
I'm Too Gay For This Shit

@rielzero / rielzero.tumblr.com

Riel | He/Him | 26 | Eldritch Being | Vampire Fucker | Chaotic Homosexual

Goodnight Fellow Abyss lurkers! I'm RielZero | About Me | 2024

You can call me Riel! I am a gay, neurodivergent, disabled artist from the netherlands. I am dutch, though I primarily communicate and write in english more comfortably. Since I am not a fulltime employed human and can't work, I spend my days creating art, playing videogames and reading comics. Branding and Handle My Preferred handle online is actually.. ActualEvil! However, this one seems to be currently taken by another user on this website. Since this is a somewhat uncommon occurrence, my back-up handle tends to be the name of my OC Persona, Riel Zero. If you want to make sure an active social is mine, please check out my Carrd for my socials.


I've been working on the comic, mostly doing 3D work cuz I haven't drawn much all June.

Health stuff and my back being owwies (Currently getting it treated.) Trying not to shrimp when I work it :D But some of these pages are very fun. Hope you're looking forward to it.

As of 6/6/2024 2/27 pages finished, 15/27 3D work/layouts done.


I.. am ded. ANYWAY yes, we will see Lae'zel again. (Alive and well.) Hopefully Locke will not have another concussion when that happens. This was several months of work, experimenting here and there. Remember to read the about on this account before leaving comments, thank you. I had to combine 2 images since tumblr apparently only lets you add 30 images per post... I would have a lot more to say usually, but honestly I'm just happy this one's wrapped up for reading. I'm going to refrain from full renders for the most part, it takes too much time and adds very little for me tbh. I want to enjoy working on these :> Remember to reblog if you like the comic! Share with friends. Edit: a page was missing, so i had to add it.


Did you miss out on gale's introduction? (this is the 2nd comic)


Reluctant to Lordship

Locke: Would you still want to drink my blood? Its cold now.. Astarion: Of course I will! And you'll drink mine.. I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me. Locke: Oh.. Wait- Locke: I don't think that's a good idea, I mean- Astarion: ? Locke: Not that I don't want to- Just.. I don't really want any more power? Right now, I can barely stand up right without swaying. Astarion: ..Not anytime soon, my dear. You need time.

Locke: I am curious about the taste, of course. Maybe- After a few hundred years? Eh. My own body feels unfamiliar to me.. All my senses are.. All over the place.

Astarion: *chuckles* Patience, love. Locke: ..Does the city always smell this bad?

Astarion: Yes.

Locke: ..Can I turn it off?

Astarion: You'll get used to it.

Locke: Fuck.

Someone messed around with voices and made a voiced variant to this for me, I laughed really hard at the end lol.

I do imagine Locke would sound a bit more repressed and whispering during the last bit, but hey I can't complain :o

Still not 100% sure Tav 1 Or any of the tav voices ingame are the right fit for my OC, but this would be the closest to it. He'd have a baldurian accent of course.


More Durge Loki work done... Still haven't had the motivation to finish slayer.

AnyWAYYY He is open to Askbox stuff, I might draw responses. Since Durge Loki isn't canon, anything relating towards him isn't a spoiler. Canon Locke's lore is entirely different.

I might draw responses <_<


Tiny Afterstory Drabble (spoilers) Locke/Loki

Context: Locke is a vampire now, and for privacy reasons rather than be a well-known hero in Baldur's gate 3, he declares himself dead to protect his new un-live.

The Undertaker, Jermaine: Well, It's good you had time to drop by the morgue. I'm currently in the progress of preparing your gravestone.

Locke: Oh, anything you need?

Undertaker: Hmm. The.. Public opinion already decided on the message they wanted, but I just need your full name.

Locke: Right, Astarion suggested I should change it if I'm going to declare the old me as dead.. Feels weird to me though.

Undertaker: You could just keep your first name?

Locke: I just have my first name, the middle one and last one were kind of made up on the spot..

Undertaker: *sighs* I don't suppose its that unique.. In Baldur's gate perhaps, but elsewhere..?

Locke: If it's not a risk to keep it.

Undertaker: Very well, but I'll add the extended name to the gravestone to make it more.. Realistic. Long names look official.

Locke: That was my exact same thought.

Undertaker: *scribbling it on parchment*

Locke: Loki Artorius Gaude, that's correct.. No.. You spelled my first name wrong.

Undertaker: ...Wait, it's not Lo-ki? Have I misheard it all the time..

Locke: Yes, its Loki. L-O-C-K-E



Undertaker: Boy.. You've been misspelling your own name for TEN YEARS.

Loki: WHAT. But-

Undertaker: *pulls a hand through his hair before pinching his nose* How.. Did you even come up with your name?

Loki: ..I was the lockpicker, so.. ''Lock'' ''Locki'' Low-key? Something like that. I thought it was cute.. And smart.

Undertaker: You were sixteen and you wanted your name to be cute and smart?

Loki: It was ten years ago.

Undertaker: Fair. Sigh.. *grumbles* Locke Artorius Gaude.. There. I'll have it carved soon.

Loki: *looks really embarrassed*

Undertaker: You're changing your name either way, just start spelling it differently, no one will bat an eye.

Loki: I'm fairly certain everyone in my life thought I spelled it L-O-K-I except for myself..

Undertaker: There's worse things to worry about.

Loki: Like what..?

Undertaker: Lice.

Loki: That's weirdly specific..

Undertaker: Get out. I'm working.

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