

@voidcrawlers / voidcrawlers.tumblr.com

James (Onyx) / 18 / SASSY SCENE :D
Anonymous asked:

I hate people using their disability or mental illness as an excuse to be unapologetic pieces of shit to people. You are responsible for your actions- this is coming from someone with serve BPD.

You make it look like a fun joke when it’s not. The people who have issues and bust their ass to manage it don’t want to be defined by their disability and take accountability. Nobody has to cater to you, nobody has to deal with your shit. Make an effort to better yourself because you absolutely can with the effort.

Hope this doesn’t come across as bitchy as that’s not my intentions. I truly want everyone to have a good time but also to be fair to one another. I also don’t want to discourage anyone who may recently have an episode- it does happen but I promise you’ll feel way better taking responsibility and making things right <3

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