
Evil Internet Mastermind

@realityreaperr / realityreaperr.tumblr.com

Tuberculosis fears me.


Hey guys. As you know I’m a tourist. But recently I got into an accident with a biker. (DONT WORRY I DIDNT HIT HIM, IT WAS QUITE THE OPPOSITE.) And I had to cancel my plans to go to new orleans. Basically. I want everyone in new orleans to COMMENT and tell me what the city is like. I woul really appreciate it because it’s also my birthday in two weeks. Specifically. And really if you live in new orleans you should feel a duty to reply to this as a citizen.


An unused painting by Ken Rieger, the cover artist for Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3D. This was meant for an Apogee catalog. Found in George Broussard’s closet. (Source)

“I love you, Miki.” 
“Huh? What was that?” 
“Nothing at all!” 

Devilman (1972), Episode 39 - "Demon God, The Miracles of God"

Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman (2000)

Devilman Crybaby (2018), Episode 9 - “Go to Hell, You Mortals” 


I was such a huge fan of the Amon: The Darkside of The Devilman manga that I bought the art book years ago. The art by Yu Kinutani is exceptional and is my favorite iteration of the Devilman canon. 

Here are some scans.


Vape Life Hack

Much like how troom troom and many other youtubers use to make those “sneaking snacks into class” I think in order to appeal to the newer generation they should make “how to sneak a vape into class” video. Like disguising it as a pencil lead case


upcoming debut+leaks+an NDA??

🫢Long time no see everybody. I’m really glad you guys found my last post so helpful 😅😅😅sadly, because of how widespread leaks are getting…. Its getting harder to sleuth for real information. But I got something FINALLY. I HAVE the crème de la crème of news today. So remember how we all believed that Jameson from Never Give got pneumonia and was on hiatus from the group? Well. Turns out in their latest music video the boys filmed the portion with the gators was actually really hard to get and he [Jameson] almost got completely mauled by one. (much like by their fans at concerts…) So the company [Bright Ideas] sighed an NDA with the wildlife sanctuary that they filmed at preventing them from talking about the incident. Sooo Jameson isn’t sick he was physically hurt. I also heard that to play off the scars he’ll have they’re going to set up a “rock climbing event” where he fell and got bruised. 😬😬😬 All the boys instagram’s have been quiet… except Louis who wished a fast recovery. Anyways. For their nexts shows they’ve actually planned a replacement member named Joseph to replace Jameson as his “brother”… yeah okay.


Checkmate FOOL!

Last week I got called to jury duty and it was actually going pretty well till I realized the guy had the same name as a past chess.com user I’ve lost to. (I keep a log of everyone who uses a full name for a user. LOL) Safe to say somebody’s getting sentenced. ;)


People always tell me things like, “wash your hands!!” “Make sure to properly put your gloves on!!!!!!” “Hey?? Do you KNOW what you’re cutting?” Etc etc. You ever get nagged like that…. I’m not a CHILD anymore. What are you my MOM???????


We all have that day.

We all have that day, right? Well today was mine. They say something along the lines of like don’t let you work become you life but I’m too far in. It’s both hard to be the manager of my local mcdonalds but also my pride and joy. Except for all the employees I’ve had to yell at. And or fire. Or. Other cruel things. Like hazing. Egging their house. Prank calls. Company time has become my personal time. Well. Today I’ve had enough. Today is the last day I’ll ever show up. I’m changing my name and moving states and being a manager no more. I want to be the little guy again



Hey guys! So I’m sure you remember my blog about my Walmart trip. (If not just scroll down pls :P) anyways. In that post I left an ominous comment. Well, I’ve proven my case. Worker Mark at walmart has been wiped off the face of the planet. After making it my mission to destroy his life to the degree he did mine I got to work. I found him on facebook. I found his family. I found his family’s family. I didn’t stop there, I went to linkedin and found his profile. I called everyplace he had previously worked just in case. Finally I made various comments rating his poor service as experiences I had “remembered”. Lastly I called up walmart directly to file a complaint. Funnily enough after this incident I could no longer find any activity of him online. I hope you enjoyed what you did, mark.


Getting my degree

Hi guys I actually forgot to tell you but I DID graduate. Yup. Me I did. Anyways. I got my degree in the mail. Um. But you see. Its been quite rainy yknow. Like TONE it DOWN!!!! Anyways. My degree is totally soaked. Like it’ll probably crumble at the touch ok. So now I just look like a total phoney??????? And LISTEN I spent a lot of time taking the wizard 101 class on magictheory.com so I’d wish not to redo the process. I mean. I was suppose to be a total qualified spell caster by now?? And NOW because of some stupid flash flood I’m set back a rank???? Whatever. I’ll always stand by that every company needs to start packing things like a k-pop photo card.

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