
cats!! warriors cats!!


have I even read the books? debatable (pocket, they/them)

🐱chirp or osprey, ❄️rabbit or mica, 🍂tumble, and-or ☀️hickory!!


🐱: how does your character feel about kits? do they want any? do they have any? are they a good parent?

Chirp does absolutely want kits at some point! She loves kits, feels she would be a good mother, and....... yeah maybe has some traditionalist thoughts of, 'it's my duty and i should help bring about the next generation of canyonclanners', but all in all would love to have some of her own!

Osprey? No!

❄️: what is your character’s favorite season? what about their least favorite season?

Mica loves leafbare and hates greenleaf. She really does like snow and the cold, but heat is a no-go. If asked though she'd probably say her favorite is newleaf, because it's the best season for hunting.

Rabbit loves leaffall and doesn't really have a least favorite! They love the chill in the air and the slight bite in the wind... it makes them want to get up and move!

🍂: does your character have a friend group? if so, who’s all in it? how does your character feel about each of them?

Tumble is very close with her family first and foremost, and puts them above most others. I imagine her being close with a lot of cats in her age range just because its in her nature, even if I haven't gotten the chance to write it out yet dkfjgs,,, and of course her 'older sister' Searingdawn!! She would 100000% throw down for Searing, any day.

☀️: what are your character’s goals and what would they do to achieve them?

Hickory's goals are to become a good warrior without sacrificing his own beliefs, i.e. his pacifist ways and desire to be kind to anyone he meets. He knows that that's not always plausible, so he also wants to gain a little bit of courage along the way. He's willing to put in the work to make both of those happen!!


🙀- any of your cats!

🍂- Quailthorn

🏅🎨- Ospreysong


🙀: have you been told told your character resembles a cat from the books? how does this make you feel? how would it make your character feel?

I have not!! Lord it's been so long since I've read a Warriors Cats book I don't even know what I would think.

🍂: does your character have a friend group? if so, who’s all in it? how does your character feel about each of them?

Quail............... has friends!! lkjdgjdksfg he's in the Canyon Teen Squad but he very much feels like he's not... in the Canyon Teen Squad you feel me... like he's there by association because he's in their age group or they feel obligated to be around him- he very much cares about all of his peers, and he doesn't feel resentment towards anybody for this, he's just kinda... content with the way that is.

🏅: what is your character’s reputation within their clan? what about the other clans? is your character popular?

Osprey is well-known in her own clan for being a gossip, a manipulator, and a Girlboss(tm). She gets along well with cats who are like her, and she very much has popular high school head bitch energy, but I'm not sure if I would call her popular... as for the other two clans it's all bad blood babey, she hates Creek and Briar and for the damage she did during the war, they surely don't like her. Osprey had no qualms about taking lives, and even though the war is over she hasn't grown much fonder of them, especially after the Lilyfire situation.


Your thoughts,,, hand em over

🎨- Ospreysong

🤍- Olivebranch

😻- Prairiegaze

🧸- Quailthorn

💥- Chirpingbird


o boy here we go

🎨: does your character have a unique skill that sets them apart from others?

Osprey's great with words; she got her suffix, -song, because of her gift of gab!! Honestly she would be a great storyteller or poet (cat poet?) if she wasn't The Way That She Was.

🤍: what does perfect happiness look like to your character?

There's a lot of things Olive wants: courage, forgiveness, strength, peace- but their ideal happy world would be a place where all their friends could find what they needed to be content, and then they could live the lives they deserved, clear-headed. The difference between Olivebranch the character and pocket the writer is that I know that's partially a way to deflect from sorting out their own issues, but they have good intentions!

😻: is your character insecure about their appearance or are they confident?

Sometimes Prairie forgets what they look like. When they were younger? Oh yes absolutely they were a ball of anxiety and insecurity. After he got his gnarly scar he was a bit self-conscious of it for a time, but these days it simply does not cross his mind. If he thought about it for too long (aka more than 10 seconds) he'd. Probably still live in that youthful mindset, though.

🧸: does your character have a specific object that soothes them?

After Sagefeather died, Quail moved a bit of the moss from her old nest into his nest. The scent of her has faded by now, but sometimes he'll wake up from a dead sleep and swear that it's still lingering around.

💥: does your character have any habits that impact them negatively?

Aside from her lingering Anger Problems(tm), Chirp is a bit too forgiving at times, or a bit too eager to forget and allow herself to be walked over. Sometimes she doesn't hold enough of a grudge.


🧸Cliffkit 🌸Chirpingbird 🍂Ospreysong


🧸: does your character have a specific object that soothes them?

Her dad more than anything dlkfjghdk but I picture Cliff as very much a collector and very much a kit who assigns feelings to inanimate objects,, she likes feathers and dandelions, light and airy things that can't hurt her.

🍂: does your character have a friend group? if so, who’s all in it? how does your character feel about each of them?

Girl gang girl gang girl gang! Osprey's two best friends are Batshadow and Cormorantfoot, and she absolutely keeps her circle small by choice; she'll be friendly with just about anyone she feels like, but that's a world away from being her actual friend. She genuinely loves both of them, but has drifted away from both Bat and Cormorant for different reasons. The reason is that she sucks.


🌸🔥❄️ For Chirping and Osprey!


🌸: how did your character grow up? were they loved by their family? did they have a good or bad childhood? Chirp had a childhood surrounded by a lot of cats she loved. Her parents were utterly devoted to one another, and she was thick as thieves with her brother. Her only negative family tie was on her mom's side, and even that didn't come up often; her godfather and close friends were as much family as her immediate relations.

Osprey was definitely closer with her mother than either of her brothers or her father, mostly because she hated roughhousing and preferred to gossip and chat with her mom, her mom's friends, and whichever of her peers she could get her hands on. She loved them dearly, but relating to her more rough-and-tumble relatives proved difficult. But she was still very much loved, no doubt about that.

🔥: what gets your character angry? how quickly do they reach their breaking point?

Chirp used to be very reactive when it came to anger, anything that could frustrate or trigger her absolutely would. These days she's a lot more mellowed out, but disrespect and carelessness will still rile her up. Her anger's red-hot when it does rear its head, it expresses itself loudly and passionately, but it burns out quicker because of that.

Osprey is in a weird spot with anger right now, she's got a quiet, simmering anger that's just underneath the surface. Her own feelings will get her angry more times than not, as will having to be around stupidity (that is, when it isn't fun for her), being one-upped, and other, more specific triggers. Her anger is cold, icy, seething, and it sticks around for a long, long time.

❄️: what is your character’s favorite season? what about their least favorite season?

For Chirp, her favorite is greenleaf and her least favorite is leafbare! She HATES being cold and LOVES the heat.

For Osprey, her favorite is newleaf and her least favorite is greenleaf! She likes to bask in just-right sunny spots, but hates feeling overheated.


some warriors oc asks!

🌸 - how did your character grow up? were they loved by their family? did they have a good or bad childhood?

🦋 - what makes your character beautiful?

🎭 - what are your character’s positive and negative traits?

🥩 - what’s your character’s diet like? what are their favorite and least favorite foods?

🏉 - is your character athletic? do they train in their spare time or go for long walks?

🔥 - what gets your character angry? how quickly do they reach their breaking point?

🩸- is it easy for your character to draw blood or do they fear hurting others?

🔮 - is your character clairvoyant? do they experience prophetic dreams or receive omens?

🧸 - does your character have a specific object that soothes them?

🌈 - what is your character’s gender and sexuality? what’re their pronouns?

🌹 - is your character quick to fall in love or slow? do they deny their feelings or are they open and honest?

🥀 - has your character lost someone important to them? if so, how do they deal with it? have they moved on?

🐱 - how does your character feel about kits? do they want any? do they have any? are they a good parent?

♈️ - what zodiac sign would your character be? (and, if you wanna get crazy, what would their birth chart be like?)

👔 - what would your character look like as a human? what sense of style would they have?

🦾 - does your character have any disabilities? if so, what are they?

🌪 - what was your character’s most traumatic experience?

❄️ - what is your character’s favorite season? what about their least favorite season?

🔍 - is your character a good investigator or are they generally clueless?

🏅- what is your character’s reputation within their clan? what about the other clans? is your character popular?

🎨 - does your character have a unique skill that sets them apart from others?

😻 - is your character insecure about their appearance or are they confident?

🙀 - have you been told told your character resembles a cat from the books? how does this make you feel? how would it make your character feel?

🎵 - what kind of music would your character listen to? do you have any playlists for them?

📖 - does learning come easily to your character or is it hard for them to pay attention?

🍂 - does your character have a friend group? if so, who’s all in it? how does your character feel about each of them?

🗣 - what does your character sound like? do they have any catchphrases? do you have a voiceclaim for them?

💥 - does your character have any habits that impact them negatively?

☀️ - what are your character’s goals and what would they do to achieve them?

🤍 - what does perfect happiness look like to your character?


HM HM HM ☘Rabbitrun, 🌈Micastripe, ☀️Olivebranch, 🌈Maplesweet and 🍁Rocktalon please!!! Most of these are ur ocs cause I juat love your babes so much pocket


☘️ rabbit (relationship dynamics with the most potential)- ok the interactions rabbit and hound have had are so much fun fdkgjdsf also rabbit and fish have Much potential for a chaotic friendship,, i want them to befriend (annoy) as many cats as humanly possible

🌈 mica (something i want to happen in their character arc)- oh i would love for mica to have a fucking Freak Out u know like a full on emotional breakdown just. either sobbing or angery i want her to freak!!!!!!!! this is said with all the love in the world for my girl but my goal is Pain <3

☀️ olive (ideal friendships)- i want them to become better buddies with their cousin hawk!! p much everyone in their age group including maple (cough. ahem. cough.) also the idea of an olive & pink friendship considering how similiar they are makes me hurt but in a good way...

🌈maple (something i want to happen in their character arc)- maple beloved... listen i know (I Know) that maple is way more confident now about his looks than he was as an apprentice but i do very much want somebody special to tell him how beautiful he is <3 i also want him to have a big long ramble about something he really likes!!!!

🍁 rocky (favorite rp/moment)- god when she fell off that rock and hurts her leg GOD the panic we all felt in chat dkfjghdks we were all like 'HUH???' but that thread right after her injury with her and pink and jag all in the cleric's den when they came to visit her... i had to reread it bc it warms me heart....


🌈☘️ Prairie ✨ Rabbit ☁️ Olive 🍁Moth


🌈 prairie (something i want to happen in their character arc)- I Want Them To Smile. dskfjghfsj no but i'd really like prairie to do something good like a successful hunt or win a spar and think, 'nice i did a good job i'm proud of me :)'

✨rabbit (initial thoughts/opinions)- stupid lil fella who is as shark; will die if they stop moving,, bean showed me their art when i was considering joining cotm and it was game over i just couldn't Not adopt them!!!!

☁️ olive (alternate clan au)- many thoughts abt this.... olive returning to the clans like they do in canon but joining creek or briar instead of rejoining canyon,,, they'd probably really really thrive in either clan tbh dsfgkjdh and they've actually had thoughts irp about 'y'know what with my silly goofy attitude i bet i'd fit in in either creek or briar a lot better than here' i think they would really enjoy the range of characters in creek and the culture of briar,, if they'd been born in either clan i think they would actually be a lot Less outwardly quirky and excessively, well, Olivebranch(tm) for. personal reasons.

🍁moth (favorite rp/moment)- now howmst the fuck do you expect me to pick this!!!! every interaction he has with tempest makes me ugly cry bc i love their friendship and i love that she has moth in her corner... there was also the recent thread between moth and kestrel... 'our pelt colors may not match but we're looking more alike than ever now, hm?' loml... also taking this time as a personal request for more moth and cotton interactions Please And Thank You :)


👀👀👀 hell yes,,, 🍄/🌲Osprey, 🍀Prairie, 🌈Chirp, 🍁/❄️Olive, 🍃/🌸Quail!! Additionally if you’d like, ☀️Speckle or 🍁Sedge!


🍄 osprey (cross-clan ships)- ok nothing is canon at all whatsoever n tbh i don't have a particular character in mind i just........ the thought of osprey falling for a creek/briar molly would b so ironically fitting for her considering how Bitchy she is about the other two clans and also how much she subscribes to the Love Is Fake mentality.... surprise, idiot not only is love real but you're in it with the cats you (pretend) to hate!!!!

☘️ prairie (relationship dynamics with the most potential)- ms ivy for that sweet sweet enemies to friends to ??? dynamic esp since they were so close before i am Very excited to see that play out... i hope moth will continue to wear prairie down to friendship level bc i think moth would be v good for him.... also? i just think prairie and velvet would be funny as hell dfkgjf

🌈 chirp (something i want to happen in their character arc)- O u G h... i want her to talk to gale again like Really talk about everything that's happened and i want her to meet her niblings and have a good relationship with them and show them that having family across the border doesn't have to be a traumatic or angsty thing like it was for her and her generation <3

❄️olive (favorite quote)- "With these muscles? These honed battle skills? That eagle was lucky Shalespots was there to hold me back, otherwise it wouldn't've even had a fighting chance!" /j but it's true

🍃 quail (alternate rank au)- less alternate rank and more Future rank... quail with Higher Ambition is something i've been considering lately... he's always been content with being your average warrior but as he gains confidence and independence mayb he'll look at that deputyship and go 'is for me?' just a thought....................

☀️ speckle (ideal friendships)- Everyone. fkdgjkdf i want to see her reconcile with bat so got DAMN badly i want them to be friends at least... i think speckle and ivy or speckle and fox would b a fun friendship, two cats who are incredibly easygoing and extroverted without being pushy,,

🍁sedge (favorite rp/moment)- the little chat she just had with coyoteleap about parenting are you kidding me........ 'How cats grow into themselves is so beautiful, y'know?' YEAH i do know sedge i Love You!!!


❄️ Chirp, 🍁 or ☀️ Quail, ✨Daff


❄️chirp (favorite quote)- "Acting like this isn't gonna help you down the line. These petty arguments mean nothing- all you two are doin' is competing to see who can hurt who's feelings the most. In a moon, it's not gonna matter." she stated, her voice hard and unyielding, the kind of tone that came with experience. "As young as you two are, what does matter is learning how to act, how to set yourself up for the future, and learning what you do or don't like. You two don't have to like each other, but I can guarantee that when you're warriors, you'll end up on a hunting patrol, or a battle patrol, or in the thick of a fight with only each other for help. This," She gestured towards them with her paw. "Is only gonna weigh you down. You gotta learn how to tolerate cats you don't like, 'cause in the span of your life, there's gonna be dozens of them. You can't avoid it, and you can't taunt or hiss at all of them. So, until y'all can figure that out, consider leaving each other be."

☀️ quail (ideal friendships)- canyon teen squad ofc!! but also i'd love for him to develop proper friendships with some of the older cats he idolizes... leopardpelt, sedgeclaw, mountainheart.... any of the older & experienced canyon warriors really

✨daff (initial thoughts/opinions)- Let Me Give Him A Hug Right Now!!!!! i love this sunshine boy and i think him and olive could be pals!!


🍁 for Chirp, Olive, and Osprey beloveds ;u;


🍁 chirp (favorite rp/moment)- ok well the most recent one with tempest is obviously in the running but when she saw gale for the first time after thinking he was dead........... ough that shit hurted!!!

🍁 olive (favorite rp/moment)- hard 2 say without Spoilers sdfkghsdfk but i will say both Dramatic rps with shale plus 'good talk'

🍁 osprey (favorite rp/moment)- any girl gang rp,,, also that moment in the tunnels where she called hawthorn 'mama'... i clench my fist... oh AND when she decided it was her duty to try and beat the hell out of lilyfire dfgk sorry ik it's 'favorite rp/moment' singular but c'mon what do u want from me


Catling here! ✨☀️ for Chirpingbird :3


✨chirp (initial thoughts/opinions)- when i first saw her as an adopt i saw the long horse face and went Give Her To Me Right Now!!! i initially planned her to be a little more snarky/spicy and a little less cool emotionally intelligent aunt but i am p thrilled with how she developed over time

☀️ chirp (ideal friendships)- oh so many. so many!! she really is a social butterfly even if i don't play her often enough sdlfkjgh i would love her to develop a friendship with the Older Canyon WLWs as well as cats like crane/moth & kestrel who have connections to cats she's already close with (cotton & gale respectively),, plus i see her as a cat who is up for friendships over the border, either with cats she knew before in canyon like caveshade or new faces!!!


🍁quail or chirp + 🌸olive !


🍁 quail (favorite rp/moment)- my favorite scene with him lately was honestly his little hangout with tawny... it was nice writing quail in a relaxed setting with a friend bc that boy is always either a) too awkward b) too shy or c) in some kind of Situation (tm)

🌸 olive (favorite relationship dynamic)- the moth/jasper/olive friendship squad is so near and dear to my heart i want more content with them constantly all the time!! just thinkin about this trio that has been through so got damn much being able to. come together and have a silly goofy time with their bros is truly enough to make a grown man cry


Send in your wcrp oc + an emoji and I’ll respond with...

✨ initial thoughts / opinions

🍁 favorite rp / moment

❄️ favorite quote

🌸 favorite relationship dynamics

☘️ relationship dynamics with the most potential

🌲 who I ship them with

🍄 cross-clan ships

☀️ ideal friendships

🌈 something I want to happen in their character arc

🌼 alternate name

☁️ alternate clan au

🍃 alternate rank au

🌺 warrior ceremony virtues

⚡️ who would give them lives

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