


https://astrosastronomy.carrd.co/ fantroll enthusiast LETS BOOGIE DOWN💥☄️‼️
Anonymous asked:

Got any tazjec hcs?

i have a few!!!


-because Taz is 6'5 and arcjec is short (5'11) whenever they get in an argument, Taz picks arcjec up and puts him on a high surface and taz can't take him off unless he apologises for the argument

-whenever Taz washes her hair, Arcjec helps her with some of the washing because she has so much and its difficult to sort it out by herself

-they like quiet time together, no speaking or anything, just sitting together and enjoying each-others company

-arcjec is obsessed with Taz, and is terrible at hiding it, Taz is obsessed with arcjec but is decent at hiding it

-Taz would smack Arcjecs ass in public/J

-Taz tries to convince Arcjec to stop smoking (it does not work)

-they both probably hate olives



Anonymous asked:

I'm new to your blog, who is the least and most active of your trolls on a day-to-day?


Zerola Golade

would probably be the most active I have so far considering how much she works out,,, she's in some military force,, I still haven't figured out what yet,,,

Andd for my least active troll

Gloth Verminmem

Dude does absolutely nothing

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