“Bi lesbian was made by Radf.ems in 2016 and lesbianism always excluded men, words have clear cut meanings!!″ sources!

(Title is sarcastic actually! Oops!)

(Warning for outdated language in some of the sources. Use of queer and dyke.)

(Transphobia tw)

Those date from 2011. Not as old as other sources, but demonstrates that until recently, people have enjoyed the term. Again, the term didn’t die in the 80s, and didn’t suddenly appear in 2018.


this thread is about;

*”Bisexual Women and the "Threat" to Lesbian Space", by Sharon Dale Stone

*”Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers” by Lilian Faderman

[link removed because source is gone]

*This is about “Lesbian and Bisexual Identities: Constructing Communities, Constructing Selves”, by Kristin G. Esteberg

*Ebook for Lesbian health

*Ebook for Closer to home, which mentions many labels such as bi-dyke, bi-lesbian, lesbian-identified bisexual, etc

Related to the above, Anything That Moves, which is the magasine that published the Bisexual Manifesto had this to say: 

“The women in Closer to Home give themselves many names. Bi-dyke, bi-lesbian, lesbian-identified bisexual, bi-affectional, lesbian, and formally-lesbian bisexual. Anything but straight. As Margaret Mihee Chloe points out in her essay, “identity is that which makes one recognizable to self and other.” The plurality of names, and the combinations used, are all attempts in our clumsy and woman-wordless language, to create this identity, to make ourselves recognizable.And a lot more quotes can be found in the magazine  

The issue with this this specific quote can be found here

(This carrd also has information on GNC and he/him lesbians)

Edit; this post is/ will be updated as I find new shit


In all seriousness though, every time someone says “the term was made by terfs”, I see red. Bi lesbian is overwhelmingly used by trans women and non-binary people, and y’all have the nerve to pretend radfems are behind its creation (without, of course, listing a fucking source for it. Besides, radfems mentionning it and laughing at it is NO proof that they made it). Radfems have show again and again how much they despise the term, but y’all have decided that believing a bunch of gatekeeping fucks that will call everything they don’t like “terf rethoric” is the way to go, apparently, despite COUNTLESS TRANS PEOPLE telling you otherwise

And, NGL, y’all are ignorant as fuck to genuinely believe TERFs would let anyone they see as attracted to man label themselves a “lesbian” in any way, much less “bi lesbian”. The only lesbians in their eyes are Cis gold-star transphobic lesbians, that’s it. They are literally the ones who separated the lesbian community, and kicked bi women out, but y’all still wanna pretend they legit use bi-lesbian in a positive manner at all?

FebFem (female exclusive bisexual female) is the term made by TERFs to refer to “good” bi women who don’t date men”.

Below are screenshots showing what radfems think of bi-lesbians (hints; not positive.) obvious TW for transphobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, general GC bullshit.

https://twitter.com/ialika_lifina/status/1401609178435624960?s=20 You might notice: TERFs are the ONLY ones who (Sometimes) think Bi-lesbianism Is about “including trans women in lesbianism”. No-lesbianism as used by people who actually use the label has NEVER been about defining attraction to trans women as “bisexual because of biological sex”.

And bi is pretty much known as “attraction to 2 genders or MORE” for a lot of folks who are bi. For bi-lesbian who refer to themselves as such, they mean women and non-binary genderS (with an s), or, more rarely specifically women and one non-binary gender (ex; women and agender people). They are not pushing for a “gender trinary”, stop saying that.

And if you try to pull the “bi is redundant cuz n-b people are already included in lesbianism”: look if you personally include them in your own definition, good for you, no one is forcing you to change labels. If /you/ feel included, good for you, but please understand not all of us are. It can feel to some of us like we are reduced to “binary-lite”. (Example: imagine someone who is bigender man/woman: imagine someone saying “ooh you’re non-binary so your eincluded!1! But anything MAN is excluded! But we’re very inclusive of non-binary identities uwu” doesnt that sound contradicting in the slightest? Or at least erasing someone’s identity?)

But if you try and pull it to say “enby genders are included cuz u can never know who is non-binary; fuck you for essentially misgendering a bunch of non-binary people as “basically female-looking enough”. Besides, I’m sorry to say it, but you can never be sure who’s a woman, who’s a man, who’s non-binary. For all you know, that very feminine person with long hair you thought was cute is actually a man, (cis or trans), and goes by he/him pronouns. By /your own/ logic, that n-b people who are “female passing or androgynous” enough are included because “you can never tell”, feminine men who look “female enough” could be included in lesbianism. Make of that what you will.

As for the “lesbians are into fem-aligned enbies anyway so the label bad :)”: I made this whole post about it, feel free to look into it and why that claim is high-key transphobic and nbphobic: 

As for “WELL SPLIT ATTRACTION MODEL BAD ;(”, Well. People know themselves better than you do. If your sexual and romantic attraction is the same, good for you, you do not get to talk for other’s experiences with queerness.

“They could just use homosexual biromantic then not lesbian”!! Oof. Well first of all no? Why would you want someone to label themselves homosexual if they are not comfortable? The word has such a shit history??

Second: idk I’m not comfortable with telling non-binary to use “homosexual” with their attraction to women (because, surprise, women =/= Non-binary, unless for those who identify as botch) if they are Not also women, or women-aligned.

I also feel saying the SAM is “bad” because it’s just a “modifier” feels. Disrespectful to aro/ace people, as it treats being aro and/or ace as a modifier rather than a full orientation but maybe that’s just me lol.

Also i cannot believe I need to say this apparently but -ahem- Queer People Are Not Responsible For Shitty CisHet Men Hitting on people Who Aren’t Interested IN Dating Them. Stop Victim Blaming I Beg Of You.

Finally: WHaT AbOuT DICTiOnArY DEFInITIOns1!1!

1; I feel the queer movement should be about revolution and giving up on the neat little boxes cishet society has pushed on us, and instead let queer people decide for themselves what fits best but you do you?

2 ; if you want to use “dictionary definitions, go for it I guess, but no “official” dictionary definition i have seen refers to lesbianism as /exclusive/ attraction to women.

As you can see, none of these describe lesbianism as “exclusive” attraction to women

(The same applies to “homosexual” or “gay”. It is always referred more or less as “attraction to same sex and/or gender”, never “EXCLUSIVE attraction”)


Well. That has come full circle if you ask me.

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