

@gracieo / gracieo.tumblr.com

Big ol funny dog in your phone!

💲1️⃣5️⃣ BEAN YCHS‼️

(Shares appreciated!) Hihi! I’m tryna stay somewhat employed during the school week so I’m openin up bean YCHs ٩( ᐛ )و

This is for only canine/feline/similar shaped critters with beans! I’ve got the form right here :3c ty all!


how to grow the fuck up

Imma need this eventually cause they don’t teach you jack squat in school

Ima schedule to reblog this when I’m 16.

Ima need this eventually

Pfffft i’m 32 and I still need some of this advice

Reblogging now for future me

I’m sure future me will need at least one of these links.

There’s this one also, but idk if it applies to everything



HELLO! Would anyone be interested in a custom colored squid plushie? I can ship to the US, and it’d be $15 + $5 shipping :] turnaround time of a couple weeks!

Dm if interested B)


Also i know its still a couple months away but people doing artfight listen to me. last year i did like 3-6 full body fully colored/shaded attacks every day for like 4 days straight and i had to go to the doctor and get eyedrops because it was hurting my eyes so bad. i know its fun but take breaks for the love of god. this also goes for drawing in general but i know artfight is mega crunch time for a lot of people so im just letting yall know. dont draw 10 hours a day for multiple days it WILL cause issues


I liked this post, scrolled for like another minute before I went “SHIT FUCK SHIT” and scrolled back to reblog it

I always reblog this one when I see it on my dash. When someone posts their own art, writing, or music here they are really hoping you will share it.


Small artists you need to understand that when you see an artist who you think has 'made it' tells you not to worry about the numbers and to not fret about getting more likes than reblogs they are not telling you it because they think you are stupid for caring or because they dont need to network to survive they are very likely telling you that because they have witnessed first hand the way the numbers game tears people to shreds in terms of mental health and motivation

I personally have never been one to get too hung up on numbers or clout because I've always been a very casual artist. But I have seen real lasting effects on others from even tangentially tying worth to the numbers. You can absolutely Make It and be a big artist and still have performance paralysis from The Numbers. Its not healthy, and it sticks with you in a lot of small ways. Im sure there are smug assholes out there about it, but most people telling you stop worrying are doing it because they know the end result. Even if it works and the grind pays off with lots of followers and commissions it is so, so, so easy to make yourself miserable in a myriad of ways creatively. I wish you all success but please, please try to catch this behavior/mindset early and don't let it poison your ability to create


anybody else going through life feeling like a dog that wasn't socialized enough as a puppy


i think a 7 year old girl could kill any transphobe. imagine telling a 7 year old girl she's not as strong as the boys around her because she's a girl, she'd rip your organs out in less than a second. have you ever seen what happens when a teacher says "i need a strong boy to carry this thing"?? have you never seen a small child carry four times her body weight with a smile on her face just to spite someone???? i think kids should be allowed to kill tbh



yeah that's exactly what i was saying

(suddenly serious) what i was saying was that Dungeon Meshi has some really well-written characters that also have flaws. half the cast constantly gives Laios shit for being socially awkward, Laios forgets about the basics of human decency a couple of times when interacting with Izutsumi, the funny late-story villain squad are 80% convicted criminals, basically every character is a bit racist in some way, and, yes, Marcille, everyone's favorite silly little disaster lesbian, gets the "ick" about Tall-men portraying the characters in her favorite romance novel because she thinks they're too ugly and pouts about the idea of Falin (her dear beloved Falin) wearing clothes that she would be happy and comfortable wearing because "that stuff is for men"

i feel really silly talking about this but a weird thing that happened for me when the Dungeon Meshi anime took off and the fandom really exploded was seeing how weirdly cutesified a lot of fan depictions of the characters was. the "canon versus fanon" of it all, if you will. a week or so ago there was a bonus comic drawn by Ryoko Kui that got spread around Twitter about a What If situation in which Laios got eaten instead of Falin, and people were shocked about the idea of the party basically immediately giving up on the idea of saving Laios, including at least one "why does the writer think she knows so much" joke (i'm hoping it was a joke), which really baffled me because it just made sense to me that the party initially wasn't all that close to Laios (besides Falin, obviously). the relationship of the main cast is something that grows over the series. please read that carefully: the main cast does care for one another, they care for Laios, it's just that it's something that is developed over the course of the manga... and even that idea was too much for some fans

i'm probably going to sound really snobby, but i think there's a lot of people who are more fans of the fanart than the actual series...

i was mainly being silly when i was like "yeah let Marcille be weird about gender" but i was also kind of serious because it kind of is a prominent part of her character. it speaks to the world she lives in, what she values and finds important, and if you think about it, it actually speaks a lot to the subtext around her and Falin: Marcille hates "gross things," Marcille hates being uncomfortable, Marcille thinks women should be girly, and men should be masculine, and yet she willingly journeys down into a gross dungeon and eats weird monsters in order to save Falin, a woman who likes bugs, fucking around in the dirt, and pants. what do you think that implies about Marcille?

i appreciate writers that don't smooth all the rough edges off their characters. in Kui's case, we all know she's put massive amounts of thought into the world Dungeon Meshi takes place in, and the views of her character reflect all these thoughts. i don't think Marcille being "conservative" is an accident- i would go so far as to say that i don't think the "contradiction" of Marcille's love of Falin is an accident. i think this is all the sign of good writing, and i think it's a diservice to the writer to try and make these characters more "palatable" (and fit all the corny "found family" memes lol)

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