
kinnie /derpogatory


they/neo/fer/faygo - july 19th ♌ - physically + mentally ill - bi/nb/poly/catgender
intro post!!

hi this is just a kin blog lol sjsbksndk i might make a carrd but that also feels like too much effort fur somethin as purrsonal as this </3

im just gonna b rebloging kin stuff ive requested, or art i find of my kins, or mayb even just aesthetics i like so sjnskdn

DNI if ur truscum/transmed/terf/gendercritical, anti mogai/anti neopronouns, exclusionist (ace/pan v bi/whatever the fuck else honestly), racist, n*zi, if u r a dick in general.

im not afraid to block, but even if i do block u, dont take it purrsonally i might just b tired of ur shit on my dash djsbkzms


tag guide:

#kinnie moment - kin shit

#stimmy!! - stim shit

#memorysuck - hs kin

#dimenskin20 - d20 kin

#nostalgkin - carebears kin

#cookin run - cookie run kin

#kingonronpa - dr kin (includes fangans)

#babey.. - comfort character

#moneymoneymoneymoney - stuff to buy

ill drop the kin list at,, some point?? im ok w/doubles btw!! n i think thats abt it?? nsksnsk


Indigenous peoples of the great plains should've never told white people about tornadoes. "I don't know man that shit never happened before you showed up"


hyena positivity that focuses on spotted hyenas only is so fake. if you don’t love brown and striped hyenas then get out. if you don’t love aardwolves I can’t even look at you oh my god

oh shit wait you guys know about the aardwolf right?????? right???????

leeeeeetle hyena? eats bugs?


i love love love when artists put a bunch of effort into like human anatomy and facial features and light rendering and drawing fabric folds and shadows and texture and then when they draw a gun they do this


I can't get over the Star Wars Hotel making you log in to Disney+ to watch anything. $6000 experience that can't give you free Disney+ for two days. Back in the day a lot of people decided to get cable off experiencing it for free in hotel rooms and now you're expected to bring your cable with you lest they give you anything for free for two days


when i was 20 i hadn't transitioned yet but i had a dream where i died and saw my own spirit leave my body and my spirit had the form of a silhouette of a young girl in a sundress and even without any context i felt inherently that that was "me" and then i woke up. a very cisgender experience


i need to suck more dick or the vet is going to put me down cmon you gotta help me

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