

@eliksni-enjoyer / eliksni-enjoyer.tumblr.com

Info in pinned, lyrics from Oblivion by Shinedown, have a great day! ::3


Yo! I mainly go by Hayhay or Hay but I also go by the names Eggnog, Alder, Skolas, and Hail. I am Otherkin and Autistic

Otherkin blog at @brightlynightly

Destiny blog at @eliksnienjoyer

Special interests are Warrior Cats and Destiny, ask me about them and I will give you an essay on whatever(I mean that in the best way possible).

#AUGH(Positive) : My version of a favorite tag

#hayhay talkin' : My tag for stuff I talk about

#Key Quest : A roleplay me and my friends have

For basics I use She/They but if you're cool here is something a little in-depth stuff on how to address me:

Commissions: Open!

Art Trades: Open

Art Requests: Open

Other Socials:

Ao3 - Branchez0fAlderTreez

FlightRising - HailForTheStorm

ArtFight - HayTheWeirdo

YouTube - HayTheWeirdo

Tags I stalk: Eliksni, Eldritchkin, Catkin, The Thing 1982, Cephalopod, Flight rising

I don't want this too long so I'm putting this under a cut but here's a description of all my(Official/named) oc stuff in their little universes.


It has been literal years but every time I see Martin’s tweets posted somewhere and his word is shared as truth while her post is not shared it sort of reiterates the fact that we trust men to speak about feminism more than we believe women who experience it. 

Reading her account of how their boss treated her blows me away. Men are so emboldened that they will literally admit to illegal discrimination casually and face no consequences.

In all the years of seeing this post I’ve never seen a link to her side. Didn’t even know she’d written one.


Adding screenshots of her post. His whole post is there without needing a link. Hers should be, too.

Also, she posted this is 2017! It’s fucking 2020 and I’ve seen his side of this for years, but it took 3 years for her side to make its way to my dash…

I’ve reblogged his story at least twice; it’s time for Nicole’s.

Reblogged him, bout time I got to reblog her.


the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him


The “oh I could definitely write this fanfic in under 5000 words and it really wouldn’t take me that long” voice in your head is actually the devil speaking


when the story is just not working, but you keep writing anyway

Current mood…


Reminder that she actually wins that season, so keep your head up.

Reminder that she constantly had trouble believing that she deserved to be there and her first few could best be described as ‘not the worst’.

And she won. She stayed positive, cried when she needed to, and kept going.

Once more:

  1. Stay positive
  2. Cry when you need to
  3. Keep going

a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town

  • academy
  • adventurer's guild
  • alchemist
  • apiary
  • apothecary
  • aquarium
  • armory
  • art gallery
  • bakery
  • bank
  • barber
  • barracks
  • bathhouse
  • blacksmith
  • boathouse
  • book store
  • bookbinder
  • botanical garden
  • brothel
  • butcher
  • carpenter
  • cartographer
  • casino
  • castle
  • cobbler
  • coffee shop
  • council chamber
  • court house
  • crypt for the noble family

in case you are building a REALLY big minecraft city


Hey I don’t know if this is being talked about on Tumblr but thankfully the AO3 subreddit has a conversation going about this app that just went live.

TikTok user unravel.me.now has just launch an app (lore.fm) she is calling “Audible for AO3”. It’s an app that uses AI voices to read out fics.

🚨She is requiring any authors who do not want their fics to be on this app to OPT OUT by emailing team@lore.fm 🚨 🚨She has not given an actual template or how you’re supposed to prove you’re the author or said how her team will process this or how she will keep these requests secure🚨

I do not have this app. I haven’t seen anyone use it yet. According to Reddit users, unravel.me.now’s earlier TikToks stated she envisions the app being able to create libraries stored on that app and to have version of “Spotify wrapped”. That implies that eventually data collection must happen, if it’s not happening currently.

I don’t know the actual capabilities of this app. I don’t know the legalities. I do know that it personally feels like this app is trying to turn AO3 into a content generation source and I haven’t heard of the app allowing you to leave a comment or kudos or interact with the original work.

I’m just sad about this.


I checked their page and I found this:

So for now it seems like this could be the only barrier we have? Because their email system seems absolutely fucked and inefficient.


I could've been playing legit minecraft THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!?!?!

Correction: Not the complete whole time, since I got my computer, but instead since I got my own xbox account which is connected to my microsoft, which allowed me to log in and download official minecraft. Either way, I'm playing minecraft again! This time not pirated lol


seven years ago in the name of tolerating free speech from all political perspectives my nasty ass evil university let an army of tiki torch wielding nazis shouting jews will not replace us march through grounds threatening the lives of students and community members with zero police presence. and today they retroactively changed campus policy around tents so they could send in the cops to bust up the gaza memorial vigil. genuinely fucking stomach turning

state troopers just showed up in full riot gear prepared to brutalize people for violating a university policy the university changed an hour ago specifically so they could arrest them. i am sick.

tear gas and mass arrests happening against student protestors and onlookers in charlottesville rn. not one iota of this force was used against the nazis and klansmen in 2017. situation still escalating. insane. if you’re so inclined brbf is seeking support⬇️


they should do an MMO where everyone is a shapeshifter and you can go live with animal herds in the wild if you want for a time but you are never entirely one of them, noting that the wild animal npcs partake in behaviors with or make calls to one another that you may not understand the logic of but can try to learn to repeat the musical cadence of. this is true of even the human npcs, whose musical language is the most intricate and complex to learn of all and who will ostracize you readily if you do not use it properly. other players are not marked as players and there is no chat feature. as an elk you may not know if the wolf chasing you is an npc or another player who does not know the same of you, and there is no chat. maybe the players would develop a sort of musical cadence to identify other shifters. no one would like this game and it would not be fun. but i would like it

were you a person? was i one? did it matter?


Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol


What the everliving hell?

Your not friendly reminder that cops stole more monetary value then all burglaries in 2020, and that is only dwarfed by time theft by American businesses.

I was talking to my roommate about this just tonight. In 2002 I had $34 stolen out of my suitcase by TSA.

Not much compared to $100k, you might say, and you’re correct. But you know what made this so fucking low, and why I’m still mad about it?

Also in that suitcase was my Girl Scout vest. And my stuff for summer camp, like kids’ sunscreen and kid-sized wading shoes. And a stuffed animal.

It would have been blatantly obvious they were stealing FROM A CHILD. I’d done extra chores for a month to earn that money so I could buy stuff from the camp store. It’s not much in whole amounts, but it was a lot when I was twelve, and that was MY life savings.

They literally do not care who you are. They’ll steal the pennies off a dead man’s eyes.


You should always assume that cops are also criminals. It's why they need to be given body cams and other surveillance measures.


me when i get tagged by mutuals: oh my GOD my friend noticed me,, omg my bestie in the world wide web, my beautiful wonderful amazing fren whom i cherish dearly, JUST NOTICED ME,, I AM ABOUT TO C O M B U S T

me when tagging mutuals: oh no... i hope im not annoying you.. or anything.. if you want I'll never tag you again.. only if you want tho.. if you don't want to be tagged then that's okay.. i love you.. pls don't hate me,,,

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