
Local Fugo Apologist

@churbo / churbo.tumblr.com

Art Sideblog | Churo | Any prns | Jjba mostly but other stuff too | dont expect consistent tags m rlly stupid

went back to my roots and remade the 2 bnha ocs I had even if I don't keep up with the show anymore at All

i dont have much info on them besides that the first one has a hair manipulation quirk (think bayonetta or arms) and the other one can grow bones out of his skin hope u enjoy these goobers

Anonymous asked:

uhh uhmm yu should. U should uhm uhhhh :3 yknow. maybe u should like >_< too. even a little ^_^ would be gr8 or uhmmm uhh 0_0 ya know ???

Ya…. Ya ur right I should… right on it boss o7 ^_^


Sorry for the big jump in activity I haven't been motivated much due to school but I did manage to make a new guy because its very fun

This is Aurelio Pellegrino, a 24-year-old singer at Passione-owned Dive Bars just trying to make a living! His goal is to be able to have a successful career in singing to be able to have and support a kid of his own someday

Anonymous asked:

Please tell me your rainbow guy oc is named Lisa Frank

he's not BUT he does draw direct inspiration from Lisa Frank (in his entire design and personality) so if anything that could be his second name!!! His current name as it stands is Prismatic, though it's just a cover name as he refuses to divulge any personal information about himself to anyone, including his legal name.

heres a quick doodle of him being annoyed as shit with other people impeding his work

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