
"We ship w Villains here, Sir."

@8bitgalaxydoes / 8bitgalaxydoes.tumblr.com

If I follow you and you have no idea why, it's probably a side blog (DM me if curious)
Multi fandom ✦ He/They β˜€ Adult πŸƒ Will to talk to anyone about AA, Good Omens, or Pokemon

πŸ–€πŸ’œ Happy international asexuality day! πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ€

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity πŸ–€πŸ’œ


There really is no feeling quite like discovering a new song that fits your blorbo to a T. Best I can do to convey it is something like

Shoutout to the person who reblogged this 185 times in a row. I understand completely.


Two Spirit is NOT a universal term that every single queer Native person uses, please stop trying to apply it to everyone and just respect the terms that individual Native people identify with instead of what YOU think we should call ourselves.

I am Native. I am also nonbinary. I identify with the terms nonbinary, trans, and a couple others that I'm not comfortable sharing because people get weird about "microlabels." I am NOT Two Spirit and I would be very unhappy if people called me that just because I'm Native.

Two Spirit is not just a Native term for queer or trans, it has its own history and connotations, often coming with certain roles a person is expected to hold in their tribe and community, and many queer Native people either don't feel comfortable claiming that identity or just don't feel like it fits them. Respect that. Our queerness doesn't have to be "decolonial" enough to be respected.

Try being of Australian Aboriginal descent & having to explain that Two-Spirit is a Native American term that doesn't apply in Australia. Because I have had to explain that. Only the once, because I'm kind of a shut-in, but I imagine it would be more if I was more social.

The terms that are commonly use in Australian Aboriginal communities are sistergirl (transfem) & brotherboy (transmasc), but I don't use sistergirl to describe myself. I'm a binary transwoman, & will usually just use the terms transwoman, binary trans, or post-op trans. Sistergirl is inclusive of both binary & non-binary identities (same with brotherboy). I really prefer clarity in my identity terms. If I have to choose between clarity & being "decolonial", I am going to choose clarity because I want people to understand exactly what I mean.


People who think this planet was created for humans to be ours are so wild to me

70% of the planets surface is undrinkable uninhabitable death water that sharks love. How is that a human-centric design.

Birds can fly over this water. Many also swim in it. They use the trees on land. Also the floor. And they love the cliffs. CLEARLY The Earth is for Birds. Anyone who says otherwise should be put to death.


Oh nooo, I'm drawing MSN Messenger ship art...

Someone better come stop meee...


Was talking to a very offline friend the other day about books we both liked, and she told me how much she loves to make up stories about the books after she reads them and put herself in the story and I was like ohhhh babygirl. I’m about to change your whole life


"why are people excited for the transphobia in ttyd" because it means super mario gets to kill transphobes with hammers. game of the year

"Why are people excited for the transphobia in TTYD" Because the story of a trans woman being constantly bullied by her transphobic family as well as going along with their evil ways because she's scared and love starved is a deeply relatable situation for real trans people, and thus, the part where she finds friends that accept her for who she is and help her stand up to her evil family is deeply gratifying and empowering in a way it wouldn't be without the transphobia. Game of the fucking year.

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