


Ethan / Steven • 19 • Welcome to the circus

in the meantime of me being focused on my main madness day piece rn, have some shitty doodles!


Ah, Skyblocks...

this is originally a screenshot from a YouTuber called Roasted James, he no longer has his videos up but I still remember them fondly. this is also a redraw from the same screenshot I drew back in 2021

This is the original 2021 drawing!

Anonymous asked:

love of the cishets

at the end of the show michael and sean become cishet men and get married and have kids in a suburban home


im gonna try to start posting more on Tumblr, I just really need to get back in that groove.

ANYWAYS, let me give you all context on these guys. a few weeks ago I managed to get my 3ds back out of storage and I also got myself a copy of HeartGold from my dad- the problem comes in right when you open the 3ds and notice that the screen isn't really great with dead pixels, and to add onto it the music is horribly messed up- but my dumbass thought oh! that's fine! and I start trying to play HeartGold.

NEWS FLASH HORRIBLE IDEA? the game is holding itself together with the skin of its teeth because the pixels are horribly jumbled and the music sounds something out of vinesauces corruption stockpile streams and it always crashes either before the rival battle or a bit after the rival battle. I finally had enough of it and told my friends about it which prompted me to sit my 3ds as still as I could on my bed and draw out a mock-up of the sprites because I could never get good enough pictures on my phone because the camera is actual ass.

after showing everyone this they told me I was living a creepypasta and to just be funny I decided to make actual designs for the characters that I made mock-ups for just to live that early stupid creepypasta nostalgia and now we have these guys, there's not much of a story as I actually already have my own pokemon creepypasta that I'm still working on that I had before these guys, but I think having them here as a second "true to form" creepypasta is silly.


ALRIGHT SO... IM BACK!! I couldn't get access to my old Tumblr account so I had to make a new one !!! the image below is what my old one was so...... sorry for the random migration of accounts lmao!!!

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