


♡ 100% paladin || doing art || born as a bean ♡

Hi! („ᵕᴗᵕ„)

My name is Pax ✨ and I am currently working on redrawing Blue Exorcist manga panels with wolves.

I also do other art. Feel free to take a look around. Likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated.

Thanks a lot for giving me a chance-


☆ Character credits-

  • Arthur, Mephisto, Lewin and Shura are created by @grinu and owned by me.
  • Rin is created and owned by @grinu
  • Amaimon is created and owned by @ohifinsternis


Feel free to ask me questions ♡

(I may answer with a drawing - depends on the question)


So, you remember that one panel where when Arthur was talking to Jeremiah where it was shown that he had fangs ? What's your opinion on that ? Do you think it has any sort of special meaning ? That Arthur himself is maybe a bit more demon than everyone thought ? Also, how would you even like the idea of a demon/nephilim Arthur ?


Thanks for inspiring me. I made art of my thoughts ( ´ ∀`)♡

I love every Arthur. No matter what Kato will do to him. I don't care if he's male or female or human or demon. I just want him to be safe and alive (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。


Look at that ! You just woke uo in the body of Kato XD !

You now have the chance to change ANYTHING about Blue Exorcist (characters, arcs, ships, ect.)

What would wou change ? Or would you let everything stay the same ?


Oh boy that's a difficult question Σ(゚口゚;)//


First of all... Blue Exorcist is a bit different for me. When I started reading the manga and watching the anime I only cared for one certain character...

^ me.

I can say that changed a lot after entering the fandom. I see so many good art of all of the characters that I started to pay attention on everyone.

But I will always be an Arthur fan idk what could happen that would change my mind. So his plot and his panels always get the most attention from me. And the demon kings of course.


Things I would change... SEASON ONE OF THE ANIME.

Jesus Christ what a bullshit. (#`д´)ノ

People started hating Arthur because of that trash and they also represented him as a fucking joke on that fire engine. He is a Paladin! How ridiculous.

I also really don't like the art style. A lot of people hating season 3 style but in my opinion it's so much better. I want to forget season one tbh.


If I go deeper into the whole story and look at the plot I am always impressed how Kato managed all that. I have a huge respect for her creations. Everything happens out of a reason and I really like how the story and the characters evolve. It's well written and when I am sure what will happens next everything went completely different.



Kato I hate you for this (no I love you but this was NOT necessary!) The chapter was uploaded on his birthday how could you?!

Also- Lund and Strom are some stupid NPCs... Not fair!

I will never understand it. I will also not try to understand it. I was so shocked when I red it I want to pretend this never happened. Kato... please take more care of the Paladins they are not a disposable item.


This woman will end me I am sure.


Hi there ^^ Just wanted to say that I love your work, it#s great as always ! If I may ask, what's your favorite piece of art you ever made ? Is there any character you paticulary like/dislike to draw ?


Waaah I am so sorry I absolutely forgot tumblr exists ⨀_⨀

Thanks a lot! You have no idea how much this support means to me. I'm flattered (´ ▽`)o♥♡

My favourite piece of art is a really good question. I think I'll got with this one. Its from last year and one of my first artworks with Aoex content in it. It's a cover I drew for a roleplay I'm writing with a friend and I'm still not sure how I managed to draw so many people in one picture lmao-

It's funny that I mostly like my first art more than my art now. Idk what changed but I cant really look at my current art without hating it immediatly !o◡O!

Thank you so much for the question! I try to be more active here again but this site confuses me so much aaaa


A character that I dislike to draw- MEPHISTO! I hate drawing him with all my heart. There are other characters that are very difficult for me like Rin for example because I always do his hair wrong lmao but Mephistos face is so special and I barely get it look right grrr


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