UPDATED 12/5/2023: updated level and stats


  • Known primarily as Alaska, but they have other nicknames they've picked up through the years. You can come up with some if you want!

  • Their gender is Nonbinary Transfem, and their pronouns are She/They. You can either swap or just use one set. (Masc-leaning terms like "dude" and "dad" are also fine)

  • They consider themselves Bisexual/romantic, with no preference for any gender.

  • They are roughly 11" tall, and weigh about 12lbs, give or take.

  • Starting age is 100m/8.3ish years, current age is 106m/~8.83years.

  • You can find trivia and fun facts about Alaska here! This link also includes a gallery with all of their art from me and from others.




CHARMINGGood at getting their way through words and flattery.BALDINGLack of a full coat makes them more susceptible to cold, which can incapacitate them.
INTUITIONALAble to gauge outcomes and adjust based on gut feeling with surprising accuracy.CLUMSYNot very graceful- stumbles and falls often.
HIGH STAMINADue to their years of traveling, they tend to tire more slowly than others.DEPENDENTThey rely on others a bit too much at times, and prefer to work with others most often.

They are a slightly larger than average cat with long tabby fur on their back, tail, and head, while their belly and legs are for the most part entirely bald. Their eyes are green, kind of an olive/yellow color, and often lit with humor in good company. Their most severe and visible scar is the one on the inner side of one of their ears, which causes said ear to flop a bit, sometimes worse than other times. Their tail is about half the length of most cats, but appears longer due to the long, fluffy fur that sprouts from it. They also have large paws with long claws that always poke out a bit, and the non-floppy ear has a notch in it from a scrap they were in a few years before the campaign.They wear a harness with small bags as their one “permanent” accessory, although they have been known to dress themselves up with other assorted junk they find, such as human trash or things from nature that intrigue them, though they usually give those away eventually. There are only a few items that stay in their harness' bags.Their health has remained mostly fine through their travels, with some exceptions. They tend to struggle a bit during the colder parts of the year due to so much exposed skin, often hunkering down until it warms up some, and they can be a little more susceptible to sickness during winter, as well. Most often, though, they have minimal issues, with the only permanent problems being that they are slightly HOH on the right side and prone to headaches due to their injury from falling into a canyon.


🌨️ Alaska has made somewhat of a name for themselves throughout the wastes for their welcoming and friendly nature, though they weren't always like this. In their youth, in the early days of their travels and before they left home, they were known to family and friends as a reasonably quiet cat- they were still friendly, but more reserved than most of their siblings. After a series of events that drove them from their dome city, though, and through their eventual journeys, they vowed to become a light that other people in the world could look to for help. Unfortunately, for as generous and empathetic as they've become, they've lost the ability to look upon themselves with the same kindness. They are a giver through and through, and self-sacrifice is the name of their game. Alaska rarely reaches out for help, and has convinced themselves that helping others is vastly more important than taking care of their own emotional needs on their darkest days. Because of this, not many cats know of their internal struggles- not even among their family- and they harbor a deep self-doubt for their own decisions in life and who they are. They struggle to ever think they do enough, regardless of how much they're actually doing, and during nights when they can't sleep for their migraines, they feel their heart beating in the pit of loneliness in their chest stronger than ever.
At the end of the day, their adventurous nature, their desire to give to and to help others as much as possible, their flaws, jokes, stories, and the friends they've made through the years haven’t changed the guilt-ridden cat beneath it all. Alaska doesn’t realize it, but the canyon they’ve held in their heart grows deeper with every friend lost or harmed in their absence. To them, that canyon is home now, and the only thing they know to do is bring joy to others.
✔️ Loyal: Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
✔️ Hospitable: Friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests.
✔️ Generous: Showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
✔️ Affable: Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
>As with anyone, it’s difficult to boil Alaska down to just a few traits, but in general they are Loyal, Hospitable, Generous, and Affable. They love meeting new folks of all walks of life, and normally, as long as the person they’re talking to hasn't proven themself to be generally unpleasant or outright evil, Alaska will probably enjoy having a long talk with whoever. They do tend to lead the way in conversations often, but have gotten good at accommodating other people during interactions, oftentimes nudging their conversation partner in the direction of any interest they may have mentioned. If you have something you’re passionate about, Alaska will listen and chat with you about it, even if they don’t quite “get it”. When they’ve made friends, they love to give them gifts, often things specific to whoever the gift is for, though with strangers or new friends they tend to be more general with their gift-giving; for instance, giving out food or advice for good watering holes, maybe giving out herbs if they’ve happened to find any useful ones, or sometimes just a shoulder to lean on regardless of how long they’ve known each other. It’s no wonder they’ve made so many friends across the wastes, though some might not appreciate how friendly Alaska is. You can’t please everyone!Extroverted: A typically gregarious and unreserved person who enjoys and seeks out social interaction
Daring: Adventurous or audaciously bold.
Jokester: A person fond of making or telling jokes.
>A handful of consistent ‘neutral’ traits Alaska exhibits are that they are Extroverted, Daring, and quite the Jokester. While they can enjoy some time alone, much of their energy comes from socializing with others, and it’s unlikely they’ll turn down an opportunity for a good chat. They’re very good-humored, too, but while many find that their jokes help them to relax if nervous, or are just flat-out funny, there're plenty of cats who don’t care for them or simply hate their sense of humor. It doesn’t help that Alaska is as daring in conversation as they are while doing anything, so sometimes they go a bit too far with their jokes. Regardless of their conversational prowess, they aren’t perfect and it’s impossible for them to get it right every time. When outside of conversation, though, they like to push their limits to tread new terrain, try new experiences, and “get lost” in the wasteland. There’s some things they’ve hesitated to try in the past, like riding the humans’ trains, but with a little encouragement from others they’ll give most anything a try and often push things further than they need to.Scatterbrained: Disorganized and lacking in concentration.
Noncommittal: Not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action.
Long-Winded: Continuing at length and in a tedious way.
Gossipmonger: A person who habitually passes on confidential information or spreads rumors.
>Pobody’s nerfect, and Alaska is no exception. Their most consistently displayed negative traits include being Scatterbrained, Noncommittal, Long-winded, and a Gossipmonger. They’ll often lose their train of thought or go off on mostly-unrelated tangents (in their mind, it’s usually obvious the relation between topics, but they’re often incorrect about that). They also have a bit of a bad memory, so while some things will stick with them regardless of importance, the opposite will also happen, and they’ll find themselves digging for information they’ve already been given or completely lose it until it’s repeated. It’s a little similar to the way they treat relationships, specifically romantic- as much love as they hold in their heart for others, and how much they think they’re in love with someone, they’ve lost interest every time no matter the circumstances. They mean well, and it’s a trend they’ve noticed in themselves, but regardless, have been unable to really change much for the better yet. Aside from that, Alaska has a bad habit of parroting things people tell them regardless of if it’s true to their knowledge or not; “I heard that…” is a commonly heard phrase from them. This has gotten them into trouble a few times for various reasons as one can imagine, and their long-winded way of talking can make it a good bit worse, as while talking, they will sometimes come to their own conclusions without any other input. They also can get a little bit boring after a while of talking, telling stories over the course of an hour when they could have been finished within ten minutes. If they notice that they’re doing this, they’ll try to pivot away from it, but a good bit of the time they’re either unaware of it, or completely unable to stop doing it.Character by Dabin; TPE by Fox.

Any NPC could appear again... I wonder who will find their way in?

SUMMARY ||| RELATIONSHIPS[CW for the following topics: Murder, Forced Cannibalism/Food Tampering, Domestic Abuse/Manipulation, Death, Gore and Mutilation. Will update this as needed or upon request!]1yr.Alaska was born in a litter of 5 kittens total, to their two mothers, named Jewels and Slick, respectively- these two cats had lived in a dome within a small found family of five before their kittens arrived.This dome that they all made their home in wasn’t anything remarkable, with the most standout features from others being the tightly/packed nature of buildings, no real roads for individual vehicles perhaps aside from bicycles, and the tracks for the trams humans would use for transport within the dome when places were too far to walk. These tracks intersected about every five blocks in the cramped dome, and between one of the intersections and the side of the dome itself is where their little family unit made their home.This little corner is where Alaska spent much of the first half of her first year of life- she and her siblings mostly stayed confined to the immediate area, and were only allowed to go outside of their “camp” (that they’d made inside the shell of a large human shed that had been abandoned long ago) when supervised. Alaska didn’t mind this too much- she was more outgoing and curious than siblings Lexi and Risk, but less rebellious than their other siblings Moose and Rosa. A happy medium, if you will, so she was mostly content to listen to what her elders told her. Key word here being “mostly”.As she grew, Alaska found that her besties were her brother Moose and sister Lexi. They were both very different cats, Lexi being shy and mostly a listener, and very sweet, while Moose was the most outgoing and excitable out of all five of them. Alaska spent the most time with Moose, though- she enjoyed his playful nature, and his attitude towards life from the get-go, with the added bonus of the stories they’d been told from the older cats of the outside, made Alaska more and more wish to see the outside. Not just of the shed, and not just out of their little corner of the dome, either- but to see the wastes. She never cared that the descriptions of the outside world were often drab, and her own curiosity coupled with Moose’s uncontained enthusiasm meant that they were both bound to sneak out at some point, and sneak out they did.The two of them were around five months of age when they took their first steps into the wasteland. Some time after their family had tucked into bed for the night, Moose and Alaska slunk out of the shed and made a beeline for the dome’s edge, which wasn’t far, given their shed’s proximity. It didn’t take long for the two to find a way into the wide world; it was Alaska who had first spotted the gap along the ground leading outside. When the two siblings ventured out, they were lucky to see the full moon, obscured only by small wisps of clouds. This was the first time they’d even seen the true sky, as their dome was mostly opaque, with the light and darkness of day cycles mainly simulated by whatever ‘magic’ the humans had. Magic is what Arrow, another one of the family, had called it, anyway.When the two pulled themselves from their awe of the moon and the bright (but strangely soft) light that it cast over the landscape, Moose and Alaska decided, almost completely unspoken, that they should try to catch it. Alaska knew that it was much too high to leap to, but if they could get closer she wondered what else they could discover.Moose and Alaska ran for what felt like minutes, while in reality they didn’t return for many hours; unbeknownst to them, it would be nearly dawn by the time they decided it was time to head home, with achy paws and heavy eyes from romping and wrestling over the rocky and dry land they’d get to know ever better over time.
Alaska held this night close to her heart ever since they both returned silently to their family’s shed, and tucked back into their places with no one any the wiser, to squeeze in at least a couple hours of sleep. Looking back on it since, Alaska wonders how the two of them were lucky not to run into any trouble other than sharp pebbles in their toes.
After her six full months, and after she and the rest of her siblings had nearly grown into their paws, they were finally allowed to roam the city. No strict rules were imposed, but there was the expectation and hope that none of the youngsters would cross the tracks for the trams. During their months of either staying around the shed or being heavily supervised, they all had it hammered into their brains that the trams were dangerous, which always made sense- Alaska would often sit and watch the humans of the city milling about, and she finally noticed just how active the tracks were, and usually stayed a safe distance away from them, though as time went on and they learned various skills from the older cats- from Raul, foraging and ‘dumpster diving’ as they’d joke often, and various trivia regarding plants from Glint and Arrow, being shown the various paths along the alleys by Jewels and Slick, among other things- they found themselves increasingly curious about what lay past those tracks.
Alaska did eventually cross them, at first on their own, and they met some of the other cats in town while doing this. One, she’d encountered before- a ginger tomcat named Orange, who had visited their family’s shed before. She always thought he had a silly name, and not much past that, but once she actually talked to him, found he was quite nice, and discovered many of the other cats in town were similarly friendly regardless of if they were feral like her, or house cats. She liked hearing everyone’s stories and gossip, but made sure not to cross the tracks more than a couple of times every few weeks. No point in tempting fate, she thought, though Moose and Rosa did catch her once while crossing. To her relief, apparently all of her siblings had been exploring, although from what she could tell, less often. A relief nonetheless.
2yr.During their second year, the five were ‘officially’ allowed to leave the dome when they wanted, although Alaska and Moose had definitely gone out more than a few times since their first outing. Despite that, though, Alaska found there was always something new to learn, and those outings turned out to not be just for exploration, but necessity. For the most part, the ten of them were able to feed themselves, though sometimes Alaska had noticed some of the older cats leaving, and returning several hours later with tiny animals. Sometimes they couldn’t find anything, so some nights a few of them wouldn’t eat. Until their hunting lessons, she hadn’t really thought about it, but she realized that was the reason that sometimes the elders would leave- made sense in retrospect. Can't always expect to find something good in the trash even for the most experienced and thorough.Alongside training for hunting, the more experienced family members would take turns sharing wisdom from the wastes, depending on who went out:Jewels always seemed to have advice regarding others in the world. She would often emphasize practicing kindness and cooperation with others, but made sure to note the importance of caution, and the dangers of being overly trusting of strangers.Slick, her other mother, would often chatter on about a few ideas simultaneously. Sometimes it could be hard to focus on her points, but Alaska did notice a recurring theme of being adaptable and keeping an open mind- to her, learning new skills was paramount.Raul and Glint often had a similar approach to teaching, and were the same in their belief in what they called ‘practical knowledge”. These two led the bulk of hunting practice for the “kids”, and shared their tactics for finding water that was safe enough to drink, even sharing a couple tips for finding the rare clean sources, and sometimes medical advice, though herbs were hard to come by. Sometimes they’d share too much at once, or even argue about the best tactics, so a lot would get lost.Arrow’s advice was, at least to Alaska, the least helpful, but still interesting. She would talk a lot about her thoughts on spirits, theories about the Keepers, and ideas she’d had (and heard from others) about the afterlife and what may happen after death. She did also hold the opinion that less is often more, but she wasn’t specific about what exactly that referred to specifically.As time went on, and Alaska became more confident in her own skills, she volunteered more and more for hunting trips, even when it wasn’t necessary. She’d look for any excuse and use it, especially if her favorite sibling Moose had wanted to go outside, too.2yr3m.On one such occasion where she’d volunteered to go out to hunt or scavenge, she’d skipped two meals already so the others could eat. Food had been pretty scarce in the previous days, and she insisted now that she would be fine to let the others have their meals and go out hunting. Moose had chosen to hunt for himself so that someone else could have his share, too, and together the two siblings set out to search, promising as always that they’d return within a few hours.Unfortunately, they had little luck on the outside. The two had found a small flock of birds not far from the dome initially, but before either of them could catch a single one, the human train that had been stationed nearby kicked to life, its awful, loud horn rang out over the scrublands, and the birds took off before either Moose or Alaska had time to react.They spent hours searching, and Alaska was surprised to find that Moose was the one to suggest returning home. She could understand why- the heat was particularly harsh that evening, and the sky lit up with heat lightning. Bolts had been crackling across the sky nonstop since they’d left the city, and there weren’t exactly many water sources nearby, much less safe ones, to drink from if they were going to be out here any longer. Having skipped two meals in a row, though, Alaska argued that they should look for just a little bit longer- they were bound to find something soon. Moose resigned, obviously tired and discouraged, but put on a look of determination as they continued on.They had that same exchange two more times before they found a stream to drink from- one that was obviously polluted, but they figured was safe enough. As they both drank and rested their paws before they were to decide whether to turn back, a crack rang out behind them, scarcely fifteen feet away, and the two wheeled around in terror and surprise only to find the grass and shrubbery behind them had lit up with flames in the wake of the lightning that had struck the ground. In that instant, Alaska regretted pushing to go farther and farther out, and realized the dome was farther away than they realized, with the newly birthed wildfire directly in their path, and spreading rapidly over the dry grass.Neither Moose nor Alaska could react for a solid few moments that truly felt like a lifetime, but they shook themselves from their stupor and shot towards what they thought was the most direct path back to the dome while avoiding the flames. Alaska took the lead, bolting over the craggy ground, giving the fire a wide berth in case the wind suddenly changed direction and pushed the flames closer to her, and only thought to look back to check for Moose after her legs began burning with exhaustion, and her paw pads stung from the rough rocks over which she sprinted. She thanked the stars she’d never much thought about before as she saw Moose not far, and relatively safe all things considered, but her timing and observation skills were never quite the best. Almost directly in her path, a gorge they’d passed before ripped through the land, and as Alaska turned back away from Moose as she ran, she realized she had little to no time to slow or adjust course.She skidded across the ground, shredding her paws on the sharp pebbles and gravel near the gorge, but without noticing at first, was flung into the abyss as earth gave way from her weight. Alaska briefly thought it was funny-perhaps not in a “haha” way- that the fire wasn’t what was going to kill her. This thought was interrupted by her brother’s screams as he called her name, and then she hit the water below. After that, there was nearly no sound at all to hear, just flowing water as she was washed downstream. She eventually managed to claw her way to the surface, but this victory was cut short as her head struck a stone that jutted over the surface of the river.She never really found out how long she’d been laying there after being washed ashore. When she opened her eyes, she first noticed two things- the near pitch darkness of her surroundings, and the splitting pain in her head. With intense effort and the small amount of strength she had left, she heaved herself completely out of the water and onto the shore, only to curl up, shivering against the cold, stagnant air of wherever she’d wound up. Her paws and muscles seared with pain, and her head ached with such pain that she wondered how she was alive at all.She again didn’t know how long she laid there, and didn’t notice herself falling asleep until she awoke to someone calling her name. “Alaska! Alaska, are you okay?!” Moose. Somehow, he had gotten down here and found her. Alaska slowly uncurled from her ball, still in pain but happy to see a friendly face. To her surprise, though, it wasn’t just Moose who padded up to greet her- behind her concerned and almost frantic brother stood another cat, one with odd eyes that seemed to shine bright even with the near total lack of light in what Alaska would eventually realize was a cave system.Moose, after helping Alaska to her feet and squinting at her injuries in the dark, introduced the stranger, who had been silent. Moose explained that this was Slate, and he’d found her after climbing into the ravine to search for Alaska. She’d helped him navigate and led him downstream until now, apparently. Slate finally spoke after Moose finished his rushed explanation, and offered to lead them back to her cave so they could rest, eat, and tend to their wounds. Alaska, too tired, hungry, and battered to be distrustful of any strangers at this point, didn’t argue when Moose eagerly agreed. Slate led them back to her little cave that branched off the main tunnel, and as Alaska leaned against Moose as he helped her down the slope into the little nook, she observed that it looked very cozy compared to everywhere else in the wastes she’d seen so far.There were three brightly lit human lanterns burning within- each placed on jutting stones near the roof, and the light they gave off in the space was comparable to if the sun was shining, but warmer in tone. Much of the smoother parts of the floor were lined with various soft human things like rugs and blankets of all kinds, and near the entrance they all padded through was a pile of fresh fish, presumably from the river. Alaska settled by one of the lanterns, which gave off a soothing warmth, and Slate offered to look at her wounds. The strange cat ground dried leaves of a plant she didn’t recognize into a powder with a stone and mixed it with what appeared to be aloe, which she recognized as a plant that grew around the dome. She used this paste on Alaska’s head wound after cleaning it, and all the while Moose stood aside and explained everything to Alaska in more detail, like how he’d avoided the fire and gotten down into the gorge, followed the river, and come across Slate, up until discovering Alaska alive.She was really only half-listening. The treatment Slate was applying was apparently for preventing infection and speeding up the healing process, but as far as pain, it supposedly did nothing for that- which seemed pretty true.Slate offered them both as many fish as they could eat that night, and told them they could rest as long as possible there. Moose voiced his worry about their family, but it didn’t take much convincing from Alaska that they should just rest at least until morning.

The stranger also told them she could lead them out when they decided they were ready to head back home, and the three eventually settled into sleep.It must have been in the middle of the night that Alaska was awoken by the sound of rattling, something clacking together quietly. Beside them, Moose still slept, and she figured she only awoke because of the headache that still lingered even if the pain from the cut had subsided.She strained her ears, once she realized nothing she could see was making that sound, and then heard what she recognized as whispering. Sounded like Slate… Alaska kept her ears as pricked as she could, though one flopped pathetically now, though in the end she couldn’t make out too much of what Slate was saying.“… should I do…”
“… might be nice to get a taste again…”
“Would it be the same?”
Alaska nearly decided to search for Slate and ask what she was doing, but the clacking and muttering stopped abruptly. Slate returned suddenly from a dark corner of the cave that had been just out of sight, and she turned to gaze over at Moose and Alaska where they lay curled on a pile of blankets. Alaska could feel Slate’s eyes burning into her own, though she didn’t know if Slate actually realized she’d woken. Slate stared for what felt like a long time, but she seemed to shrug, just a little, and turned to lay back on her own bed.
Alaska wanted to ask about it in the morning, but the thought didn’t stick with her as she eventually faded back into sleep.
When they awoke, and after breakfast, Slate led them out of the caves. They were a good bit deeper underground than Alaska had thought, and by the time they emerged from the depths, it appeared to be midday. Mercifully, the exit seemed to be much closer to the dome than the ravine itself, and Alaska waited impatiently while Moose thanked Slate for her help in a way even Alaska thought was too wordy. Before her brother finished, she was shocked when he asked if Slate wanted to come and stay with them in the dome.Slate didn’t seem to know exactly how to respond either, and in the space of time she took to answer, Alaska wanted so badly to interject with a “wait, what?” After not being asked at all, much less asking everyone else. She took too long between deciding to be polite or pulling Moose aside to ask what he was doing however. Slate had decided that, yes, that sounded like a great idea.The three’s trek back home was relatively uneventful. As they entered back through one of the vents between the dome and the outside, they ran into three familiar faces- Lexi, Slick, and Arrow, who had apparently just left to search for them. As they padded through the tight alleys to their shed, Moose took the lead in explaining what all had happened. Upon everyone’s return, those who had remained at home welcomed them all enthusiastically, and greeted Slate with hospitality- mostly. Alaska noticed Rosa and Lexi were the most hesitant about this stranger, and Alaska was glad she wasn't the only one.2yr4m-2yr6mFor the next month and a half, it truly seemed to Alaska that her initial gut feelings about Slate were wrong. She seemed friendly enough, although she wasn't especially good at scavenging or hunting. Despite her difficulty, she was nice to talk to, if a little quiet. Alaska fell into a sense of relative ease, and as she watched Moose’s crush on the new cat grow, she especially wanted to be as welcoming to Slate as she could be.After that initial period of time, though, Alaska realized how secretive Moose was becoming. His behavior was becoming a bit strange, although it wasn’t anything major at first, but he would return with Slate much later than he previously would, often late into the night and refuse to explain what they’d been up to, or even just why they’d stayed out so late. This was out of character for Moose, she’d thought, but chalked it up to his infatuation with his newfound lady friend. That, and both he and Alaska had snuck out before as youngsters- so maybe it wasn’t really that weird.Two of the others noticed as well, however- Lexi and Rosa, who had also been initially wary of Slate when she’d arrived. One night, they woke Alaska and the three held a secret meeting about their concerns, leaving Risk behind since he didn’t seem to notice or care much about what might be going on.Lexi was worried Slate could be mistreating Moose, and Alaska had to admit he’d been quieter and more reserved, which was of course odd for him. Rosa was of the opinion that they should spy on them both, to see if they were up to anything sneaky. Alaska and Lexi agreed that was going a bit far and would be an invasion of privacy, especially if it turned out nothing serious was going on, but the three eventually did agree to keep their eyes and ears open a little wider to see if anything else happened.Not much happened in the remaining half of that month. Slate had been a little irritable over that time, and she and Moose seemed to bring less food home and be fed before returning most days, but these things were also minor, though Alaska, Rosa, and Lexi kept each other updated on what they saw or heard. Alaska had again struggled to really find that much wrong with Slate, but Moose seemed to start going a bit downhill around month three.2yr7m-2y9mHe seemed to be avoiding Alaska, despite them previously being incredibly close, and Slate could often be seen whispering to Moose, though they were unsure if it was anything important. Moose’s overall mood seemed to be declining, and he seemed jumpy and distrustful of the cats he’d known all his life.The three siblings who had initially met decided that, yes, something had to be going on, and asking outright wasn’t working, as Rosa made sure to let Lexi and Alaska know, much to their annoyance. They managed to recruit Risk, finally, as he was finding it hard to deny the changes any more, and Alaska finally caved to the idea of eavesdropping, as guilty as it made her feel. If something was going on, somebody needed to find out.They all avoided telling anyone else about their plan, and the four worked on rotating “shifts”, with a different sibling taking their turn each day. Alaska and the others found that pretty much every day that the two went out by themselves, Slate pushed Moose to go further and further, crossing the tracks of the tram the humans would ride to get from place to place within the dome- he’d admitted to crossing them before, and the others did, too, but it became an everyday occurrence, sometimes at dangerously busy times of day. More and more they crossed various tracks as the two pushed the limits of safety. Slate kept insisting that pushing the borders in town was safer than going outside to hunt for any extra food they may need, and even said that’s where she’d been getting the food they’d been eating before coming home. She did admit she wasn’t great at hunting or finding useful things in trash cans, which she used to drive home her point. Sometimes, when this didn’t work the way she wanted, Alaska observed that Slate would begin either bullying or finding some way to lie or bend the truth to get Moose to come with her. Every time, Alaska had to hold herself back from jumping from her hiding spot to confront Slate over the way she was treating Moose. It infuriated her no end to learn how two-faced this cat could be.The others confirmed seeing Slate’s behavior too, and Risk, Alaska, and Lexi were in agreement about confronting Slate or asking Moose about it. In the end, Rosa convinced them to wait. Her reasoning was, if they confronted them now, it would be harder than ever to follow them if the behavior continued. If they knew they were being followed, not only would they be angry, but they would be all the more careful about it. Why would just asking them about it make it stop at all, anyway? Alaska had to admit Rosa had a point.Weeks passed of Slate and Moose pushing further out into the city, sometimes even being chased by away humans or other animals, but Moose was becoming visibly more confident in what they were doing when nothing serious happened. Alaska would listen to the two talk as they stalked the narrow alleys, and heard Moose admit he didn’t know why he’d been worried at all. Surely their family was just being overbearing, ‘like you said’, and trying to keep him so close to home. This annoyed Alaska, but she stayed hidden every time.Finally, the weirdness escalated, and Alaska would watch Slate leave Moose under the same bench almost every time they went out. The first time this happened, it was a cold day, and Slate left Moose to huddle alone under the bench while she went to look for food. “I’m going to go get food from those humans I’ve been stealing from. It’s easy enough by myself, but might be bad if they see a bigger, clumsier cat lurking around.” Not a direct insult, but Alaska frowned when she heard it. For what felt like an eternity, Moose waited under that bench, and seemed to become as antsy as Alaska was as she hid under a hedge alongside a human building, and Alaska nearly jumped out to ask what Moose was doing, but as they bunched her shoulders to crawl out from the leaves, Slate reappeared from an alley a few paces down from the bench.She held something in her jaws, and Alaska realized it was a piece of meat. Not a huge piece, but it was odd in the way that it was pretty bloody and fresh, unlike the vast majority of food the humans threw out, which was usually at least a few days old and sometimes even rotten. Moose questioned her, asking where all that food was coming from exactly, but Slate just said, “Does it even matter? I told you I’d find something, didn’t I?” Moose didn’t ask too many questions, and the two dug into the chunk. As Alaska watched, they noticed Slate looked like she was freshly-groomed, fur meticulously put into place and sleeker than it had been. Alaska couldn’t help but worry.Alaska reported this to Rosa, Risk, and Lexi, and over the next few weeks they all reported the same thing. Alaska noticed a few times during this period that the meat looked progressively less bloody, even a little rancid, and Moose would occasionally comment on the taste being weird, but would shrug it off when Slate would remind him of the other human garbage they’d eaten- much of it was old, right? This pattern of traveling to the bench repeated for upwards of a month, and while it was extremely strange to her, Alaska found themselves losing steam, a feeling that Risk and Lexi shared after finding nothing substantial other than Slate’s true personality. Alaska suspected that Rosa was too, but she’d always been too prideful to complain about anything.The next major event was spotted by Rosa, and she seemed extremely agitated, disgusted, and excited while telling the story- she’d apparently gotten tired of just watching Moose hang out under the bench while waiting for Slate, saying it wasn’t going to get them anywhere, and followed Slate. She’d been going much further than Rosa thought, and much of the time she was basically running down the alleys until she came to what appeared to be a trash collection area for the humans, which had been abandoned at that moment.The smell was strong and horrid, and it was hard to pick out any individual scents. Slate seemed unbothered, and made a beeline for a far edge of the fence that enclosed the space, and Rosa saw what she’d been bringing Moose to eat- there was a grisly pile of at least four different cats, mostly skeletons at that point, with a fresher corpse that was maybe a couple days old at most, kept mostly preserved by the colder weather. There were visible chunks removed from the haunch of this cat, and Rosa observed the bloody wound on its throat. She stayed until Slate was done ripping another piece out of the leg, and after, sprinted home.Alaska and the others were, of course, horrified. At this point it was no denying it- Slate had been murdering cats in town, and bringing pieces to share with Moose without him realizing. It really did explain a few things. Alaska did think it was weird how neatly groomed Slate had looked after coming back each time.They all decided that, yes, they had to tell him what they knew, and a couple days later, Risk convinced Moose to come with him to look for food, but in truth led him to be confronted by his siblings. Rosa was the most vocal, probably because she’d seen what Slate was doing with her own eyes, but Moose seemed like he was having none of it- almost seemed too protective of Slate, arguing constantly that she would never do something like that, and eventually got so worked up when Alaska started speaking up even more than Rosa, upset that her closest sibling had been so deluded, that he hissed that none of them knew what they were talking about and ran off. Rosa stopped Alaska from running after their brother, saying it'd probably be better to let him cool off and come back home before talking with him again. Unfortunately she didn’t ever get the chance.After this, Moose and Slate completely disappeared, and when nobody could find either of them for days, Alaska and her siblings spilled the beans to their mothers and other family what was up. It took some explaining and insisting the truth of what they’d seen, but all of them ended up rallying against Slate. Moose had been part of the family first and had never given them a reason to think he was doing anything wrong until Slate came around. Everyone agreed they had both been a little weird since she’d arrived.2yr10mAlaska was the one that ended up finding one of them- unfortunately she didn’t find Moose right away, but when she spotted Slate not far from the human dump, jumped her. Alaska had never been one to pick a fight, but everything Slate had done filled her with rage, and she channeled that hatred into clawing Slate to shreds, into running her off, and if she died, so be it. Alaska only managed to get a single swipe in before they were tackled by another cat, however: Moose. He was giving Slate an opening to run off, and she took the chance as soon as she realized Moose was fighting Alaska for her.Alaska, in an attempt to get Moose to leave her alone, threw her brother off and sprinted back towards home, passing the bench they’d all seen Moose and Slate hiding under. She spent a second hesitating under the bench as a human walked by, unsure whether to keep running or not, and in that moment was tackled again by Moose. Alaska had no real choice but to fight him, even as he yowled that it was their fault they’d been caught in the wildfire those months ago to begin with. She had no real time to think of a reply to this- it completely took her off guard- and Moose dug his teeth into her shoulder. Alaska fought to throw him off again, and managed it to her relief, then turned to see where he’d gone. The relief turned instantly to dismay, as he’d landed on the tram tracks at almost exactly the worst time. Before he even had time to collect himself, the tram collided with him. Alaska couldn't help but stare, watching in horror at her brother’s last moments.She stood there, stunned, even after the tram was long gone, but forced herself to drag his crumpled body back home. She explained what happened, and the entire family is wracked with grief, a couple of them- Rosa and the cat Glint- eyeballing Alaska as the family carried Moose to be buried beyond the dome walls. She couldn’t help but think they may have blamed them for Moose’s untimely death, and Alaska realized that she thought she was at fault despite everything, too.It had been only about seven months after Slate had first come to stay with them, but the damage she’d caused ran deeper than they could have known. Alaska and her family kept an eye out for Slate, and occasionally would catch a whiff of her, but could never find her after her initially disappearing with Moose a little over a month prior. Alaska was almost okay with never seeing her again, but then again, they wanted so badly to shred her ears.2yr11m

Unfortunately they hadn’t quite seen the last of her- while on a hunt in town for food one day, Alaska, Glint, Arrow, and Slick came across the corpse of a freshly-murdered cat, and in the moments they spent trying to figure out what happened and what to do, were jumped by a group of bristling alley cats. There had to be at least eight of them, and some Alaska had even talked with before, including the older tomcat Orange. The strangers spouted accusations at them, saying they’d finally found the one who’d been killing their friends, and launched an attack on the four of them before they could find an escape. In the fight, Glint and Slick were killed, and while Alaska and Arrow escaped this first attack, upon their return to their home to warn the others, were jumped again, and the remaining cats were driven from the dome entirely.Alaska stayed with Lexi and Jewels for a while after reuniting with them outside the dome, and searched for the others over the next month. She ended up finding Rosa and Arrow both living by themselves, neither far from the dome, but neither wanted to join her and the others, so Alaska stayed with her mother and sister for a pawful of weeks before deciding to set off on her own. She’d wanted to see the world anyway, and she supposed this was her chance to do that… at the back of her mind, she also hoped she’d find Slate while traveling.After saying goodbye to her family with the promise of coming back to visit, she did most of their initial exploring around the city, for once taking their time exploring every nook and cranny, mapping out the details in her brain more than she’d been able to previously. During her exploration of the wasteland around the dome, she found herself back at the canyon she’d fallen into what felt like a lifetime ago.She wouldn’t have bothered going down if she didn’t pick up a semi-fresh scent they’d become familiar with- Slate. It led back into the mine that she’d initially led her and Moose out through, but Alaska ended up empty-pawed after her search of as much of the canyon and cave system as she felt she could without getting lost, which had even led her back into the old cave Slate had been staying in. Alaska explored it thoroughly, finding nothing of note aside from noticing one of the lanterns was missing now, until she reached the back of the cave where she’d heard Slate talking to something those months ago. There, she discovered two cat skeletons arranged into a loose pile, and left wondering if, had she looked harder before, Slate would have been able to join them at all. In retrospect, a lot made sense.3yr-8yr1mAlaska eventually branched out from the immediate outside of the dome, going in an ever-widening circle around it. During one of her last full loops, she found an oddly well-fitting harness with pouches that seemed to have fallen off of a train, along with some other junk. Alaska took it, glad to have a way to bring the little knick knacks she found with her.Eventually she took to going in straighter paths out into the unknown, and over the years she blazed trails across much of the wastelands. She met many cats and colonies (though they weren’t always friendly, and she’s no stranger to fights), heard many stories, and saw many things she never would have had she not been chased from her dome. Not all of her years traveling were spent in good spirits- much of her time traveling she’d aim to visit old friends only to find them deathly ill or injured, or often long dead before her return. During her time alone, when traveling without any partners or visiting colonies and families she’d befriended, Alaska would often be plunged into a deep loneliness and guilt for those she couldn't save, and realized over time that she’s unsure that she’ll ever be truly happy or satisfied. Shortly after her travels truly began, she made an oath to herself (and, secretly, to her brother and the others who had been lost) to spread kindness and joy.8yrs2m-8yr3mAbout a month before she witnessed the star fall, Alaska had been visiting Raul again after finding where they’d been staying all this time. She’d been trying to stay with Raul for their last days, but was approached by a friend of Lexi’s who had apparently been searching for Alaska for Lexi. Upon hearing Lexi’s request to come back home, Alaska bid Raul and their colony goodbye, promising to come back, although at the back of her mind she figured Raul may not make it till then. She made a beeline for her old dome, aided by the trains and trails she’d come to know so well, and returned after almost three weeks of nearly nonstop walking.They’ve been hanging around their old dome the past two weeks, staying with Lexi and their mother, Jewels, who had been declining in health lately. Figuring she may be on her deathbed, Alaska has chosen to stay with her and Lexi until Jewels either recovers or passes.On a walk late one evening during this visit, Alaska was surprised to see something she never had before- a thousand colors lit up the sky, more brilliantly colored than anything she’d encountered, even in the dome cities, and when she saw a shard fall relatively close by, she, of course, had to investigate. She found that the shard was a pinkish-orange color, one she rarely had seen, and to her, was vaguely shaped like a fish. Alaska, intrigued with this little stone, reached out a paw to grab at it to put in her harness, and found the oddest sensation fill her body. It was a strong sense of relief, and sure, she’d been relieved before, but something was extremely bizarre about this intense feeling aside from the fact that touching a fish-shaped rock had caused it.Alaska, after the sensation faded, scooped up the rock and brought it home to show Lexi and Jewels. When neither experienced the same sense of relief upon touching the stone, Alaska found herself confused. She knew she wasn’t just imagining it, though- both of the others had seen the colorful lights, and while they didn’t feel the same way Alaska had, Alaska knew by now that her gut was right more often than not. Something about this was special, and she stared at it for a long while until she fell into the deep sleep she was used to. The voice she heard, though, was anything but familiar, and chilled her bones to the core as she slept."You'll be dead before the next sunrise, meddler. Thief. I'll see to it myself."CAMPAIGN START.What does fate have in store for this meddler…? Only time will tell.

^8 empty boxes including this one!^

Alaska was born in a tightly-packed dome city and was always intrigued with the outside, so they and their brother Moose often volunteered to go out when needed. On one such outing, they were split off from the dome by a wildfire, and as they run to escape, Alaska slips into a canyon and is knocked unconscious. When they awaken, they reunite with Moose and meet Slate, who helps treat their wounds and offers the two food. She leads them out the next day, and Moose invites her to live with them, much to Alaska’s confusion.
Slate seems relatively normal to begin with but as months pass, she and Moose begin to act strangely. Their behavior escalates, and after Alaksa and their other siblings start to spy on the two to see what was going on, they find Slate has been murdering cats in town and feeding them to Moose without his knowledge. The siblings try to tell Moose, but he argues and runs off, and before Alaska can take off after him, Rosa stops them so he can cool off. Unfortunately he and Slate disappear. Alaska finds Slate after a while and attacks her in anger, trying to drive her off, but is stopped when Moose jumps in and fights them. Slate takes off, and Alaska tussles with Moose until they throw him off. They run off but are caught again, and manage to throw Moose off a final time, accidentally sending him rolling towards the tram tracks at the worst moment. Moose is killed by the tram, and Alaska takes him back and tells the rest of the family.
They all stay on high alert but never actually find Slate again, however one day they find a murdered cat inexplicably in their part of town and are jumped by a group of around eight other city cats, killing two of them, but Alaska and Arrow mange to escape and warn the others. Shortly after they are all attacked in their home, and Alaska finds themselves separated from everyone as they are all driven from the dome. They find Lexi and Jewels, staying with them for a while, but eventually goes off on their own to travel like they always wanted. They stay close to the dome at first, but they wander farther and farther. They find their harness along a train track with other human junk that seemed to have somehow fallen off the train, and take it to carry trinkets and gifts around. They travel for a good few years, meeting many cats and encountering plenty of colonies and other groups, but has circled back around to stay with Jewels and Lexi for a while as Jewels’ health is declining. When Alaska takes a solo walk one evening, they witness the star pieces fall, and take theirs after settling from the strange sensation they were filled with. Jewels and Lexi saw the light but otherwise didn’t feel anything from the stone, so Alaska falls asleep thinking about it on their own and dreams of a cat threatening them.


  • Jewels (NB; she/her): One of Alaska’s mothers. Quiet, but brave and generally welcoming to strangers, Alaska always looked up to her. Jewels was always warm and loving to the whole family, but especially to her kittens, and they would all often go to her for advice or to vent about any problems they may have. She would also volunteer for outside hunting parties as needed, and even seemed to enjoy going out into the world outside the dome, and that bravery was what first inspired Alaska’s curiosity for the outside. She and Alaska are still very close, maybe even moreso in the wake of being driven from their homes; knowing Jewels’ health and senses are declining hurts Alaska, especially watching her mother’s memory going, but they know she’s lived a long, full life despite everything. They’re aiming to stay with Jewels and Lexi either until their mother passes, or the storm does- the former seems more likely, though.

  • 💀Slick (Tfem; she/they/he): Their other mother, the younger of the two, and the one most prone to getting into arguments with others. Slick was brave in a different way to Jewels, almost foolhardy, but this came from a place of deep love and a desire to protect their family with all her might. She tended to talk more often, and louder, and would often sing songs she’d picked up from her youth. Sometimes, she’d encourage the others to join in or even make their own, and Alaska hadn’t met any cat in the city quite like her; She was the one who first introduced them to the concept of music. Alaska could get a bit fed up with her mother at times due to Slick’s slightly argumentative nature, but like everyone else in their family unit, they were crushed upon her death. Alaska carries around a pebble they found on her grave after they obtained their harness, and it’s mostly unassuming, smooth, and gray, but there’s a single crack through the surface that reveals a shimmer beneath, and remains one of their most cherished keepsakes.

  • 💀Moose (cis man; he/him): Moose was Alaska’s favorite sibling, though they’d never say it around the others. Of their brothers, Moose was the most adventurous and excitable, and like their mother, Jewels, was welcoming to strangers, although his welcomeness seemed mostly to be based on curiosity on how others lived. For the bulk of Alaska’s time with their brother, they knew him as a confident, happy fellow, but his demeanor deteriorated shortly after the arrival of Slate to the family. Alaska misses him to death, despite how the last months went for them, and harbors an intense guilt both for causing his death, however unintentional, and for letting Slate join their family at all. Alaska has no way to remember and mark the exact date of his death, but they hold a quiet vigil at roughly the time of year he died, around mid-winter. During their vigil, they stay by themselves, just for the day, and despite their general skepticism regarding any afterlife, speaks aloud their regrets for all that happened before, and whispers to the wind that they hope he’s okay, if his soul remains somewhere.

  • Risk (Tmasc; he/it): Another one of Alaska’s brothers. Alaska never really knew how to talk to him; he was more of a homebody, and was one of the quietest members of the family, perhaps aside from Raul. Risk’s interests revolved more around sleeping and thinking real hard, while Alaska always burst with curiosity for the outside of the dome, and in the sections of the city they hadn’t been allowed to venture into. Risk was calm, collected, generally apathetic to the things around him, but regardless of how different he and Alaska were, they liked each other well enough and sometimes were even able to find similar interests. At the end of their time in the dome, after Moose’s death and Slate’s disappearance, Risk finally seemed to be perking up and engaging himself more in daily tasks and taking an interest in bonding with the remaining family. Alaska appreciated it as much as the rest of their family, and to them it seemed as if Risk realized after all that time that the world was dangerous and his time with his family could be cut short. After they were all driven from the city, however, Risk appeared to have completely disappeared off the face of the planet, being the only family member that Alaska hasn’t been able to locate in the years following. They hope he’s alive and alright, though they’ve prepared themselves to never see him again, or to hear of his death.

  • Rosa (cis fem; she/her): Alaska’s sister Rosa was the sibling they got along with least. Rosa had always had a bossy and argumentative demeanor, a bit like Slick, and while Alaska knew Rosa loved everyone in the family in her heart, they did sometimes question it due to how often Rosa would argue with everyone. She and Alaska would often butt heads, arguing about pretty much anything that most of the others could calmly decide between themselves, and Rosa really did seem to make an effort to pick fights. She usually failed to get into it much with their siblings Risk and Lexi, but she really had a way of getting under everyone else’s skin. Regardless, she always pulled her weight when it came to taking care of the others, and immediately showed concern when Slate showed up- Alaska always admired Rosa’s instincts, really, and even now wishes that theirs were as good. Rosa was the one who pushed the others to keep an eye on Slate and Moose, so Alaska credits uncovering Slate’s true nature to their most annoying sister. Rosa took Moose’s death hard, though her way of showing it was much different than Alaska’s, and they did always wonder if Rosa blamed them like they blamed themself. Directly after leaving the dome, Rosa and Arrow were the two family members they found that decided to live by themselves from then on. Alaska visits her sometimes, and though their relationship has become a little more tense since Moose’s passing, not much has changed. Alaska loves Rosa, but often wants to claw her ears.

  • Lexi (cis fem; she/they): Lexi is Alaska’s other sister, and is a little like Slick in that she is usually quiet and reserved. She was the shyest of the siblings, and didn’t talk much when visitors came by from either out of town or from within the city- and it didn't matter if she’d met them before. She was very good at listening, though, and her ears always pricked with interest at stories from the outside, or from other domes. Lexi may have been quiet, but she and Alaska’s shared interest in the outside gave them plenty to talk about. Alaska would definitely rank Lexi as a close second favorite sibling if pressed, and much like in their early days, they still confide in her now, being one of the only cats Alaska feels comfortable enough with to share their feelings. Lexi had always been good at understanding others’ points of view, and even had less-than-angry thoughts about Slate and her reasons for what she did, even if at the end of the day Lexi really does hate her. Lexi has lived with their mother, Jewels, since being run out of the dome, and had become the primary caretaker of her before asking someone to find Alaska to help her with the task, and Alaska's grateful for Lexi reaching out so they can both spend Jewels’ last days together and comfort her just as they’ll comfort each other upon her passing.

  • Raul (NB; he/they): A tomcat who was the second oldest in the group, next to Glint, and was very quiet, like Risk. They were the most adept of anyone at rummaging through human trash for useful items, mostly food, but other stuff, too, and was the main cat to mentor Alaska and her siblings in the art of dumpster diving. Alaska never cared much about practical advice that they had, though, and constantly pelted them with questions about their life outside of the dome. Raul was ever patient with Alaska, and with any of the other youngsters, and never seemed to tire of repeating the same stories over and over. In their downtime, when the kids weren’t pestering them, or they weren’t foraging, they spent their time relaxing with Glint, who they referred to as their soul-brother. Alaska never did actually learn how they met and what their relation to each other was prior to her birth, but remembers her time listening to Raul’s stories fondly, and attributes much of her success outside of the dome to them and the advice they’d given before leaving the dome. For a long time after that, no one knew what had happened to Raul, but about three years before the present, she ran across them when she visited a colony to the far north regions from their original dome. They had apparently made a path directly there after being unable to find anyone else, and Alaska has since realized this colony was one Raul had mentioned in a few stories they’d told before. Alaska has visited a few times since, although the last time she saw them, they seemed to be very ill. Alaska hopes to visit them again before they pass, but can’t leave Jewels and Lexi for now. All she can do is hope Raul will make it.

  • 💀Glint (cis man; she/her): the oldest cat in their family, Glint was 13 years old when Alaska was born, so she had a lot of stories to share. She was somewhat more talkative than Raul- not quite to the same degree as Moose, or as Slick- and being older and having traveled around longer before settling with them at the dome, she had many, many stories to share, though a good bit overlapped with Raul since they’d known each other so long. Alaska remembers Glint had a penchant for plants, mostly herbs, but she liked to point out plants in the dome and share their names with the others. She was generally a pacifist as well, and did a good bit of hunting on the outside if she needed to. Alaska admired her experience and worldliness, and though Alaska wouldn’t have called her “brave” as a primary trait, she did fight tooth and nail to defend her family against their attackers, giving her life to let Arrow and Alaska escape to warn the others, and they both have independently vowed that they will never forget her selflessness. Alaska likes to share stories from Glint, as well.

  • Arrow (cis fem; she/her): Perhaps the most spiritual of all of the family, Arrow seemed to have a lot of thoughts on death, the afterlife, and the supernatural. Alaska was never really sure what to believe, even now, but was always fascinated with Arrow’s ideas. That wasn’t her only interest, though, and could often be found exchanging ideas about the usage of herbs one could find in and around the dome with Glint. Arrow would then further share their findings with everyone else, and much of Alaska’s basic knowledge of plants came from her. They didn’t bother Arrow as much as they pestered Glint and Raul, but they did appreciate the knowledge she shared, worldly or spiritually. Arrow was, all things considered, the most solitary of the family- she wasn’t the quietest by any means, she just spent a lot of time alone, on purpose. Alaska did always wonder what it was like to be introverted and spend so much time by one’s self, and still finds themselves wondering why Arrow sought out solitude despite clearly loving everyone very much. Arrow lives on her own now, but isn’t staying too far from Jewels and Lexi’s little camp near the dome, and visits often, so Alaska doesn’t usually have to go out of their way to visit those three, at least.

Those met prior to the start of the campaign. A relationship tracker for those met during and after the prologue is a WIP but will be linked soon!)

  • Tempo (played by Eldritch): Alaska traveled with Tempo for a while almost three years ago, and was given the courage to try riding trains because of him. Alaska doesn’t remember exactly how long they traveled together, but does remember loving the music Tempo would play on his lyre, and the talks they had. While they observed that Tempo didn’t sing, his music reminded them of their mother, Slick’s, songs that she’d sung all those years ago. During the two’s travels, Alaska got the chance to experience just how fast one could truly cover ground and see more of the world, and was happy to have good company during this time. The two have since been separated due to Alaska not making the jump onto a train and losing Tempo. They've recently reunited after the events of the prologue, and hope they both get more chances to talk. Everyone's time relaxing at the hideaway was too brief!

  • Lethe (played by Edge): Lethe and Alaska met a little under two years ago, some time after being separated from Tempo, and after they were mostly healed from their fall. Alaska knew Lethe as a deeply damaged young cat- had to be no older than 7 months when they met- and stayed with him and who Alaska assumed to be his guardian, Harrow (and their twins) for a solid few months. Alaska did their best to make Lethe feel worthwhile, and to cheer him up as needed. They told him stories of the people they’d met across the wastes, most specifically the kind and pleasant people through the lands, and while they didn’t know Lethe’s entire history, their sense that he’d been horribly deprived of kindness by the world made them emphasize the beauty in the world, and made sure to remind him of his worth. Alaska picked up and left a few weeks before Lethe’s trouble with Ram, promising they’d be back soon enough, but by the time they wandered back around, they found both Lethe and Harrow gone. The two have recently met up again, having woken up in the same group in the prologue, and briefly in chapter one before the teams split up. Alaska didn't get a chance to really check in with all that's happened to him since they left, but hopes to catch up soon.

  • Ephraim (played by Corvis): These two met no more than 3 months ago. Alaska, ever the trailblazer, encountered The Watchers while exploring territory they hadn’t tread yet. The first cat they met from this colony was Ephraim, who seemed to be a troubled young tom, though in retrospect they wonder if that was perhaps just because of bad timing on their part. Regardless, he was friendly, although not especially engaged in too many things going on around him, and Alaska asked him many questions of his colony, and his life there, though sometimes he seemed to dodge questions. Past that, though, he taught them a good bit about the local plants that grew around the desert in which he lived, a good pawful that they weren’t very familiar with, or didn’t know at all. Ephraim asked them many questions about the wastes in return, and Alaska was happy to answer any inquiries he may have had. After a couple of weeks of staying with The Watchers, though, Ephraim suddenly told Alaska that they should go and that he was needed at his colony’s spring. He’d bolted off without saying much further, and Alaska didn’t know why until they followed him and witnessed the sacrifice to their spring; Alaska gathered that its purpose was to start the flow of water again, and they confronted Ephraim about it after they managed to catch him alone. After unsuccessfully trying to convince him to leave, Alaska cut their short with The Watchers short and wandered back into the wastes. It’s not been very long since they last saw Ephraim, but they do wonder what became of him and the colony.

  • Silhouette (played by Lark): They didn't know this young cat long, but Alaska enjoyed info-dumping her knowledge of the wastes and telling him stories she'd picked up. The two met around 4 months ago, so they didn't part ways all that long ago. Alaska likes him well enough even if they don't know each other incredibly well yet.

  • Ursa (played by Gma Sleepy): ???TBA???

  • 🔪Foster (played by Ty): While they aren't enemies, Alaska's opinion of Foster has been pretty sullied. When Alaska first met him, it was when she was passing through the dome the Coyotes made their home in, and Foster seemed incredibly welcoming and friendly before he left shortly after Alaska was given a place to stay during their visit. Some time afterwards, he returned, but a cat named Not reveals Foster had been lying and breaking his own rules. As Friendly as foster had been with Alaska, they've lost respect for him after learning everything and also finding out what the Coyotes had been doing within the city. They spotted him in the hideaway briefly but didn't approach.

  • 🔪Maverick (played by Ezra): Alaska didn't learn their name, but these two met awhile back during Alaska's time in Mav's dome. There, Maverick attempted to steal from Alaska, so they're wary of this cat now. They aren't exactly 100% enemies, but Alaska doesn't really like them at this point. We'll see if that changes.

  • 🔪Slate: A cat Alaska and their late brother Moose were helped by during the wildfire. Although she was a little strange, Alaska thought she seemed friendly enough when they first met, though Moose’s sudden invitation for her to join their family was odd and startling. Slate did seem nice at first when she joined their little family unit, but turned out to be a fraud, murderer, and cannibal. Alaska gave up looking for her a long time ago, but if they ran across her again, they’d probably pick a fight for once, despite being a generally non-violent cat.

  • Alaska has many other connections, PCs or otherwise, and has a few exes out there and has sired around 3 litters. They are still friends with many of their exes, and are close with a few of their kids, too.


+1 STR, +2 WIS, +1 CON ,+1 CHA
>STR (4) : Alaska is no stranger to fights, but the power behind their strikes is lacking a good bit even when the intent to harm is there, although it's now been improving. They still try to make up for their lack of raw muscle by being more tactful in aiming their attacks when they need to fight, but this can only help so much. Outside of battle, they can struggle climbing steep slopes, like trees, due to not being that strong (though their klutzy nature doesn’t help, either). If strength is required to break things, Alaska probably shouldn't be one of your first picks. Overall they have below average strength at the moment.>DEX (2) : Dexterity is very much their weakest stat. Alaska was never graceful, and they need to take much more time than many others when treading uncertain terrain lest they misstep and fall to their potential doom. They also have the cat equivalent of butterfingers, so theft or “pickpocketing” is something they are extremely bad at. They aren’t the worst ever in this stat, but they overall have below average dexterity for now.>CON (5): Though relatively healthy and reasonably hardy, Alaska isn’t the best at fighting off or avoiding infection, and their resistance to cold weather is lacking due to being half bald. Together, their minimal defense against freezing temps and weaker than average immune system means they get sick much easier in winter, which will knock them on their ass harder than just being cold or sick on their own. Besides that, though, they’re not overly susceptible to pain and injuries; they can take a good bit of punishment in a fight, probably a bit more than some others, and that tolerance is only growing. Overall they have perfectly average constitution at the moment.>INT (3): Alaska knows a little bit about a lot of things, but also a lot of the things they “know” (or have been told) aren’t necessarily true or accurate. They’ve been known to share facts that aren’t actually true, and can sometimes struggle to tell fact from fiction, so they often are noncommittal about things. They also have a bad memory and attention span. Overall, they have below average intelligence at the moment.>WIS (9): One of their highest stats. Alaska has met many folks from various walks of life and has gotten good at reading people. Body language, spoken language, social context clues and natural intuition are things they’ve gotten good at keying into. They’re reasonably adept at sympathy and empathy as well. Their wisdom in this way also helps them navigate social situations and gauge appropriate responses, which they use hand in hand with their charisma. Overall they are a good bit above average in their wisdom stat at the moment.>CHA (8): Easily their greatest strength, Alaska has a natural skill for charming people and talking their way out of problems that has only gotten better over the years. They aren’t above using this ability to lie or bend the truth if they feel the need, though they are perhaps not the best at intimidation, due to their lack of raw size and their social reputation, so cats don’t tend to be intimidated by them unless who they are speaking with is very small or young. Even in times where they could use intimidation to their benefit, though, they prefer to use kindness and flattery to navigate tricky situations- potentially makes problem cats drop their guard, and Alaska just enjoys being nice as a default unless lying is necessary. Overall they are a good bit above average in their charisma stat at the moment.


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  • Milkpaw came padding out of the apprentice den with sleep still in his eyes. His mentor, the she-cat Starlingfish, had let him sleep in late after an assessment the day before. It wouldn’t be long now before he was made a warrior- but he wasn’t thinking about that right now. Milkpaw gazed over the camp, and spotted his friend Halfblood laying some ways away. The apprentice made note of the other tom’s spot and headed over to the fresh-kill pile, grabbed a small trout from the top, and trotted over to his friend. “Hey there, Halfblood,” he meowed, dropping the fish and sitting across from the other cat. “You didn’t go with Finchstar on his patrol?”

  • Aspen sat for a long while on the farthest branch of the grand oak tree the tribe lived in as he could find, wanting to be alone but not super interested in flying too far from home. He was seething, fresh out of a conversation with Ashbeak. Aspen had noticed Ashbeak had been distant, or he felt that he had been, and so he’d confronted his friend. How dismissive he’d been! Rage and jealousy boiled within his chest as he recalled Ash’s words. “Aspen, no offense, but you’re being a bit overbearing. I’m allowed to have friends other than you. We’re not mates, and even if we were… well, it wouldn’t be fair to say I can’t go hunting with the others.” He hadn’t even given Aspen a chance to respond before he flew off with the other young owls he was going out with. Ugh! The fish owl clenched his strong talons around the branch on which he perched, and the limb crackled under the pressure. He had no idea what he was doing wrong! Why did Ashbeak seem to be so disinterested all of a sudden? Did he hate Aspen? Was he… in love with another owl? Was it just his imagination? Aspen pouted for a good portion of the night, until he finally headed back into the heart of the oak to see if anything needed to be done. He glided down into the thick collection of limbs, and sure enough, he found something to busy himself with for the rest of the night.