns with characters that are important for my story or my sonas.⋆˙⟡ If you own a design of mine and you want to co own them with another person you’re free to do so, i only ask to be notified first and please make sure that the person is not in my blacklist.

Art / owed

⋆˙⟡ I can draw both, feral and anthro oc’s.
⋆˙⟡ I will use any art/design created by me as example, however you will be always credited as the owner of them (character in the art piece).
⋆˙⟡ If I'm making a custom for you please don't ask to me to color pick one already existent character.
⋆˙⟡ I struggle a little bit when drawing human-like characters so please don’t ask me to draw those yet (I don’t want to give you one experimental piece unless you're ok with).
⋆˙⟡ You can not edit any of my finished pieces (If you want to change something ask me to do it when you receive the wip please).
⋆˙⟡ I DON'T draw anything that i consider wrong (P3d0, pr0sh1p, z0-file, h0m*fob1c, n4z1 stuff [more things tho] )keep that in mind.
⋆˙⟡I don't draw nsfw either.


If you steal, be really rude, break my TOS or are a bad person in general you will own a space here. People in my black list can't own designs of mine, get art from me, interact in any way with me or my stuff, etc but they will get a free spot in my blocked users list!. It takes a lot to end here so congrats if you find yourself here.Furryvirus/Yu _ the _ furry/Jax _ drawings/Furry_Virus/(keep changing his name)
Made me uncomfortable, manipulative, rude with others, stealing oc's, etc.
Lismer_lain (Th)
Stealing several designs, claiming them as the owner (probably will be removed because they're apologized already)
Fire Wolf Animations (on yt)
Stealing my vids, being rude towards me and my friends.