

@neotomiccccc / neotomiccccc.tumblr.com

★ HE/HIM RANCID TRANSGENDER CRAZED SATANIC CANINE MAN DOG THING. ★ also a 22 year old artist i fucking guess ★★★

Hi, I'm Neo. I'm a 22 year old bi trans man and I use He/Him.

I draw a bunch of stuff, whatever fandoms I'm into at the moment, original horror concepts, the occasional ocs, and some traditional art gets in there too when I feel like it :)

My ask box is always open.

Commission info

Commissions are OPEN at the moment!! Message me for info :)


- My art
- Original
- Horror
- Stardew Valley
-Madoka Magica
-Mob Psycho
- All Saints Street
- Dungeon Meshi

More to be added as I post :)


dungeon meshi drawrriinnggsss !!!!

( cw: implied dungeon meshi manga spoilers )


The theme of loneliness in mob psycho hits so deeply. Dimple just wanting to be recognised and seen by others. Tome, scared that she's alone on this earth, looking for life in space. Ritsu feeling so left behind by and insignificant next to his brother. Teru, after nearly killing mob, begging him to stay with him because he doesn't want to be the only one with such powers. Toichirou going mad because he's lacking positive human connections. Serizawa scared of hurting others isolating himself completely. Mogami, too, going crazy because of how deeply and utterly lonely and hopeless he is. The entirety of claw, being rejected by society and angry and sad about it. Reigen using and trying to manipulate mob but losing all his positive, deeper connections after it goes sideways, and still pretending to be something he's not because he doesn't want to be rejected or abandoned. And don't even get me started on mob.


Nix needs a new reference sheet really.. idk the way I draw him has CHANGED... It's gonna have to go on my comically long to-do list


i wanted to do my own version of pony shane :) he's a pegasus named indigo rain who was late in getting his cutie mark because he felt lost in life for a while before finding his calling with chickens.

honestly pretty much everything's the same except everyone's not human lol.

like with his original stardew counterpart, my farmer samuel is originally from our world but gets isekai'd into this stardew/mlp one as a unicorn named sable. at first they think that this is just some stardew AU thing going on since everything follows the stardew setting. like there's no ponyville or canterlot or anything familiar from mlp: fim, which samuel/sable watched back in his teen years. sable believes this world has nothing to do with the mlp universe he knows other than the ponification.

then one day sable visits the museum.

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