
Local Piss Prosecutor


It’s Doc here. I’m 19, got my glasses on and it’s time to fucking party. *bangs head on garage door* || Icon: LampP0st | Banner: Cheitora

Okay that's a bullshit move you spineless jackasses. You half-witted useless excuse of a mod team. You are quite literally silencing us right now as we are trying to talk on the topic of Palestine. Each day I grow more repulsed by you people


In the Talons of Peace Discord server, a server dedicated to the Wings of Fire Roblox game, the moderation team has chosen against making an announcement to the 36k users in the server about Palestine and the current genocide in Gaza. They have done this under the guise of not allowing for politics that are labeled as controversial. This is a server for a dragon roleplay game in Roblox of all things, no?

My argument here is that they have (and probably will again) make announcements regarding heavily political subjects. This is hypocrisy. They will make announcements on several topics labeled as controversial. Here are examples of one's they have done.

This is a repeated problem, mind you. People have been complaining for years about the mods silencing voices and refusing to listen to feedback. I myself was a moderator once and I saw first-hand how they would respond to criticism with a mocking, condescending tone that labels the people as "pretentious crybabies" who dare tell them that maybe they shouldn't do this.

Palestine should be discussed. They did an announcement for Ukraine. This is a genocide. They are neglecting to talk about a genocide for their own personal comfort and safety. Pathetic. Cowards the lot of them.


9 people you would like to get to know better tag meme

except I'm starting a new post because the one I got tagged in was long as shit. I was tagged by @tacofuus, thanks so much!

Last song: Batter Up by Babymonster. It's a solid 6.5/10 check out

Favorite color: violet/lavender. Really any shade of purple

Last tv show/currently watching: I honestly don't really watch TV. I genuinely cannot remember. The last series I actually watched was Death Note with my best friend and that was last year/beginning of this year. I used to be into anime when I was in middle school and this felt like a return to my roots lmao

Sweet/spicy/savoury: I go with savory most of the time, but my favorite is sweet for sure.

Relationship status: narilamb

Current obsession: Writing fanfic for cult of the lamb. It's been just about a year and a half now and I don't see this dying down anytime soon, cotl has squarely entered full special interest status for me so I'll be here for at least another 3 years. I have a bad habit of making a new fandom blog every time I get a shorter-term hyperfixation, writing for it, getting kindasorta recognized in the fandom, then abandoning my works and deleting the blog when I'm not interested in it anymore. Maybe some of y'all followed me in my previous fandoms and y'all would probably never know bc of orphaned works that I can't find anymore. ...anyway. I've made too many close friends in this fandom to pull that stunt again. the-one-who-lambs and my cotl fics are here to stay. I'm rambling

Last thing you googled: 600 cc in cups (I was making soup but all the good noodle packets from China+Korea give units in cubic centimeters. It's about 2.5 cups btw)

Uhhhhh I don't know who to tag so I'll just pick the most recent 9 mutuals in my notes who haven't been tagged already by taco or the people they tagged lol. Don't feel pressured to do it, though! @artsycryptix @just-a-random-demon-official @miallurk @pikos-den @tokyonymph @mianing @bamsara @coffincrows @fanged-cotl

Last Song: Lights on by kyle allen

Favorite Color: Pink is the main one! any others if it looks nice enough to me.

Currently watching: At the moment nothing from my list but the garden of banban Chapter 4 video TSAMS was one I'm trying to finish currently.

a lot probably though because I switch often before going back.

Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Sweet. not sure I remember what the third one is in food but I can't handle heavy spicy if it burns to much.

Relationship Status: Closed

Current Obsession: The Sun and Moon Show, General DCA Sun and Moon fandom + FNAF , the owl house, welcome to dreamworld by rainbott, animation in general

I feel there are miscellaneous things as well so a mix?

Last thing you googled: Esty eclipse plush. I still want to get one of him but eclipse from ruin also works. need to find Sun and Moon ones to.

to nervous to tag anyone else so feel free if you'd like.


Last song I listened to was Unsociable form MSI cus I was drawing Hallow last night <3

Favorite color is CMYK can’t go wrong with colors that make everything! Also green, love a good green

I’m not really watching anything at the moment I’m just playing multi hour game play throughs to have on in the background while I draw 😭

I like sweet things the best candy my bff and sweet tea I want it in my veins

Relationship status is single, but we all know that about me already lmfao

Current obsession is my ocs and music and also my iPad technically cus I can draw for hours and my hand isn’t dead afterwards :D I love drawing on and using this thing I’m havin fun

Last thing I searched was dog breeds for a character idea

*cracks knuckles* alright let’s see how many ppl I can tag lol

Ty for tagging me! :D

Last song - wake [S] (homestuck)

Favorite color - Any warm shade, like orange red or yellow, you cant go wrong with red

Currently watching - nothing right now, but im reading homestuck, if that counts

Sweet Spicy or Savory? All of the above forever

Relationship status - forever alone :']

Current obsession - Sun and moon from fnaf! Theyre so silly!!!!

Last on my search history is homestuck chapters cause thats all ive been doing all day lol

I dont really know who to tag, so ill tag


Oh yo thanks for tagging me!! Looks fun

Last song - Nettle Leaves by MF DOOM !!

Favorite Color- Orange or red, both are amazing to me

Currently Watching- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I’ve pretty much watched all of it but I love to rewatch shows.

Sweet, Spicy, or Savory?- since I can’t handle spice that well I have to go with sweet and savory 💔

Relationship Status- finger wag!!! Lmao not happening

Current Obsession- FNAF has been getting to me again…. also collecting cds/vinyls/cassette tapes

Last on my search history?? How much a coop costs in stardew valley and the answer is 4,000 😨

sorry guys/j @pep-ino @batsing



Thanks for tagging me!! :]

Last song: Hop Along - The Goose and The Wren. This is a comfort song for me :]

Favorite color - Honestly a sucker for a vibrant pinkish red,, that or lime green or cyan I like bright colors

Last thing watched (I don't watch shows very often) - Fiona and Cake! Watching it with a friend and it's really good so far

Sweet, spicy, or savory - I really like savory stuff,, spicy too but my spice tolerance is a little low so I'm working on that

Relationship status - single and idk if I even want a relationship

Current obsession - Hard to say.. I'm currently thinking really hard about some of my ocs though! Also I LOVE dinosaurs I can and will go off about them for HOURS.. Also recently got into monster hunter

Last in my search history - tyrogue (I was trying to figure out how to evolve them properly and wabted the Bulbapedia page)

@ursae-miinoris Hii :3 I don't know if anyone else is okay with being tagged so only one tag,,

i'm late as hell to this my bad lol

Last song: mount rageous. like the song. from trolls. don't look at me weird i was listening to a collaborative playlist

Favorite color: this changes every single day but like. some shade of purple? usually??

Last tv show/currently watching: there's a lot oops,, my LAST one i finished was probably yellowjackets

Sweet/spicy/savoury: spicy and i want it to burn

Relationship status: unhappily married to absolutely no one

Current obsession: several ocs from different universes/stories......... also monster hunter, fionna and cake, lego monkie kid, pokemon, hi-fi rush. also music in general !!! i love music....

Last thing you googled: ... "2023 - 2006". i can't do mental math guys.

tagging @hyper-cryptic @jokester71 and anyone else who wants to! (sorry if you guys aren't okay with tags!)



Last Song:

I Was Made For Lovin’ You Baby — KISS

Favorite Color:

Like ANY shade of green <3333

Last TV Show/Currently Watching:

Last show i think i finished was Good Omens!


I usually flip flop between sweet and spicy lol.

Relationship Status:

Single as a Pringle and i DONT wanna mingle thank you <3

Current Obsession:

erm.. ase,,, atronye,,, 👉👈 4,,, years,,,,,,

Last Thing You Googled:

i last googled Wrightworth fanfiction okay 😭 dont be mean 2 me

TAGS !!!!!!!


do you yet live on this earth?

have you survived fire and ice to speak plainly above the rabble?

does your skin still taste the bite of the freezing wind clawing at you incessantly?

can you break through the lies of the world to live your own truth and your own life?

are you alive, stranger?


I have never been more horrified in my life until now.


We need to talk about Manfred von Karma as a villain because quite frankly I am obsessed with how good his writing is. “Haunts the narrative” no this man IS the narrative. His shadow looms over the entire game before we even know about him and his presence lingers long after he’s gone. He makes one decision that sets the entire trilogy in motion. Every main character is directly or indirectly molded by his hands and his decisions, his effect on the legal system is a curse that clings to the characters for the entire series, and he only shows up in one singular case to serve absolute cunt and then die in prison. Who the fuck is doing it like him.


do you think donald trump and joe biden explored each other’s bodies? also keep slaying girl queen pussy boss. have the guy ever as a reminder that i am ur red flag best friend:


get out you stupid bitch

i love having friends 👍
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You. Hi


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