
the stoned wolf


basic information about tsarisin; from her personality to outwardly appearance.


where did she come from and what's her story? how did she join the pack and does she long for her old home? find out here.


her relationships with the rest of the pack members.


⚜️ full name: tsarisin
⚜️ nicknames: tsar, stoned
⚜️ age: young adult
⚜️ gender: female
⚜️ species: arabian wolf mix

⚜️ scent: chamomile and sea salt
⚜️ accent: slavic
⚜️ origin: arabian desert

⚜️ mother: yelena
⚜️ father: aqil
⚜️ siblings: ???

⚜️ allies: none
⚜️ foes: too many

⚜️ pack: primitive moon
⚜️ rank: trapper

⚜️ sexuality: homosexual
⚜️ love interest: none
⚜️ partner: none
⚜️ offspring: none

⚜️ personality: cunning, sassy, secretive, melancholic

⚜️ appearance:
although she may appear quite calm at first glance, hence her nickname, she's the exact opposite. her tranquil, turquoise eyes and mild expression hide the mighty fire inside. being partly an arabian wolf, her fur is colored in warm chocolate hues with a mix of sand markings that appear on her square ish head, fur inside of her ears and chest where the lighter shades stretch through her belly and onto her hind legs. her fur is also adorned with a white, diamond like marking that settles between her eyebrows. her hind paws, tail tip and mane also possess the white achromatic color.
to give accent to her lighter parts of the body, she pins tiny white chamomile flowers onto her fur, usually the head. only other accessory she may possess are three feathers of a common buzzard with which she usually combs her long mane so it doesn't bother her in her hunt.
tsarisin's stature is quite short, reaching only the shoulders of an average wolf, but her posture is proud with her head and tail held high when she's walking or interacting with other group members. on different occasions, such as hunting, she's low on the ground and acts more like a snake than a wolf. true to her nickname though, she's usually just chilling on a random rock and looking stoned.


tsarisin was born in a nomadic pack that was traveling across the arabian desert. all she ever knew were endless piles of sand dunes and rocks from whom she'd observe the beautiful scenery. her big pack was quite accepting and allowed many stray canines to join in. this, once, included her own mother yelena who was from far away lands. no one ever asked why she joined the nomadic group as that was, by their believes, her own path. her mother's unique beauty was a target for every single male and female in the pack although it was tsarisin's father, aqil, who won her heart. after some time, yelena gave birth to one pup and decided to name her tsarisin. the young pup was feisty and full of life. however, her favorite thing was cuddling next to her mother during cold nights and listen to her mother's stories about her homeland. it was green and beautiful. those stories captivated the young tsarisin and she set her goal to one day find her mother's true home. once she reached her young adult form, tsarisin wanted to leave her home and go seek the far away lands of neverending green. although her whole pack was hesitant, especially her parents and few close friends, they decided to let her go believing that everyone must find their own path. and so, before she left, her father gifted her a few common buzzard feathers to remind her of nomadic pack. determined, the young female bolted away from her pack chanting mother's words of the green land.
after few months of being on her own, she faced a lot of obstacles - one of theim being an independent hunter. after many failures, tsarisin finally refined her skills and kept moving across unknown and quite scary areas.
many more months passed and although tsarisin was now a fine hunter and great at surviving on her own, she did miss social interaction. many packs tried to chase her off or end her life, but she was always faster. she did reach the green lands but, she didn't know what should she do now. she was homesick and lonely. this is when she decided to head back. before she said her last goodbyes to the endless green plains, she picked up few flowers and pinned them onto her fur. they smelled nice and would remind her of her mother's homeland.
few weeks later, she stumbled upon not-so aggressive pack. curious, tsarisin approached them. they were called primitive moon and were looking for new members. excited, tsarisin decided to join them and is now proudly running with them.


none at the moment.