moderately-sized unlife

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

hi i’m chess and i care deeply about little creatures in my computer. my main blog is @oracleswarmer. games i really like include rain world, hollow knight, ultrakill and deltarune- currently rain world in particular.

i love to talk about my interests and what OTHER people are interested in so ask and tell me anything at any time. lastly: don’t cry. 1 million transgender robots, ok?

Asks are always welcome!! You can request art related to my interests and ocs but I’m not always good at follow-through. Ask me about my rain world interpretations and ocs and I’ll love you forever

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Rainworld (pseudo)flora part. 4
(Might need to open in a new tab to read, sorry)


Additional facts about these 3:
Pole Plants

  • Their eye is so small and underdeveloped, its useless
  • The leaves on the trunk spiral together to form a stiff and sleek pole-like form

Monster Kelp

  • Gills are more efficient due to taking a niche in water environments
  • Leaves grow in excess and in varying lengths as a defensive strategy to protect the trunk

Worm Grass

  • The only species (out of these 3) to have teeth
  • Work together to capture and exhaust prey, quickly spitting acid on them to digest them externally so that they can be chewed up
  • Adult worm grass have black trunks that gradually turn red and grow longer with age
  • Their eye glows a striking blue to alert fellow worm grass that potential prey has been spotted
rw specbio aw yeaaaa

The Moon(‘s Request)

Adult, wild slugcat.

Named and documented by Iterator True Accord.

Notable features include sharp, stiff and highly reflective bristles this slugcat grows and frequently sheds. It has clearly figured out how to weaponize them, and shakes them off in the direction (or sometimes directly into the face) of potential predators.

There is evidence it has had young before, though they have not been seen with it.

This is the fourth time they have visited me in my chamber. I have made no attempt to trap them, and I am now certain this was the right choice. I do find myself hoping they bring a friend one of these times.

rw mine ruinart rain world rain world oc slugcat oc: the moon this is just my cat luna in sluggy form im ngl with you all.