
screams into infinity

@skiel-infinity / skiel-infinity.tumblr.com

20+//AuDHD Multifandom Blog (mostly Yugioh rn) OCs are my life, show me your OCs I am Lucciano irl

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Combine into one! Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity!

—My name is Sky! Skiel is also acceptable! they/she/he pronouns, preference between them very subject to change. This is my little variety blog where I get to post most of my unhinged stuff. It's very reblog-heavy, and also fandom heavy. Huge robot enthusiast, and Yliaster's biggest apologist.

—This blog is mostly Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds related, but my other fandoms include Pokemon and Transformers. I also draw and post a LOT of OC things. This is a OC x Canon appreciation space. I can and do RP, but only over Discord. I will only add mutuals on my Discord, where I am the most active. No DNI criteria per se, I'm very difficult to phase and I am more likely to scroll past, block, and ignore than waste my energy in petty trifles.

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-> # skiel.txt basic rambles tag -> # iliasterposting my rambles/posts about yliaster <3 -> # hazel faulkner tag for my main OC, Hazel Faulkner. She has various AUs and is placed in my every fandom, so you'll be seeing her a lot in here. -> # fusion twins Tag for Yuri of ARC V and Hazel, whom I've made into siblings -> # akashicshipping OC x Canon tag for my main ship with Hazel and Paradox -> # requiemshipping OC x Canon tag for Hazel x Placido, a ship with my best friend

/ / ❝ Fate is a cruel irony. . . ❞

the US education system isn't even that bad. many countries have objectively worse-funded education systems, but don't display the same belligerent idiocy as them. the fundamental issue is that USAmericans have no real reason to care about the rest of the world, as it will never meaningfully affect their lives unless they decide to go on vacation or take part in an invasion. their lack of intellectual curiosity is because the rest of the world never really registers as a real place.

love the notes on this. 'oh actually our education system is really underfunded' that's very unique of you. no other country is like that. i know people who are not legally allowed to attend higher education because of their gender who demonstrate more intellectual curiosity about the world than you. 'actually we're all struggling and just trying to survive so theres no time to care about the world' no you're right the USA is the poorest country on earth after all. would sort of break the argument if people from much more impoverished countries showed significantly more interest in learning about the outside world than usamericans do. almost like people everywhere suffer from lack of access to education but the imperial core uniquely generates people who have no material reason to care, specifically because of their privilege even in poverty. 'um actually most of us can't afford a vacation overseas' so, again, since you're not going to be invaded, and your government isn't at the international financial gunpoint of a foreign empire, you will literally never be affected by other countries.

you tell a usamerican that the people they bomb, invade, coup, and sanction have it worse than they do and they start sobbing and crying about how they're actually the least privileged people on the planet, because they don't have [social welfare that western europe has] because, again, they don't see the rest of the world, outside the west, as a real place.

addendum for all the yanks suffering from brain fungus in my notes: no, your education system is not uniquely propagandistic, either. every capitalist country has its education warped to support the ideology of its ruling class. similarly, and, even more insane of a claim to make, the US's unique lack of intellectual curiosity is not due to inadequate mental healthcare. the idea that the rest of the world are all just getting amazing therapy is absurd, 42% of Palestinian children suffer from moderate or acute PTSD.

both of these claims reinforce what I already said, that usamericans literally do not see the rest of the world as being real, and self-victimise because they compare themselves exclusively with other western, imperial core countries like the EU. the only way these claims make sense is if they see 'the rest of the world' as Germany and Sweden, and see the entire global south as a vague rhetorical construct that can be disregarded (through casual, joking reference to the incredible levels of imperial oppression of the African continent).

having not actually read the post at all, and instead jumped into defensively yelling about 'oppression olympics', this likely won't reach any of them, but still.


need a full body massage a margarita 400mg of ibuprofen a plate of brownies at least an hour in a jacuzzi and 20,000 dollars cash


reblog to give a mutual a full body massage a margarita 400mg of ibuprofen a plate of brownies at least an hour in a jacuzzi and 20,000 dollars in cash


can we like…get rid of the so-called leather and rubber “pride flags” ? it’s honestly ridiculous and offensive to the lgbtq community. those aren’t pride flags. 

The leather pride flag is the second oldest pride flag. It has been at almost every single US pride parade and protest in history.

It’s older then you are, it’s older then I am. The leather community is responsible for pride. Leather daddies were the ones chasing away cops when they tried to arrest us for being queer in public back when Pride Parades were illegal in the US. They are still the ones chasing away cops and corporations from smaller pride events and those that aren’t sanctioned by Wells Fargo. The leather community is essential to the queer community and has a long and rich history.

Please fuck off if you’re not going to learn the actual history of pride.

And don’t fucking out your hate in our tags, asshole.

The leather pride flag represents an expression of self which is inherently queer, and a community which has been around for generations. It is not offensive to the LGBT+ community in any way. I have seen cis gay and bisexual men standing shoulder-to-shoulder with trans men, all of them united by their leather community roots. The leather community is more diverse and nuanced than you perhaps know, but that is no reason for you to shit on a community you don’t understand.

Here is a photograph from 1998, displaying the leather pride flag, the bear gay pride flag, and the rainbow flag. This is our history.

Here is a photograph from 1987: three queer women entering into the Ms. National Leather Association Contest, or simply gathering as spectators.

A flyer from 1989, rallying the leather community to march in a Stonewall anniversary protest.

A photograph from 1988: Tony Deblase, the creator of the leather pride flag, and a gay man, embracing a fellow member of the leather community. Over his shoulder is Judy Tallwing McCarthy, a Native American woman who was part of the leather community from 1959. She co-founded the first lesbian BDSM group in Portland, along with her partner, Sashie Hyatt.

Just because you don’t know the history, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Be humble, and always assume you have more to learn. Hatred, and outright dismissal of communities you know nothing about, is the most aggressively anti-LGBT thing I can imagine.

The leather community has always included trans people, lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. The leather community is global and nuanced. The leather community is where many of us encounter our found families, and our lovers. For you to dismiss that is cold-hearted and ignorant. Just because queer sex is involved, doesn’t make the community dirty or bad.

Do you have any. Any idea. Any god damn clue. How kink intersects with LGBT and queer community. Queer history. Do you know why the community pushed for, and against, closing the bathhouses during the 80s? Do you know who organized awareness campaigns about HIV, even way back when it was still called GIRD. Do you know who created the safe sex pamphlets, the classes, who pushed for disclosing your health history to partners, who distributed contraceptives and condoms and dental dams at parties and meetings and baths? Do you even know where the safe sex education we have now comes from? Do you know where a bulk of the language about consent came from? Do you have any good god damn idea what the kink communities have done for us, and continue to do for us?

Keep their names out of your mouths because you clearly don’t know what the hell you’re talking about

If there is one thing I could say to young queer folks, especially young queer folks in the U.S. who are coming of age in a world that is more accepting than the one I knew growing up, it’s this:

Don’t be so quick to sanitize your queerness and make it corporate pride daytime TV-friendly. Don’t be so quick to jump on the purity bandwagon. Don’t be so quick to speak on what your community should look like before you’ve actually learned the history of your community, and always be aware that there are things you probably don’t yet know.

These things will not protect you. They never have. And all you’re doing is isolating yourself from community, from support, from the strength we all have when we stand together in a world that would gladly pick us off one by one.

Queerness isn’t as hidden or embattled now (in some places) as it once was, but make no mistake: when our existence was illegal everywhere the people you have this knee-jerk “hide the weirdos” reaction to are the very ones who would’ve had your back against the cops and the gay-bashers.

The people who made me feel safe to come out in my 20s flew the rubber and leather flags alongside the rainbow flag and often the trans flag as well. You don’t get to tell any of them they don’t belong anymore just because you don’t understand.


Rip this from my cold, dead hands


las vegas is a special kind of horrifying compared to the rest of the southwest because you get three different flavors of horror all together. there’s the strip, obviously, the hypnosis of the casinos. you know they intentionally don’t put clocks in casinos? and they put mirrors wherever they can? they’re trying to disorient you so you stay inside. they’re trying to trap you. and the casinos are different but they’re all the same underneath, slots and shows and roulette wheels, the same bones in different bodies. but then you get outside the strip and you’re in the suburbs. it’s flat. barely anything outside the strip is more than two, maybe three storeys. everything is in a strip mall. the houses are identical wherever you go. even the schools - there are two major architectural blueprints for high schools in las vegas. if you’ve been inside one school you can navigate them all. it’s all the same and it’s all normal, in defiance of the neon of the strip. (you can see the beacon from the luxor from anywhere in the city, you can always find your way to the strip, but- is that better, than being somewhere that you know? somewhere that’s the same wherever you go?) and then of course if you step too far outside you’re in the desert. much further and you’re in the mountains. the suburbs are creeping out further and further, taking over, but there will always be desert. summer will always be 120 degrees. there will always be heat and scorpions on the edges and no matter how far you push out you will not be able to build on the mountains. no matter how hard you try the desert will find you. and none of these things are mutually exclusive, not as much as you think. there are slot machines in grocery stores. there are houses behind casinos. there is undeveloped desert in the center of everything, reminding you that the desert was not built to hold you, the desert was not built for this, you should not be here. you shouldn’t be here.

this one’s going around again so i wanna shout out the person who correctly determined what part of vegas i lived in based on minor details in this post


surprise! it's a sudoku puzzle

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not anymore


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