
they/他 • ENG and 中文 • 21+

Clown college dropout, fish guy.


nonbinary • queer
entj • true neutral • 23 • white

Hello, I'm Johan. I usually go by Jo for minimum letter usage. Jojo is cool too if we're buds. I used to go to clown college and nearly graduated. However, you can only fake juggling for so long.Presently, I am a freelance artist and student. I'm studying evolutionary biology and ecology. When I'm not buried deep in fish-related lab work I can be found drawing, wandering the woods, or participating in ttrpg related nonsense with friends. I am always up to monkey business.I may know enough Mandarin to get by, however I am a white lad. I've had a few folks assume I wasn't in the past, so I'm making note here.Sometimes I have slower periods when producing artwork due to my chronic illness and physical disability, but I carry on!


art (illustration/visdev), ttrpgs, worldbuilding, rock climbing, archery, volleyball, going on wild wikipedia tangents, wandering the woods


bushdogs, gibbons, jesters, peat bogs, cars, jjba, witch hat atelier,
trigun, gw2, ffxiv, mspaint, languages, mollusks, ttrpgs, all the world's little creatures