


Lyrics or Lyr | 23 | She/They | Aspec Lesbian | Gremlin Mode Engaged | I can't believe I'm relearning how to use Tumblr, please hold--

"but aces and aros can be in relationships"

Yes, I know that, but do YOU know that aces and aros in relationships are still aces and aros? Do you internalize that? Are you aware that we don't just suddenly turn straight, or gay or anything else?

Yes, even demis

Are you aware that a sex repulsed asexual will still be sex repulsed even in a relationship, and so, might never fuck you?

Are you aware that a romance repulsed aro will still be romance repulsed even in a seemingly normative relationship and might not like doing typical romantic gestures and activities?

Are you aware that a sex neutral or positive asexual might not actually be sexually attracted to you at all even if they do fuck you?

Are you aware that a romance neutral or positive aro might not actually be romantically into you even if they are comfortable with typical romantic gestures?

Are you aware that our identities are just as permanent as yours?


girl I would kill myself if I did that lol

reading harry potter actively makes you less literate


j why did you censor the name of the scottish play

I think doing that is way funnier than saying the Scottish play, and I’m not going to risk actually saying the name and having something bad happen

i just realized despite me making fun of you for saying m*cbeth, i refused to say it myself. i am fucked up

even I, the op, flinched while writing it in the notes 😔


do y’all only post from inside a theatre?


All the world's a stage, catgirlforeskin.


hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month


your man doesn’t have the mental strength to caramelize onions 

your man thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions

Who’s fucking carmelizing onions?

Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist?


do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions


your man thinks caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions


Good for this person. This is exactly what you do. Screw the job.

I had a job that made me work an all nighter, 30 hours straight, over Thanksgiving. I resigned that Monday and it was one of the most satisfying decisions I’ve ever made.


Please pay attention to all the manipulation tactics this boss uses, because they’re pulling out every trick in the book.

  • “I’m not your boss, I’m your friend”
  • “Other people will be hurt by this and it’s your fault and I’m going to tell them all that”
  • Mocking language
  • Jobs are important too
  • “Be a team player”
  • “We’re your family too”
  • Talking as if this is a thing you must do
  • “We all make sacrifices”
  • Undermining your authority
  • “You caused all of this, really”
  • Accusing you of being “unprofessional”
  • “Look at the money you cost us”
  • “Just laugh it off and come back to work”

This is like a 101 course in how employers use guilt trips to coerce you into putting up with their bullshit. This is precisely why you should never trust those employers who insist that they’re “like a family.” They are not. It’s just a ruse so that your boss can neg you into putting your job ahead of your actual life.

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