


(they/them, 19, lesbian) side blog for funger! instagram and twt are @/rescuememother

i need everyone to reblog pavdailys posts

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I'm absolutely in love with and your art style ;w; I'm literally so in awe and inspired omg

Could you tell us what drawing program/ brushes you use?

AAA thats so sweet of u😭🩷 i tend to switch up between photoshop and procreate, but lately its been mostly procreate really!! :]

abt brushes aaa i use so many i have a few packs i dowloaded for free on twt theres like a marker brush there ive been using for lineart?? but like. i switvh it up every once in a while😭

Anonymous asked:

idk if its just me or what but ur banner is cropped and i rlly wanna see what the full image looks like pls its eating away at me

had to go thru my gallery depths to find this again but here u have it anon!

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