(or bee)

any pronouns bitches!!!!

i know it looks really boring but i think im gonna keep it this way as an alternative toyhouse profile for people who dont want to burn their eyes out lol

I FUCKING LOVE TALLY HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hi, im just a random person who likes drawing funny little guys. i mostly design characters, but im also trying to do animation :] i have pretty bad social anxiety so keep that in mind please. im also really bad at talking so i apologize in advance :'D im cool with gift art as long as its not nsfw/suggestive/fetish! please ask before doing gore though (ill most likely say yes, but theres some charas i dont want gore art of). i usually dont respond to compliments (social anxiety/bad at talking) but just know that i usually see & appreciate all of them very much!!! :D


basic dni (you know who you are)
toxic/rude people in general
primarily nsfw or fetish account/uncensored nsfw
if you heavily/vocally dislike my main interests (nothing personal, seeing hate for them just bothers me a lot + i post/talk about them alot)
idc what fandoms you're in as long as you're not condoning problematic things
i don't have a public blacklist & most likely never will.


tally hall + th-adjacent things like miracle musical
lemon demon
will wood
dreams of an insomniac
hollow knight!!!
rain world
rhythm heaven
fnf & mods (esp mario's madness)
there are A Lot more, feel free to ask for others :D


as mentioned before, i do have bad social anxiety(??), please be patient with me :'0 im really bad at making friends/holding conversations & responding to people outside of business related stuff (even then it's still hard for me sometimes ; ;)
i type a bit Funky cause i think its funny
you probably already noticed but i use & instead of and (epic tally hall reference)
i use faces a lot :D
i also swear often
it sometimes takes me a while to think of an appropriate response to something :'D if i haven't responded for over a month feel free to remind me, i most likely forgot
if you urgently need to contact me, please do it through toyhouse as im most active there!
i don't typically use tone tags unless i feel like i need to (or i use faces instead), but if you need them i will use them!! :0
please talk to me about marios madness or murder drones. im going Fucking Insane about these guys

I LOVE DJ HALLYBOO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


toyhouse: waspbee / ddt_slurper (alt)
discord: waspisabee (rip wasp is a bee#8106 :pensive:)
twitter: @waspisabee
youtube: @waspisabee (i dont really post tho)
that's about it i think. have a good day :]